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Do Pak textbooks build a hate culture against India?

The point is, such books write stuff which makes young minds less tolerant towards other countries and religions, which in IMO not a good thing.

Do the indians not teach in there schools that the indian army "liberated"bangladesh from the "brutal" pakistani army..?

Things should be based on fact......fact is the hindus did side with the british.

"makes young minds less tolerant towards other countries and religions" thats funny coming from a indian....how many sikhs,christians,muslims ect have you indian killed during the last 60 years.
Pakistan has never had the full fledged killed of hindus in pakistan as you have in gujrat ect.
The recent example of the christians getting burned to death and the raping of nuns is just the norm n india.
Do the indians not teach in there schools that the indian army "liberated"bangladesh from the "brutal" pakistani army..?

Things should be based on fact......fact is the hindus did side with the british.

"makes young minds less tolerant towards other countries and religions" thats funny coming from a indian....how many sikhs,christians,muslims ect have you indian killed during the last 60 years.
Pakistan has never had the full fledged killed of hindus in pakistan as you have in gujrat ect.
The recent example of the christians getting burned to death and the raping of nuns is just the norm n india.

Yeah yeah, it takes Pakistanis about 3 minutes to pull out Gujarat or Sikhs when confronted with real facts. The reason Pakistan does not have riots against Hindus is because there are NO Hindus left in Pakistan - they were all brutally killed or driven out during the partition. You have been killing Christians though - Christians Attacked with Axes, Guns in Pakistan

Don't start on the Sikh issue again - majority of Sikhs in India never supported the Khalistan movement, in fact the officer in charge of crushing the movement is a Sikh himself.

