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Do Pak textbooks build a hate culture against India?

You won't find demeaning of any other religion in any of the text books in India. If you links to such articles please do post here.

Lol .. I must Salute the Indian whose country has laws like an anti-conversion laws is preaching others over hatred !! hahaha . what a joke !

India: 'Anti-Conversion' Laws Linked to Higher Persecution - Worthy News

India: 'Anti-Conversion' Laws Linked to Higher Persecution
Added: Mar 1st, 2007 4:17 AM

Himachal Pradesh state approves the latest so-called ‘Freedom of Religion’ law.

NEW DELHI, India (Compass Direct News) -- With the governor of Himachal Pradesh approving an “anti-conversion” bill last week, India now has seven states with legislation banning unregistered or unethical religious conversions -- to the glee of Hindu extremists who arbitrarily invoke them to quash Christian growth.

On February 20, Governor Vishnu Sadashiv Kokje gave his assent to the Himachal Pradesh Freedom of Religion Bill 2006, which was passed in the state assembly by the Congress Party last December 30.

The seven Indian states with anti-conversion legislations, known as Freedom of Religion Acts, are Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Orissa, Arunachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh.

Hindu extremists commonly use anti-conversion legislation to falsely accuse Christians of converting people through force or allurement; thus they justify attacks on Christians or deflect prosecution away from themselves by pressing charges of “forcible conversion” without any evidence.

While anti-conversion laws were enforced in Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh (before they were divided into two separate states) in 1967 and in Orissa in 1968, the legislation in Rajasthan state, which passed in the state assembly in April 2006, is still awaiting governor’s assent.

Arunachal Pradesh and Gujarat also have passed such laws in 1978 and 2003 respectively, with their governors’ approval, but they have not been implemented as rules have yet to be framed.

According to procedures laid down in the India Constitution, a bill cannot become a law until the state governor signs it. After governor’s assent, a state government can frame rules and implement the law.

Tool of Hindu Nationalism

Christians and political analysts in India link the enactment of anti-conversion laws to the Hindu nationalistic agenda of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), political wing of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), the parent organization of numerous Hindu extremist groups.

The BJP uses anti-conversion law as a tool to institutionalize the ideology of Hindu nationalism, known as Hindutva, which envisions a “Hindu nation” where the religious minorities are allowed to live but in subordination to the majority community.

Christianity, according to Hindutva, is a “Western religion” brought to India mainly under the British colonial rule. The BJP also claims that missionaries are part of an international conspiracy, mainly stemming from the United States, to convert and overtake India.

The Hindu extremist party accuses Western missionaries of using material bribes or force to convert poor and illiterate people in India.

In less than one year, the BJP, which was ruling at the federal level till April 2004 and is still in power in some states, has enacted an anti-conversion law in Rajasthan and made the existing laws more stringent in Madhya Pradesh (July 25), Chhattisgarh (August 3) and Gujarat (September 19). Governors in those states, however, have not given their assent to any of these bills.

Recently the BJP said it would bring an anti-conversion law to the northern state of Uttarakhand, formerly known as Uttaranchal, if it is voted to power in the assembly elections that took place on February 21; results from the polls are still awaited.

Himachal Pradesh is the first Congress Party-ruled state in recent years to enact an anti-conversion law. The Congress Party, which rules the federal government through the United Progressive Alliance, maintains that it is “secular” – a term that, in common usage in India, means equal treatment of all religious communities.

Dr. Joseph D’Souza, president of the All India Christian Council, said the Himachal Pradesh law betrays the promises of the Congress Party to address the needs of minority faiths across India.

“This law severely undercuts the fundamental right to freedom of religion, particularly for exploited Dalits and tribals,” D’Souza said. “The assent of the governor amounts to an endorsement of the discrimination and persecution against religious minorities in Himachal Pradesh state.”

Creating Persecution

Christians assert that the incidence of persecution is higher in states where anti-conversion laws are in force.

Most recently, on February 8 extremists allegedly belonging to the RSS beat an evangelist of the Friends Missionary Prayer Band, accused him of conversions and forced him to the police station in Devasari village in Chhattisgarh’s Sarguja district. The Kusmi police station filed a complaint against him under the state anti-conversion law, and the court remanded him to custody – while no complaint was filed against the extremists for attacking him.

In Himachal Pradesh state, where the law is yet to be implemented, two anti-Christian incidents were reported soon after the passing of the bill.

