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Do Pak textbooks build a hate culture against India?

I guess the author must be referring to the sigh of relief he had while he crossed over into a land free of diabolical caste system and associated hatred , a land which did not experience any such social apartheid (Pakistan).

He is also right on account of twisting history, Hinduvta mendacity of past glory is a delusional world where these megalomaniacs want to return, twisting of history used as raison detre indeed............... by hindu fascists.

Either this guy (the author) is a hypocrite or the poster of this article is hypocrite because the author talks about Pakistan, Bangladesh and India using the text book to reinforce national philosophy but nowhere in the complete article he mentions a single sentence about how india is using its text books to corrupt the young minds with Hinduvta ideology and imaginary glory it attained with the help of mythical stories.
If Pakistan and bharat both are manipulating the text books then i dont see any reason for this sanctimonious attitude by the author whereby he only spreads spleen against Pakistan and conveniently forgets to mention any example from hindustani text books.
His canard is exposed also from the fact that he thinks that Gibraltar is not mentioned in text books........... oh come on, all my elementary, secondary and college education is from Pakistan and my knowledge about this particular event is based on text books and reinforced by my own study of indian and Pakistani versions................. another canard exposed/// :lol:

I wonder how this brainless guy has come to criticize Pakistani text books while he himself is either unaware of the realities or has the gall to spread his mendacity despite knowing it to be as such ( i believe latter to be the case ). Which news paper he is talking about??????? what is its circulation??????? there are thousands of news papers in hidustan and there are millions of hindustani who only talk through the back of their head in those news paper, so does that allow one to make such an absurd generalization.........shameless hogwash indeed....... No mainstream news paper will be blind indeed to link kargil with 71.

Coming to the second point...... while it is true that main reason was the bengali sentiment, is it wrong to tell our future generations that it was the invading Hindu Rashtra army which played the main role in eventual fall??????????? Should we tell our youth that instead of being an agressor who had made elaborate plan to arm and equip mukti bahini for civil war in bengal, hindustan was the delieverer of freedom for Pakistanis??????????? Should we not tell them that Indira( a classic case of as you sow so shall you reap) boasted that she had drowned two nation theory in bay of bengal in 71??????????????? (although 71 war and its outcome have only served to accentuate and reinforce two nation theory in shape of muslim Bangladesh). Should we not tell our younger generation about the machinations of the hindus who were there in bengal????????? For your information, Pakistani text books give far balanced account of 71 war than what i can see from your knowledge or of the author based mainly on the twisted text books of india teaching twisted myths...................................

I can go on and on............................. to expose the falsehood propagated by the imbecile but would stop here because i dont want to waste my time. If anyone wants he can quote any excerpt from the article to which a discussion can then be developed. Overall a pathetic choice of an article to post on this forum............ :crazy:

Prodigy .. keep up the work .. You are exposing them correctly, but just look at the issue 12 to 13 pages & these guys will not even whine at making one excuse after another to hide the truth of their brutality & double standards ! & still have the nerve to call us bad !
Link: Project: Summary of Findings: Publics of Asian Powers Hold Negative Views of One Another[/url]
At least one survey by Pew also indicates that Pakistani opinion towards India is more favorable than Indian opinion towards Pakistan.

It clearly mentions - Pakistani's favorable of India - 23%
unfavorable - 67%
Indians favorable of Pak - 33%
un-fav 50%
Did you read it inversely(or did i? :P)
Otherwise also,i suggest you goto facebook and checkout the number of anti-India groups made by Pakis,and then compare them to anti-Pak made by Indians.You will find the ratio to be 10:1.

Not a single piece of evidence has been provided in support of the hypothesis you and some others are pushing.

To my Pakistani friends who have expressed doubts and denials about xenophobic contents of Pakistani textbooks, I would ask them to read their own historian K.K.Aziz's work 'Murder of History' as well as A.H.Nayyar and Ahmad Salim's 'The Subtle Subversion: The State of Curricula and Textbooks in Pakistan'.You might as well read the latter in the link provided below,could probably count it as "evidence in ones face" as one of my Pakistani friend put it.Here-

I cant post the link rite now,because of my new member limitations.Any other way?Should i place xxx in place of www and also replace http?