Hindus did NOT side with British. Hindus and Muslims fought together against the British in 1857. The leader of the nationalist movement was a Hindu and so was the founder of the Congress.
Hmmm interesting, I don't know how Hindus learn intolerance about other religions, I have Indian Muslim friends who been told to many times to go to Pakistan, even though they were born in India just belonging to a different religion.
One does not have to build hate culture. Just publishing truth about indian action on its own population, specially minority will produce rather hateful stare from anyone.
well said captain i will post what indian teaches in there environment
The idea was to castigate the Muslims using terror tactics and blame the militants and Pakistan for direct involvement. But the methodology used was terror against Muslims. Swami, Sadhvi and an Indian army officer who was commanding a unit in Kashmir were involved. It was the army officer who was providing the arsenal to terrorize the helpless Muslims staying in slums of Malegaon. The biggest disclosure was that it all happened because of those who preach Ram Rajjya in India.
But who are these Muslim victims? Aren’t they Indians?
Sordidly speaking it is a chilling reality!
When bomb blasts on the Samjhauta Express, a “friendship” train between Delhi and Lahore, killed 68 people mostly Pakistani passengers on February 17, 2007, many conspiracy theories made rounds at that time.
The Indian authorities even released ‘sketches of suspects’ after Samjhauta Express blasts suggesting Pakistan being the perpetrator for the incident while Indian media and officials were terming it an attempt by ISI.
The reaction was not different from that which had been shown in the past for every bomb blast within few minutes of such incidents without a shred of evidence. Similarly when in 2006 Malegaon town in the Nashik district of the Indian state of Maharashtra, located at some 290 km to the northeast of state capital Mumbai, was rattled by a series of bombings, the blame was being put on groups having links with Pakistan and Bangladesh.
The Maharashtra Police claimed that blasts are the handiwork of Student Islamic Movement of India most of the time linked by India with Lashkar-e-Taiba and ultimately with ISI.
But recently the arrest of 10 people, including a serving Lieutenant Colonel Prashad Srikant Purohit and a Hindu monk and nun for their alleged involvement in bomb explosions that killed six people in the Muslim-dominated town of Malegaon, this year had sent everything upside down.
Ten people, including a self-proclaimed Hindu seer and a serving lieutenant colonel, have so far been arrested for the Sep 29 bombing.
Besides Purohit, the other accused include Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur, Shivnarayan Singh Kalsangram, Shyam Bhawarlal Sahu, Major Ramesh Shivji Upadhyay (retd), Sameer Kulkarni, Rakesh Dattaram Dhavde and Ajay Rahirkar.
The suspicion is now directed towards the extremist Hindu movement Sangh Parivar while entire network is linked to another arrested former major Ramesh Upadhyay who represents the terrorist organisation Abhinav Bharat.
The chilling part of the entire episode is the involvement of accused Lt Col Purohit in bomb attack on the Samjhauta Express to which he confessed.
During investigation Col Purohit has also confessed to training Hindu terrorists for attacking Muslims, besides training them for attacking Samjhauta Express for which he had also supplied them RDX.
He further confessed that it was intended to cause armed conflict between Pakistan and India so that anti-Muslim passions could be nurtured in India, leading to violence.
The Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) claimed that Purohit supplied RDX to one “Bhagwan” for Samjhauta Express blast.
Public prosecutor Ajay Misar said Abhinav Bharat’s treasurer Ajay Rahirkar had handed Rs2.5 lakh to Lt Col P S Purohit.
Mahant Amritanand Dev alias Dayanand Pandey, the self-styled pontiff who was arrested from Kanpur has revealed that it was under his instructions that Lt. Colonel Shrikant Purohit procured RDX from an army depot that was used in the Malegaon blast.
According to reports Pandey was present in all the pre-blast meetings in Bhopal, Jabalpur and Faridabad, monitored operations meticulously and was also responsible for arranging the finances that came in through illegal channels.
It is believed that Pandey, a dropout from the National Defence Academy, was in touch with two other accused who are on the run - Ramji Kalsangara, who allegedly planted the motorcycle owned by the Hindu ascetic Pragya Singh Thakur in Malegaon, and Sameer Dange.
The suspects are also questioned for May 2007 blast at Mecca Masjid in Hyderabad and the April 2006 twin blasts at New Delhi`s Jama Masjid.
In the Mecca Masjid blasts as many as 14 people were killed and over 50 injured. The case was investigated by the city police special wing and was later handed over to the Central Bureau of Investigation which could not come to any conclusion.
Investigations into the Samjhauta Express explosion and the Jama Masjid blast also failed to make headway and police could not across on any tangible leads.
Police have already established a strong link between Pandey and some of the suspects in the Kanpur blast case through surveillance. On Aug 24, two members of the right-wing Bajrang Dal were killed there while assembling bombs.
After the arrest of Panday police is expecting to get some breaking clues in the 2006 Nanded blasts in Maharashtra as well.
The arrests have reinforced growing suspicions over the last few years of a potential threat from Hindu extremists.
Infiltration of Hindu Taliban in Army ?