A large number of Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) extremists on January 21 gathered outside the house of Pastor Timuhias Behal in Himachal Pradesh’s Kangra district, demanded that he close down his Peniel Prarthana Bhawan orphanage and move out of the area. On January 18, extremists from the same group pressured two residents of the Last Resort drug-rehabilitation center in Khokhan village to file false complaints against a pastor and three Christian workers.

Last year, two members of the National Commission for Minorities, Harcharan Singh Josh and Lama Chosphel Zotpa, acknowledged that Hindu extremists frequently invoke the anti-conversion law in the BJP-ruled Madhya Pradesh as a means of inciting mobs against Christians or of having them arrested without evidence. They reported this finding after a visit to the state June 13-18.

Dubious Intentions

According to Dr. John Dayal, secretary general of the All India Christian Council, “Freedom of Religion” laws are misnamed.

“Their intention is just the reverse,” he said. “They deny the people the freedom of faith.”

These laws encourage extremist groups such as the RSS and VHP to target Christians and their educational institutions, he said, adding that in Madhya Pradesh it has become “impossible” for Christian workers to even visit rural areas.

Christians complain that the anti-conversion laws define “force,” “fraud” and “inducement” vaguely, which can paralyze Christian social and evangelistic service by exposing Christian workers to false charges.

For instance, Section 2(b) of the Himachal Pradesh Freedom of Religion Act terms “divine displeasure” – a key component of the gospel message – as “force.” Section 2(d) labels an “inducement” the offer of “any gift or benefit” – thus criminalizing Christ’s command to feed, clothe and give drink to the needy. Section 2(b) vaguely defines as fraud “misrepresentation or any other fraudulent contrivance.”

Section 4(1) of the Act requires any person wishing to convert to another religion to give a prior notice of at least 30 days to district authorities; failure to do so can result in a fine of 1,000 rupees (US$23). Yet, “no notice shall be required if a person reverts back to his own religion” – in a society that largely assumes that to be born in India is to be born Hindu.

Section 3 states that a person who is converted by any unfair means shall not be considered converted. According to Section 5, an offense under Section 3 – which includes conversion “by the use of force or by inducement or by any other fraudulent means” – is punishable with imprisonment up to two years and/or a fine up to 25,000 rupees (US$570).

In case of conversion of a minor, woman, Dalit or tribal (aboriginal) person, the imprisonment can extend to three years and the fine up to 50,000 rupees (US$1,140).

Election Issue

Before elections, the BJP has raised the issue of Christian growth and consequent need to ban “forced” conversions in order to divide voters along religious lines.

On February 10, The Indian Express daily quoted Himachal Pradesh state BJP chief Jairam Thakur as saying that, had the Congress Party government not enacted the anti-conversion law, the issue could have become his party’s “major poll plank” in assembly elections in 2008.

Another such example can be seen in the All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagamin government in Tamil Nadu state, which enacted an anti-conversion law in October 2002 to woo the BJP as an ally.

The law was repealed in May 2004, a month after the BJP was defeated in national elections.

Copyright © 2007 Compass Direct
we all read that books were we are terarrsts????????????

next time india say pakistan pablic bathrooms build hate culture against India becoz pakistani people write behaind the bathrooms doors against india.wiech i read so many times when i was in high school.

You made my day it is realy funny and irony is that you can expect such things from India . :rofl:
Lol .. I must Salute the Indian whose country has laws like an anti-conversion laws is preaching others over hatred !! hahaha . what a joke !

Topic is not about anti-conversion laws, it is about teaching hatred through school text books. Either prove it wrong or stay put, no need to derail thread.
can any body provide link to download history text books of Pakistan[English language pl z , i cant read URDU]
Topic is not about anti-conversion laws, it is about teaching hatred through school text books. Either prove it wrong or stay put, no need to derail thread.

Why anti-conversion laws does not emit hate ! I am sure you speechless on this issue as such bigotary law does not exist in Islamic Republic of Pakistan and is a blot on the so called secular or rather democratic slogan of Shinning India

Let's talk about hate than .... ...

India Christians Fear Christmas Violence In Orissa; Celebrations Cancelled - Worthy News

India Christians Fear Christmas Violence In Orissa; Celebrations Cancelled
Added: Dec 15th, 2008 6:01 AM

By BosNewsLife Asia Service with a Special BosNewsLife Correspondent reporting from the region

BHUBANESWAR, INDIA (BosNewsLife) -- Fearing violence, many Christians in India's volatile state of Orissa will for the first time in their history not celebrate Christmas but instead mourn victims of recent anti-Christian attacks, which killed dozens, and those who died in shootings in Mumbai, a priest told BosNewsLife, Saturday, December 13.