Since it is an e-book of more than 150 pages i suggest you go and read pages- 27,35,36(has names of all such books)-40.
Please continue reading afterwards as much as you want.
It clearly mentions - Pakistani's favorable of India - 23%
unfavorable - 67%
Indians favorable of Pak - 33%
un-fav 50%
Did you read it inversely(or did i? :P)
Otherwise also,i suggest you goto facebook and checkout the number of anti-India groups made by Pakis,and then compare them to anti-Pak made by Indians.You will find the ratio to be 10:1.

To my Pakistani friends who have expressed doubts and denials about xenophobic contents of Pakistani textbooks, I would ask them to read their own historian K.K.Aziz's work 'Murder of History' as well as A.H.Nayyar and Ahmad Salim's 'The Subtle Subversion: The State of Curricula and Textbooks in Pakistan'.You might as well read the latter in the link provided below,could probably count it as "evidence in ones face" as one of my Pakistani friend put it.Here-

I cant post the link rite now,because of my new member limitations.Any other way?Should i place xxx in place of www and also replace http?

Since it is an e-book of more than 150 pages i suggest you go and read pages- 27,35,36(has names of all such books)-40.
Please continue reading afterwards as much as you want.

Why don't you guys just ever give it up and for once leave the damn thing the way it is instead of spreading ill based information. Now since you have given examples, let me give you one, the fact that you and others like you are sitting on a Pakistani based forum discussing, bashing Pakistan against any Pakistani if ever allowed in the first place to join any Indian forum yet alone bashing is a far fetched thing should make it pretty clear about who hates whom the most. The significant presence of Indians on this forum should be enough to prove that we Pakistanis don't hate Indians the way you hate us.
Now enjoy your Sunday and let others enjoy it too.
Why don't you guys just ever give it up and for once leave the damn thing the way it is instead of spreading ill based information. Now since you have given examples, let me give you one, the fact that you and others like you are sitting on a Pakistani based forum discussing, bashing Pakistan against any Pakistani if ever allowed in the first place to join any Indian forum yet alone bashing is a far fetched thing should make it pretty clear about who hates whom the most. The significant presence of Indians on this forum should be enough to prove that we Pakistanis don't hate Indians the way you hate us.
Now enjoy your Sunday and let others enjoy it too.

Let me tell you,the reason im here discussing on 'your' forum is because i was banned out of Facebook groups by Pakis for posting the above post.So i decided to leave kids and join some adults over here.

Secondly,about Indians bashing Pakis,take a walk in the park brother...just check out the forum topics in "Indian Military"...there are more posts by Pakistanis criticizing Indian military than posts by Indian enthusiasts.Even in "indo-pak relations" there's no dearth of Indo criticizing by Pakis.And most Indians dont like to get criticized for no reason and join in to clear the air.
Im kinda new here,so forgive me if i am wrong.
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To my Pakistani friends who have expressed doubts and denials about xenophobic contents of Pakistani textbooks, I would ask them to read their own historian K.K.Aziz's work 'Murder of History' as well as A.H.Nayyar and Ahmad Salim's 'The Subtle Subversion: The State of Curricula and Textbooks in Pakistan'.You might as well read the latter in the link provided below,could

Yes but you seem to be in denial when we tell you that forget the curricula, we are the outcome of our text curriculum and are not at all having hate towards Indians or minorities.

We are not killing our minorities nor are we raping them, but against this in a secular India such hardship & bloodshed of systematic order is going on.

NOw I am not talking about bombing or suicide bomber, we are talking about group rape, etc .. & mind you there is not daily bombing by Christians in India like being witnessed by Pakistan ..

Secondly,about Indians bashing Pakis,take a walk in the park brother...just check out the forum topics in "Indian Military"...there are more posts by Pakistanis criticizing Indian military than posts by Indian enthusiasts.Even in "indo-pak relations" there's no dearth of Indo criticizing by Pakis.And most Indians dont like to get criticized for no reason and join in to clear the air.
Im kinda new here,so forgive me if i am wrong.

Walk in the park ! Or is reality biting you back .. I think it is because of the embarrassment which you are facing on the cooked up stories of Parliament bombing & Mumbai blast that you are claiming so ... It is due to the pot hole stories of Indian claims that now Pakistani's are taking the challenge of Indians.

However, if you will observer how many Indians keep posting such threads even on Pakistani websites.