Interrogation of Major (retd.) Ramesh Upadhyay revealed that the Bhonsla Military School in Nashik was used as a training ground by the conspirators. The school has denied its involvement in the blast but it is under the scanner for allowing Bajrang Dal activists to hold training sessions in the use of arms and martial arts.
The school’s links to the RSS is an open secret as it was founded by B.S. Moonje, who was Savarkar’s close friend and who assisted in creating the RSS.
The arrest of the serving army officers and former officers’ link to the recent terror activities has led to a worrying aspect among the Indians that these revelations show how deep the infiltration of fundamentalist ideas into Indian army is.
The critics believe that the constant indoctrination of Hindutva ideology over decades by the VHP, the RSS, the Bajrang Dal and the BJP has resulted in this kind of violence.
Besides they are infiltrated into crucial areas like police force, army and the education departments.
Ram Punyani, secretary of the All India Secular Forum and a human rights activist, said that the deep and widespread ideological indoctrination began years ago but was propagated thoroughly during the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) regime.
It placed its members in the bureaucracy, particularly in the education department, and in the cultural arena, he said. “RSS people who once headed a department may have retired, but they have ensured that the damage continues, as they would have hired a number of like-minded people. So you can imagine how deep the penetration is. It will take generations to root this out,” said Punyani.
It is a well known fact that once George Fernandes had asked the army chief, the Air Marshal, and the Admiral to report the Kargil war to MPs. When the three went to the place it was the party office of BJP.
That is how the Saffron Brigade interferes in the affairs of the armed forces, directly.
The involvement of serving lieutenant colonel of the Indian army in blasts and supplying 60 kg of RDX for terrorism further casts a shadow over position of the army.
In the past BJP has been offering tickets to the former army officers, (many of them are former generals) for contesting elections for Lok Sabha on behalf of the party and to an extent it has been successful in wooing them.
One such retiree is the chief minister of Uttarakhand B C Khanduria retired Major General. Another retired officer Sabyasachi Bagchi who is member of BJP proudly says that RSS develops the character of the young people.
SS Raikar of Bhonsla military school is also a retired person from the army. He allowed the school premises for terror, hatching conspiracy as well as arms training and providing accommodation.
The former governor of Jammu and Kashmir Lt General (Rtd) S K Sinha has allegedly allowed Dyanand Padey to stay in the official residence.
Daynand Pandey was hosted by him in Raj Bhawan and the two had held a meeting in a famous temple in Kashmir.

RDX and Army connection: (Chilling clues)

Lt Col P S Purohit who provided RDX for Samjhota Train blasts and also being interrogated for other bomb blasts in India.
On September two, 2006, Indian police in Ahmednagar seized about 195 kg of cocktail of explosives that included RDX from a local scrap dealer Shankar Shelke which was procured by him from Army Ordnance decommissioned as scrap.
A mobile phone from which he had made over 150 calls was also recovered and during investigation it was found that he had got a cellular connection on a fake name.
However, before police could arrest him, Shelke allegedly committed suicide and his employee could not provide any detail about Shelke and the case was closed as a suicide with no further investigation.
Now the investigations about how RDX was pilfered to some right wing groups allegedly responsible for Malegaon explosions led to this forgotten case of suicide of Shankar Shelk.
Some leads are now emerging that the deadly RDX could have been pilfered during such decommissioning of scrap from the Army.
In the past the law enforcing agencies of India have failed to find out the origin of such explosive used in different blasts, specially in Maharashtra where Bajrang Dal had been imparting explosive and arms training to its activists.
Where money for Hindutva terror comes from????
ATS said that the money was generally collected by a self-styled religious leader hailing from Gujarat.
According to reports the probe into links of Hindu outfits, accused of terrorism, with Army men brought a few business houses under the scanner of Maharashtra`s ATS and Central Security agencies investigating the
finances of the group allegedly responsible for Malegaon blast.
Sources attached with the probe said that a religious leader from Southern Gujarat was one of those who collected funds from the business houses.
According to some other reports foreign funds were used in Malegaon attack.
But is also to be seen what is the source of these funds and how these funds end up in India, who are the end users?
Reportedly huge amounts of money collected in the US go into the accounts of VHP and other conglomerates of RSS. Sonal Shah and her father Ramesh have been in the core group of VHPA [America] and have been instrumental in sending fund under the name of Eklavya Vidyalaya for backward tribals.
It is also believed that finds collected from abroad by saffron brigade was used in the recent-anti Christian riots in Kanthamal of Orissa and other parts of India and in 2002 against the Muslims of Gujarat. The backward community of Charras was roped in by the RSS to wreak vengeance on the Muslims by slaughtering them. This confession is caught on camera.
There is no audit of this fund collected by saffron from US and western countries.
BJP lacks moral fiber, indulges in double talk.
The BJP connection:
With the surfacing of this connection between Army personnel, BJP and terror now the party is also under scanner. Sensing the gravity of the matter and possible questioning in connection with the Malegaon bombings, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Yogi Adityanath refused to assist in the investigations.
"I dare the police to arrest me and I will offer no help in their probe," he added.
The BJP and its allied Hindu extremist groups are also questioning the investigation and blamed that it was an attempt to malign these groups besides they also announced to defend Pragya Singh (Sadhvi) who has confessed her role in the bombing, and provide her legal help.
BJP Initially denied any association with Pragya Singh but later supported her.
Maharashtra Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh also accused that those parties that once sought lethal POTA (Prevention of Terrorism Act) charges framed against suspects from minority communities were now asking the government to go easy on the Hindu right-wing extremists.
The probe after arrest of Sadhvi and Col Purohit led to Adityanath, the successor of Mahant Avaidyanath of the Gorakhpur Temple Trust, who is believed to be responsible for the BJP`s foothold in eastern Uttar Pradesh and also known for his Hindu awakening rallies.
He justified the attack on churches in Orissa following the killing of a Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) leader. "The Hindu reaction (after the killing of the priest) is justified and it is high time that the Hindus should pick up weapons just like our gods and goddesses adorn weapons," had said.
Adityanath has been active in reconverting other religious groups, particularly the low-caste converts to Christianity, back into the Hindu fold. In 2005, a large group of 1,800 people were converted in the town of Etah.