"Except for the Holy Mass, nothing else will be there," said the priest, Frederick Santhumayor, who is also a social activist and professor of Theology. "Our people are not going to buy traditional clothes and are not going to make Christmas decorations," he added.

In addition, he said, "Our Society of Divine Word religious congregation’s Christmas gathering is canceled for the first time in our 61-year history in Orissa."

There won’t be a 'Midnight Mass' either. Instead, Christmas Midnight Mass will be held already at 1400 hours local time on December 24 in most places of Orissa, church officials said, amid apparent death threats.

"Our enemies, the hard-line Hindu fanatics, have threatened to call Orissa-wide strikes on Christmas Day. All those who come for Mass will therefore reach home before sunset on December 24," Santhumayor added. He said he asked Christians to "Please pray for the Church in Orissa."


It came as Orissa's government tried to ensure European Union diplomats that it would protect minority Christians, following months of attacks against the state's embattled Christian community, which left over 40 people dead. It has spread to other states, including Karnataka. While not directly related, Christians were also among the 179 dead during the November 26-29 shootings in Mumbai, linked to Islamist militants, Christian aid workers said.

The large scale anti-Christian violence began in Orissa following the August 23 killing in the state of an influential Hindu religious leader, Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati, and four of his followers.

Maoist rebels claimed responsibility, but Hindu militants blamed Christians, sparking the riots. Orissa Home Secretary Aditya Prasad Padhi said that in response to the violence, some 3,800 security forces have been deployed in Kandhamal, the district where most of the clashes occurred.

He made the comments after EU officials visiting the region urged the state government to be "extra careful" during the planned Hindu strike on Christmas Day, the Press Trust of India (PTI) news agency reported Saturday, December 13.


Activists of the Hindu nationalist group Sangh Parivar have said they will go ahead with a December 25 shutdown of businesses, "unless the killers of the Hindu leader and conspirators are detained."

Their threats have been linked to religious tensions in Orissa, where about three percent of the state's roughly 40 million people are Christians, many of them devout converts from Hinduism, according to official Christian estimates.

Christians are prime targets of Hindu nationalist campaigners, eager to swell their ranks and increase their influence, church activists and independent observers say.

To counter the spread of Christianity and Christian missionaries, militants of groups such as Sangh Parivar have attacked the state's Christian community, according to local church leaders. For outsiders it is often difficult to reach the flash points, deep inside the thickly forested hills of eastern India, where ancient tribes, and many Christians, live in huts of grass-and-mud, cut off from modernity

Across India's remote tribal belt, a zone of Christian missionary activity for decades, the activists have also been involved in converting tribes to Hinduism and creating foot soldiers for Bharatiya Janata Party, or BJP, the main political party representing India's Hindu nationalist groups.


"The BJP is performing well in tribal-belt because of the good work done by the Sangh Parivar," Jual Oram, BJP's vice-president and a tribal parliamentarian, told Reuters news agency, referring to the Hindu revivalist movement set up partly to counter Christian missionaries.

Local Church leaders say Hindu extremists have even forced Christians, under threat of death, to "convert" to Hinduism. Christians are reportedly only allowed to stay in their homes in Kandhamal district if they become Hindu.

In one of the latest known incidents, Lalita Digal, 45, was murdered November 25 in the district's Dobali village where she was staying with a friend, said the Evangelical Fellowship of India group in published remarks. She had apparently returned to the village from a refugee camp on November 21, and four days later was allegedly dragged from the house and murdered.

More attacks are expected, EU diplomats were told by representatives of Orissa's Christian community, during their three-day tour of the state.

The team of diplomats comprised Second Secretary of British High Commission Ruth Wills, First Secretary of Italian Embassy Gabriele Annis, Deputy Head of Mission from Irish Embassy Pat Bourne, Second Secretary of Netherlands embassy Bart Paans and Deputy Head of Mission from Finland Embassy Lissa Valijento, PTI reported. (With BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos)
So we will continue on Hate after the anti-conversion laws cannot be replied upon by the Almighty champions of Humanity .. How many nuns are raped in Shinning INDIA :-

Yeah ... not just killed but raped & killed

INDIA Orissa: Hindu extremists burn one nun alive, rape another - Asia News

08/25/2008 16:52
Orissa: Hindu extremists burn one nun alive, rape another
by Nirmala Carvalho

Bubaneshwar (AsiaNews) – A Catholic nun was burnt alive by a group of Hindu fundamentalists who stormed the orphanage she ran in the district of Bargarh (Orissa), this according to Police Superintendent Ashok Biswall. A priest who was at the orphanage was also badly hurt and is now being treated in hospital for multiple burns. Another nun from Bubaneshwar’s Social Centre was gang raped by groups of Hindu extremists before the building housing the facility was set on fire. Sources also told AsiaNews that elsewhere one priest was wounded and two other were abducted. The list of violent anti-Christian acts is thus getting longer.
For the past two days the state of Orissa (north-east India) has been racked by violence following the assassination of radical Hindu leader Swami Laxanananda Saraswati.