I have seen in the last 8 years of web browsing Indians on Fighter Pilot forum, War on Terror forum, Pakistani forums .. who can't miss an opportunity to bash Pakistan or it's culture, never ever accepting that Pakistani was thrust upon extremism from the West to do their killing of USSR.

The Indians never want to sympathisize this fact, except paint a bleak picture of Pakistan and than they have the nerve to call us on a "walk in the park" ! hahaha ... No wonder Kissinger had said "Indians are slippery as a fish" ! 100% true ...
It clearly mentions - Pakistani's favorable of India - 23%
unfavorable - 67%
Indians favorable of Pak - 33%
un-fav 50%
Did you read it inversely(or did i? :P)
Otherwise also,i suggest you goto facebook and checkout the number of anti-India groups made by Pakis,and then compare them to anti-Pak made by Indians.You will find the ratio to be 10:1.
It does not make sense the way you interpreted the numbers when you read the accompanying analysis.

The analysis states that "Both the Chinese and Japanese express generally unfavorable views of Pakistan, while the Chinese tend to feel negatively toward India as well." You can only arrive at that conclusion if the numbers are read top to bottom - otherwise both Japan and China would have higher favorable views towards Pakistan.

Your facebook count means nothing, its a regurgitation of speculative opinion, not empirical or scientific evidence. Someone else could argue that the total number of anti-Pakistan websites created by Indians, denigrating Pakistanis (which you have done repeatedly yourself, with the use of the PAK* slur, betraying your own inherent 'hate' - ironic, for someone accusing Pakistanis of the same) far outnumber anything Pakistanis put up.

To my Pakistani friends who have expressed doubts and denials about xenophobic contents of Pakistani textbooks, I would ask them to read their own historian K.K.Aziz's work 'Murder of History' as well as A.H.Nayyar and Ahmad Salim's 'The Subtle Subversion: The State of Curricula and Textbooks in Pakistan'.You might as well read the latter in the link provided below,could probably count it as "evidence in ones face" as one of my Pakistani friend put it.Here-

I cant post the link rite now,because of my new member limitations.Any other way?Should i place xxx in place of www and also replace http?

Since it is an e-book of more than 150 pages i suggest you go and read pages- 27,35,36(has names of all such books)-40.
Please continue reading afterwards as much as you want.
This is not the question posed by th thread, which has been answered quite clearly to be NO!
"This message has been deleted by AgNoStIc MuSliM. Reason: off topic - don't hijack the thread please."

Huh? I was merely replying to the claim by must7 that "We are not killing our minorities nor are we raping them" which is wholly false. How come he is allowed to make a false claim and no one is allowed to reply to it? Are you moderating or censoring?
"This message has been deleted by AgNoStIc MuSliM. Reason: off topic - don't hijack the thread please."

Huh? I was merely replying to the claim by must7 that "We are not killing our minorities nor are we raping them" which is wholly false. How come he is allowed to make a false claim and no one is allowed to reply to it? Are you moderating or censoring?

Censoring and moderating as we feel appropriate. Problems with minorities happen everywhere. The issue is the scale. Pakistanis as a society are fairly tolerant toward others. I am sure you have the Qadiani masla to bring forth to counter my claim.

Pakistan has had an issue with the curricula that is very narrowly focuses and is at times insensitive to the minorities. However I am a product of army, public and secular schools in Pakistan and I can tell you that I have had Christians, Hindus and Parsis with me and I never saw religion or Islamiat being force-fed to these folks. What I vividly remember was during the Islamiat period, the non-Muslims used to leave the class and attend their own activities.

The biggest problem in my opinion is the rote-learning trash in Pakistan.
"This message has been deleted by AgNoStIc MuSliM. Reason: off topic - don't hijack the thread please."

Huh? I was merely replying to the claim by must7 that "We are not killing our minorities nor are we raping them" which is wholly false. How come he is allowed to make a false claim and no one is allowed to reply to it? Are you moderating or censoring?

You had already made that point previously, when talking about the Ahmediyya community.

Must's comment was not the thrust of his post, rather an aside as part of his counterargument that India does not have any faults, or that somehow cherry picking some anti-Indian posts from one forum is evidence of the 'brainwashed, hateful nature' of Pakistanis.

I deleted your post because we would have started on a tangent that we moved away from after the previous asides about the Ahmediyya community.

Had it been part of a more on-topic response I would not have.