Pragya Singh (Sadhvi) who confesses her role in bombing.

BJP’s Pakistan Phobia:
With emergence of Hindu terrorism, BJP which usually is not much fond of good relations with Pakistan, on November 19 said that Indian police probe into an army officer’s alleged role in the Samjhauta Express blasts among other terror attacks could harm talks with Pakistan.
BJP spokesman Ravi Shanker Prasad was quoted by Indian media as saying “The juvenile investigations would encourage jihadi elements in Pakistan and would have an effect on the talks between the two countries which are due in the last week of this month.”
“There is a risk of Pakistan seeking a review of all the terrorist attacks in which India had alleged a Pakistani hand”, he said adding “The morale of the Indian Army should be protected at all costs.”
“The ATS theory would give Pakistan an opportunity to prove that India is involved in sponsoring anti-Pakistan campaign on terror,” Mr Prasad said.
Reaction of Hindu religious leaders:
Now Hindu religious leaders are uniting and some of them met in Panipat on Sunday November 16th to form a Dharam Sangrakshan Samiti to defend the blast accused from the allegations leveled by the Maharashtra
Anti-Terrorism Squad. In Panipat, the Sangh Parivar demonstrated its united resolve to fight for those accused of terrorism. The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) now plans to hold a massive rally of religious leaders on November 26 to demonstrate their support for the blast accused.
Reaction of the Hinduvta leaders (Excerpts)
There was a National debate in India as regards the new lights being thrown on the subject on Hindu terror being spread in India. This is the summary of the same.
When Hindu leaders are accused of killing innocent people and indulging in terror acts isn`t it time to do aatmachintan (introspection) just as they want the Muslin leaders to do when Muslim youths are accused of being involved in terror acts. Govindacharya (RSS) set the ball rolling by claiming that the government has been ignoring the Hindus and such terror acts only reflect the frustration in the society.
"Hindu Samaj has definitely done the aatmachintan and this kind of emotional outbursts are the result of such aatmachintan. There are two reasons: First when Hindu samaj (society) feels that there is no government that takes care of their interests and feelings then such outburst are a natural consequence though undesirable.
Similarly when the legitimate established organisations espousing the cause of Hindu society apply double standards to their own convictions and they are not honest about their concern of large section of Hindu society, then definitely the Hindus do the aatmachintan and the result is mushrooming of such outfits," Govindacharya said.
BJP President Rajnath Singh said that Hindu saints were being maligned and VHP`s Praveen Togadia says a Hindu can never be a terrorist, so isn`t it the same politics as what BJP accuses the Muslim politicians of.
“Gandhiji also said ‘politics without religious values is of no use to me`. He meant the Dharma. Dharma needs to be in politics otherwise it will become immoral” Singh argued.
Dipankar Gupta argued that BJP can never ever rid itself of its Hindutva agenda. "When you come down to the wire, the defining characteristic of the BJP is Hindutva. It can occasionally take on other issues as well like economic regeneration but everybody is talking about that. So what`s different about the BJP? The difference is Hindutva. So when push comes to shove, its Hindutva colours come out.

In a nutshell it is all chaos and confusion in India where bombs are being exploded anywhere and everywhere. The people are dying and the worst thing is that a bomb explosion does not see who is dying. He could be a Hindu or a Muslim. But then there are leaders who come in to make fast buck and get the political milieu. Politics could not have been so dirty but in India it has become. It is simply politics over the blood of the poor and the innocent i.e. children of lesser Gods.
Indian analysts are now worried about Hindu terrorism. Some of it has been on display for a long time against the Muslim community. Some of it is recent, targeting Christian missionaries and Christian converts. Because of the rise of Hindu fundamentalism in the 1980s, or a revival of old Hindu supremacist thinkers like Savarkar, who was behind the killing of Gandhi, India is now open to terrorism that is lashing out at the state.
It is high time India should take lead from the situation in her neighboring country where fundamentalists are on the rampage and blowing innocents into pieces.
Before it is too late to rootout Hindu Talibanization from Indian society, which is growing fast as Machiavelli said “By being on the spot one sees trouble at its birth and one can quickly remedy it; not being there one hears about it after it has grown and there is no longer any remedy.”
this if the indian truth
Elements in all communities have issues, what happened in Gujarat was bad but that doesn't justify something else which is bad. But here we are discussing something more serious State doing a propoganda in textbooks. I challenge all the people on this forum to find something in any of the state Indian textbook which is against any religion or any country. Before you start other anti-India propaganda get the facts.
Pak textbooks build hate culture against India

27 Dec 2008, 0239 hrs IST, ARIF MOHAMMED KHAN

The empowerment of terror in Pakistan has not happened overnight. This is the logical culmination of the politics and policies pursued by Pakistan for years now.

Terrorism in Pakistan has its roots in the culture of hate and the ethos of inequality on the ground of religious faith, leading to their being deeply ingrained in the Pakistani psyche and mindset.

One factor that has played a crucial role in creating this culture of hate is the educational policy of the government of Pakistan pursued since 1977. The officially prescribed textbooks, especially for school students, are full of references that promote hate against India in general, and Hindus in particular.

A cursory glance at Pakistani school textbooks - especially the compulsory subjects like Pakistan studies and social studies - gives an idea of how history has been distorted and a garbled version prescribed to build this mindset and attitude.

The objective of Pakistan's education policy has been defined thus in the preface to a Class 6 book: "Social studies have been given special importance in educational policy so that Pakistan's basic ideology assumes the shape of a way of life, its practical enforcement is assured, the concept of social uniformity adopts a practical form and the whole personality of the individual is developed." This statement leaves no doubt that "social uniformity", not national unity, is a part of Pakistan's basic ideology.

The Class 5 book has this original discovery about Hindu help to bring British rule to India: "The British had the objective to take over India and to achieve this, they made Hindus join them and Hindus were very glad to side with the British. After capturing the subcontinent, the British began on the one hand the loot of all things produced in this area, and on the other, in conjunction with Hindus, to greatly suppress the Muslims."

The Std VIII book says, "Their (Muslim saints) teachings dispelled many superstitions of the Hindus and reformed their bad practices. Thereby Hindu religion of the olden times came to an end."

On Indo-Pak wars, the books give detailed descriptions and openly eulogize ‘jihad' and ‘shahadat' and urge students to become ‘mujahids' and martyrs and leave no room for future friendship and cordial relations with India.