If you search the forum you will find numerous threads with discussions on 'discrimination and injustice in Pakistan', including some dedicated to the Ahmediyya community's status.

Feel free to raise your points there.
1. Problems with minorities happen everywhere. The issue is the scale.

2. Pakistanis as a society are fairly tolerant toward others.

Feel free to prove these two claims at your convenience. Relying on your own personal experience (out of 160 million people) is rather narrow...and probably convenient too :). There is plenty of documented evidence to suggest otherwise.
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I don't care about the article but some of my doubts are here...
I guess the author must be referring to the sigh of relief he had while he crossed over into a land free of diabolical caste system and associated hatred , a land which did not experience any such social apartheid (Pakistan).

He is also right on account of twisting history, Hinduvta mendacity of past glory is a delusional world where these megalomaniacs want to return, twisting of history used as raison detre indeed............... by hindu fascists.

Either this guy (the author) is a hypocrite or the poster of this article is hypocrite because the author talks about Pakistan, Bangladesh and India using the text book to reinforce national philosophy but nowhere in the complete article he mentions a single sentence about how india is using its text books to corrupt the young minds with Hinduvta ideology and imaginary glory it attained with the help of mythical stories.
If Pakistan and bharat both are manipulating the text books then i dont see any reason for this sanctimonious attitude by the author whereby he only spreads spleen against Pakistan and conveniently forgets to mention any example from hindustani text books.
His canard is exposed also from the fact that he thinks that Gibraltar is not mentioned in text books........... oh come on, all my elementary, secondary and college education is from Pakistan and my knowledge about this particular event is based on text books and reinforced by my own study of indian and Pakistani versions................. another canard exposed/// :lol:

I wonder how this brainless guy has come to criticize Pakistani text books while he himself is either unaware of the realities or has the gall to spread his mendacity despite knowing it to be as such ( i believe latter to be the case ). Which news paper he is talking about??????? what is its circulation??????? there are thousands of news papers in hidustan and there are millions of hindustani who only talk through the back of their head in those news paper, so does that allow one to make such an absurd generalization.........shameless hogwash indeed....... No mainstream news paper will be blind indeed to link kargil with 71.

Coming to the second point...... while it is true that main reason was the bengali sentiment, is it wrong to tell our future generations that it was the invading Hindu Rashtra army which played the main role in eventual fall??????????? Should we tell our youth that instead of being an agressor who had made elaborate plan to arm and equip mukti bahini for civil war in bengal, hindustan was the delieverer of freedom for Pakistanis??????????? Should we not tell them that Indira( a classic case of as you sow so shall you reap) boasted that she had drowned two nation theory in bay of bengal in 71??????????????? (although 71 war and its outcome have only served to accentuate and reinforce two nation theory in shape of muslim Bangladesh).

I don't think any class text books in India talk about Hindutva extremism ina positive way. So is Gibraltar is mentioned in Pakistani text books? I thought many Pakistanis think that India started the war of 1965. Is that true? Is Gibraltar not the cause of war in your view? How do you think(the way you were taught) the war started?

Please quote Indira Gandhi with relevant sources about the two nation theory. I seriously doubt it.

Should we not tell our younger generation about the machinations of the hindus who were there in bengal????????? For your information, Pakistani text books give far balanced account of 71 war than what i can see from your knowledge or of the author based mainly on the twisted text books of india teaching twisted myths...................................
I can go on and on............................. to expose the falsehood propagated by the imbecile but would stop here because i dont want to waste my time. If anyone wants he can quote any excerpt from the article to which a discussion can then be developed. Overall a pathetic choice of an article to post on this forum............ :crazy:

What are you taught about Bangladesh's formation? In regard to the Bengali Hindus' contribution... please add more detail. I think there should be no pin point of Hindu efforts because Bengalis irrespective of religion joined mukti bahini. And majority of the leaders of the struggle were Muslims.
I think that is part of paranoia you got against Hindus.

Bangladesh Liberation War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Which of the details in the above page do you think are false?

Don't forget the 1965 war causes...