According to a Class 5 book, "In 1965, the Pakistani army conquered several areas of India, and when India was on the point of being defeated, she requested the United Nations to arrange a ceasefire. After 1965, India, with the help of Hindus living in East Pakistan, instigated the people living there against the people of West Pakistan, and finally invaded East Pakistan in December 1971. The conspiracy resulted in the separation of East Pakistan from us. All of us should receive military training and be prepared to fight the enemy."

The book prescribed for higher secondary students makes no mention of the uprising in East Pakistan in 1971 or the surrender by more than 90,000 Pakistani soldiers. Instead, it claims, "In the 1971 India-Pakistan war, the Pakistan armed forces created new records of bravery and the Indian forces were defeated everywhere."

The students of Class 3 are taught that "Muhammad Ali (Jinnah) felt that Hindus wanted to make Muslims their slaves and since he hated slavery, he left the Congress". At another place it says, "The Congress was actually a party of Hindus. Muslims felt that after getting freedom, Hindus would make them their slaves."

And this great historic discovery is taught to Std V students, "Previously, India was part of Pakistan."

Commenting on this literature that spreads hate, leading Pakistani educationist Tariq Rahman wrote, "It is a fact that the textbooks cannot mention Hindus without calling them cunning, scheming, deceptive or something equally insulting. Students are taught and made to believe that Pakistan needs strong and aggressive policies against India or else Pakistan will be annihilated by it."

The tradition of spreading hatred is best practised by the so-called champions of human rights and their friends like India and India's goons in countries like Bangladesh. In Bangladesh the friends of India, of course, with the blessings from their mother India, do not hesitate to tell whomever they can how Bangladeshi women were raped by the Pakistani army even now after thirty seven years. Of course, most of the stories are concocted but still they keep on telling the stories and is it too difficult to comprehend why these hatemongers do so ? The answer is simple, to villify Pakistan in Bangladesh. Now when the same technique is used against these bastards they cry foul. Now there's a saying that those who live in glass houses should not throw stones at others, perhaps our Indian counterparts should heed the proverb and live accordingly.
The tradition of spreading hatred is best practised by the so-called champions of human rights and their friends like India and India's goons in countries like Bangladesh. In Bangladesh the friends of India, of course, with the blessings from their mother India, do not hesitate to tell whomever they can how Bangladeshi women were raped by the Pakistani army even now after thirty seven years. Of course, most of the stories are concocted but still they keep on telling the stories and is it too difficult to comprehend why these hatemongers do so ? The answer is simple, to villify Pakistan in Bangladesh. Now when the same technique is used against these bastards they cry foul. Now there's a saying that those who live in glass houses should not throw stones at others, perhaps our Indian counterparts should heed the proverb and live accordingly.


Please take a note.

if any pakistani just see indain news channels for few minuts he think india is our enemy.a 5 years old kid in pakistan if see how your FM talking before few days he hate india.

i just say indian mediea indian films indian politations promote hate culuter in pakistan against india.

Please take a note.


Wow, 18 posts and you're already expecting everyone to take care of your little sentiments. I believe the recent rise in Indian members on this forum has purely been due to the reason that IDF got hacked. Was the environment on those boards within the realms of sanity? If you think we're "Aggressive", you're more than welcome to leave.

The moderators around here aren't sitting around doing nothing. If you have a problem with a post, simply report it using the "REPORT" button just like how the rest of us do.
Elements in all communities have issues, what happened in Gujarat was bad but that doesn't justify something else which is bad. But here we are discussing something more serious State doing a propoganda in textbooks. I challenge all the people on this forum to find something in any of the state Indian textbook which is against any religion or any country. Before you start other anti-India propaganda get the facts.

Do tell us what the indian state did against the hindu terrroist in gujrat
This is copy and paste from the history link from defence.pk
1971 War
The 1971 War was a strange war! The Indians won great glory but failed to strategically solve their military problems! They overran East Pakistan creating a new state of Bangladesh but merely reduced Pakistan’s defence problems and increased their own problems by creating a new state which became more hostile to India and is far more difficult to militarily to deal with than the old East Pakistan!
The Indians, and an authority no less eminent than their 1971 GOC Western Command General Candeth have admitted that had the Pakistanis started a pre-emptive war in October 1971 all their plans to attack East Pakistan would have been thrown to the winds!7 But strategic insight had not been inculcated yet in the Pakistan Army! The Pakistanis waited and allowed the Indians to attack them in December 1971.
Much has been said about a Pakistani counter offensive in December 1971 to save East Pakistan. At this stage the Indian 1 Corps was in position and the Pakistani Higher Command like K.K Singh on 8th September to gamble their last card! There was a reason for this inaction. One that the cost was too heavy and the second that armour higher commanders (the CGS Gul Hassan and GOC 1st Armoured Division) as Yahya Khan asserts had lost the will to launch an attack.
Two cases of operational brilliance and one case of a Gadgor type tactical heroic stand out in 1971. These are the cases of the Pakistani 23 Division offensive in Chamb, the Indian defence of Poonch and the Barapind-Jarpal Battle. In Chamb Pakistan’s General Eftikhar successfully fought a divisional battle in which he deliberately manoeuvred a force of two plus tank regiments inflicting a severe mauling on the Indians forcing them to abandon Chamb. Eftikhar was firmly in control at all stages. When his initial tank thrust was checked at Maandiala he did not sink into inertia or indecision like K.K Singh at Gadgor or Pakistan’s Naseer at Khem Karan! Nor did Eftikhar tell his armoured brigade commander to “Do Something”! Eftikhar did not abdicate the conduct of operational strategy to any tank regiment of tank brigade commander! He resolutely regrouped his command and launched another attack from the south emerging victorious! The second case was the Indian stand at Poonch. The Pakistanis conceived a fine plan to capture Poonch but the Indian brigade commander at Poonch was too resolute while the Pakistani divisional and brigade commanders at Poonch lost their nerve!
The third case of a Gadgor type battle occurred at Barapind! Here the Pakistani tank brigade commander gave a simple order to resort to counter penetration to his tank regiment commander who on his own converted it into an attack! Unfortunately he carried out a piece meal attack, first sending in a squadron and then two more! The Indians admit that had 13 Lancers attacked with all three squadrons8 they would have broken through despite nominal artillery support. The hero of this battle was not the Indian brigade or regiment commander but the Indian squadron who blunted the attack and the Indian troop leader Arun Khetarpal who stopped the attack by skin of his teeth losing his life in the process! In words of Indian Armoured Corps historian the Indian success was attributable to a ‘last ditch stand by just one tank troop leader’."

Where is the 93000 POWs gone ? May be they will ask for proof ?
so that they will add it here
Yeah yeah, it takes Pakistanis about 3 minutes to pull out Gujarat or Sikhs when confronted with real facts. The reason Pakistan does not have riots against Hindus is because there are NO Hindus left in Pakistan - they were all brutally killed or driven out during the partition.

Hindu named Pakistan's Chief Justice
Hindu named Pak Chief Justice

with no hindus left in pakistan how did a hindu become the cheif justice..?

Hindus rally for Muslim charity JuD
BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | Hindus rally for Muslim charity

More hindus in pakistan.....somethings going on.
I know...it you indians being brainwashed into thinking that there are no hindus left in pakistan,could it be your media-education-state propaganda and include the culture of hate also.
actually anything which is pakistan or was pakistan or has to do anything gud with pakistan can never be tolerated by indians. they cant do much about it coz thats how they have been brought up.
indians have never accepted the existance of pakistan from her heart. only reason y pak and bangladesh have got better ties today than that of india and bangladesh is coz pak accepted bangladesh as an independent country from her heart.

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