Actually in the Indian text books I learned from there is very little mention of Pakistan. Also nothing is taught about religion. I did not even find the term Hindutva until high school. The only places where Pakistan hostility comes up is in the place where they discuss wars fought by India. At school level there was no judgement of who caused these wars. Also very few details of what happened in them(except formation of Bangladesh) is explained(In fact nothing significant except this happened :)).
To my Pakistani friends who have expressed doubts and denials about xenophobic contents of Pakistani textbooks, I would ask them to read their own historian K.K.Aziz's work 'Murder of History' as well as A.H.Nayyar and Ahmad Salim's 'The Subtle Subversion: The State of Curricula and Textbooks in Pakistan'.You might as well read the latter in the link provided below,could

Yes but you seem to be in denial when we tell you that forget the curricula, we are the outcome of our text curriculum and are not at all having hate towards Indians or minorities.
I appreciate your attitude. But look at how many people believe in a conspiracy theory as it is floated. It is so easy for them to believe in things like these because they see the present given the past(the past is history taught).

Please point out anything wrong or myths projected in Indian history books(the standard ones).

We are not killing our minorities nor are we raping them, but against this in a secular India such hardship & bloodshed of systematic order is going on.

You don't have so much of minority population to begin with. So possibbility of conflict is less. And nobody is proud of these. THey are taught as bad examples.

NOw I am not talking about bombing or suicide bomber, we are talking about group rape, etc .. & mind you there is not daily bombing by Christians in India like being witnessed by Pakistan ..

Secondly,about Indians bashing Pakis,take a walk in the park brother...just check out the forum topics in "Indian Military"...there are more posts by Pakistanis criticizing Indian military than posts by Indian enthusiasts.Even in "indo-pak relations" there's no dearth of Indo criticizing by Pakis.And most Indians dont like to get criticized for no reason and join in to clear the air.
Im kinda new here,so forgive me if i am wrong.

Walk in the park ! Or is reality biting you back .. I think it is because of the embarrassment which you are facing on the cooked up stories of Parliament bombing & Mumbai blast that you are claiming so ... It is due to the pot hole stories of Indian claims that now Pakistani's are taking the challenge of Indians.

However, if you will observer how many Indians keep posting such threads even on Pakistani websites.

I have seen in the last 8 years of web browsing Indians on Fighter Pilot forum, War on Terror forum, Pakistani forums .. who can't miss an opportunity to bash Pakistan or it's culture, never ever accepting that Pakistani was thrust upon extremism from the West to do their killing of USSR.

The Indians never want to sympathisize this fact, except paint a bleak picture of Pakistan and than they have the nerve to call us on a "walk in the park" ! hahaha ... No wonder Kissinger had said "Indians are slippery as a fish" ! 100% true ...

No Pakistan was not thrust upon extremism. Pakistan had a choice, but not right people to make that choice. Its then leaders chose to follow the trail in hope of longer life of their rule along with a larger sphere of influence and importance. Why should India, in matters of action, sympathesize with the fact when ultimately the fall-uot was bitter for India and when Pakistan continues to live along side those forces? Atleast now Pakistan realised the dangers of the remnants.

You guys love to quote Kissinger. I will tell why.You will like his quotes because he was in power at a time when US wanted Pakistan to win the war. Many people today accept that US's position then as flawed both for US interests and for humanitarian reasons(Read Blood Telegram)
Not that they carry any sense either.
And don't get me started on Nixon.
Let us watch Frost Nixon.:cheers:
Here is a recent article on how Pakistani Text books are fueling hatred towards others in Christian Science Monitor.

The curriculum, critics charge, promotes revisionist views and intolerance. Others say they don't see such imbalance.

By Issam Ahmed | Contributor to The Christian Science Monitor

As Pakistani Air Force jets circled the eastern border city of Lahore last week in a show of strength, journalist Rab Nawaz was despondent. But what occupied him was less the threat of war with India than the things his son had begun saying recently.

"My 7-year-old came home from school one day insisting that Indians are our natural-born enemies, that Muslims are good, and Hindus are evil," the widely traveled journalist recalls. "He asked about the relative strength of our air forces and insisted we would win if it came to war.

"It was only when I asked him whether my Indian friends ... were also bad," he adds, "that he began to realize that things weren't quite so simple."

Public schools, though long neglected, are still responsible for educating the vast majority of schoolchildren. Some 57 percent of boys and 44 percent of girls enroll in primary school, and about 46 percent of boys and 32 percent of girls reach high school.

All public schools must follow the government curriculum – one that critics say is inadequate at best, harmful at worst.

According to Pervez Hoodbhoy, a physics professor at Quaid-e-Azam University in Islamabad, the "Islamizing" of Pakistan's schools began in 1976 under the rule of the former dictator, the general Zia ul-Haq.

An act of parliament that year required all government and private schools (except those teaching the British O-levels from Grade 9) to follow a curriculum that includes learning outcomes for the federally approved Grade 5 social studies class such as: "Acknowledge and identify forces that may be working against Pakistan," "Make speeches on Jihad," "Collect pictures of policemen, soldiers, and national guards," and "India's evil designs against Pakistan."

"It sounds like the blueprint for a religious fascist state," says Professor Hoodbhoy. "You have a country where generations have grown up believing they are surrounded on all sides by enemies, they are the only righteous ones, and the world is out to get them."

It is this siege mentality that led to some of the head-in-the-sand reactions by the Pakistani media and public in the aftermath of Mumbai, he suggests.

"There was a flat denial that it could be Pakistanis," he says. "Anyone suggesting the contrary was labeled an enemy of the state or unpatriotic. When I said on television there are groups in this country dedicated to harming India – the furor ... was quite astonishing."

Amanullah Kariapper, a young software engineer and cofounder of Young Professionals of Lahore, an informal alliance dedicated to human rights causes, agrees.

Mr. Kariapper says he began revising his world views when he went to college, first at the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) and later in Grenoble, France. The process came full circle when he was briefly arrested in November 2007 for protesting former President Pervez Musharraf's declaration of emergency and suspension of civil rights.

General Zia's curriculum was inherited by the successive governments of Benazir Bhutto, Nawaz Sharif, General Musharraf, and now, Asif Ali Zardari.

An Islamist alphabet chart published in this month's Newsline shows Urdu letters accompanied by guns, daggers, and a depiction of planes crashing into the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. The chart is not approved by the government. But it is, the article claims, in use by "by some regular schools as well as madrassahs associated with the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam, an Islamic political party that had allied itself with General Musharraf." The Ministry of Education says there are 1.5 million students in 13,000 madrassahs acquiring a parallel religious education.

Critics also complain about insensitivity toward minorities. A section on Christian festivities in the Federal Ethics textbooks had been removed, according to a Daily Times report from 2006 titled "O Jesus, where art thou?" Hindu and Sikh festivals were mentioned only fleetingly.

In the latest edition of Pakistan Studies for Grades 9-10, approved by the Punjab textbook board, all mention of non-Muslim festivals of Pakistan had been removed. Hindus and Christians make up about 5 percent of the population of more than 170 million.

In 2007, two Pakistani students at Middlebury College, Hamza Usmani and Shujaat Ali Khan, embarked on a review of all state-sanctioned texts in a project called "Enlightened Pakistan."

They enlisted contacts ranging from seniors in high school to teachers. The bulk of their report (Enlightened Pakistan: Home), targets poor teaching in sciences, languages, and math. But in social sciences and history, they found "disturbing" themes like "Pakistan is for Muslims alone," "The world is collectively scheming against Pakistan and Islam," and "Muslims are urged to fight Jihad against the infidels."

The report notes that the textbooks routinely engage in historical revisionism and place questions designed to portray Hinduism as an inherently iniquitous religion: "There is no place for equality in Hinduism. Right/Wrong."

Mr. Usmani says the texts encourage illiberal worldviews and "dumb down" education. "No opposing views are presented, no differing ideas. It makes the population less intelligent," he says.

But Rasul Baksh Rais, a professor at LUMS, argues that every nation has the right to construct its own historical narrative as part of the legitimate process of nation-building. "Perhaps they [the critics] simply don't want us to be on that track at all or they want us be a very confused nation. It's a negative attitude toward Pakistan," he says, adding he has yet to see proof of anti-India or anti-Hindu bias.

"The roots of Pakistani resentment toward India lie in causes such as the conflict in Kashmir and the ongoing oppression of Muslims," says Mr. Rais.

Mr. Usmani says it's a case of how far one goes. "All nations need to support their national fabric. But you have to draw the line somewhere. Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia – these are not examples you want to emulate. This debate is about where to draw that line."

Amir Raza Malik, a Ministry of Education spokesman, declined to comment on previous curriculums, but said the Ministry was preparing an overhaul that would be unveiled in 2010. "If there is any objectionable material, it would certainly be removed," he says.
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