Churches, community and pastoral centres, convents and orphanages have been attacked yesterday and today by mobs shouting “Kill the Christians; destroy their institutions.”

Tensions in the state are in fact still running high. The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) has planned demonstrations for today and tomorrow. Gangs of Hindu fanatics from the VHP as well as Sangh Parivar are roaming roads and villages, setting up road blocks, sending their own members on raids of plunder and violence.

According to firsthand accounts the archdiocese’s social centre was attacked and torched. Before that the attackers raped Sister Meena, a nun working at the centre.

The local pastoral centre, which has escaped destruction in last December’s violence, is now a total wreck. Father Thomas, who ran the facility, is in hospital with serious head injuries.

Speaking to AsiaNews Fr Ajay Singh also said that a nun was burnt alive in an orphanage she ran in the district of Bargarh.

Elsewhere Sisters of Mother Teresa have been attacked by stone-throwing Hindu militants with one seriously injured.

All Christian institutions are now in danger because mobs of Hindu radicals are roaming the streets, breaking down doors and smashing windows, including in some cases Christian homes. Many priests and nuns have had to escape.

In Bubaneshwar Hindu militants stoned the Archbishop’s residence, but did not dare invade the place because of police presence.

In Phulbani the parish church and the home of local clergy were attacked and set on fire. All local priests fled and found refuge in the homes of some of members of the local congregation.

The youth hostel that houses students who study in Phulbani has also been torched.

Some missionaries of Charity who were attending a health course in Brahamanigoan were blocked for hours in the village.

Elsewhere nuns left their convent finding shelter in some school buildings.
The point is that Christian USA which is locally known as doing a crusade against the Muslims i.e; Pakistan & Taleban is actually in the middle of a full fledge war including daily bombing ..

How many Christians are killed, raped & burnt alive in PAKISTAN ?

But what is happening in India ? The Christian USA has managed a nuclear NSG deal for the so Hindu majority India, but what is the returns being given to Christians in India ? Another incident .. in the same month of August 2008 :-

INDIA Orissa: Hindus torch Christian homes and churches, three die asphyxiated By Nirmala Carvalho - Asia News

» 08/26/2008 14:13
Orissa: Hindus torch Christian homes and churches, three die asphyxiated By Nirmala Carvalho
by Nirmala Carvalho
Radical Hindus pursue their pogrom against Christians and their institutions. Catholic and Protestant institutions come under attack. People who fled into the forest are without food and shelter. Police imposes a curfew.

Bubaneshwar (AsiaNews) – Violence continues in the district of Kandhamal where an actual pogrom against Christians is currently underway. Three people died asphyxiated last night in the Raikia area when their homes were torched by groups of radical Hindus. With last night’s victims the death toll from the violence sparked by the death of Vishwa Hindu Parishad’s leader Swami Laxanananda Saraswati now stands at five.
In two separate incidents a woman and man died yesterday. In the first case a 21-year-old lay missionary, Rajani Majhi, who was initially thought to be a nun, was burnt alive as she tried to save the residents of an orphanage run by the Catholic mission in Bargarh. In the other case a man was similarly burnt alive in Kandhamal.

Meanwhile the number of Catholic and Protestant churches set on fire is rising. Christian homes are being torched as well after being pillaged; villages are coming under siege and schools are attacked. For many people nearby forests are the only place of safety but they lack food and shelter.

This morning a Catholic church and five Christian homes were set on fire in the village of Badimunda.

Father Dibakar Pariccha, from Justice and Peace’s Bubaneshwar chapter, has drawn up a list of violent episodes (reported elsewhere). He described to AsiaNews the urgency of the situation, saying that “throughout the state, especially in the district of Kandhamal, many families are without food, shelter and in some cases even clothing. Last night many people were hiding in the forests out in the open as heavy rain poured out of the sky. Conditions for children and women are indescribable: children cannot go to school and are traumatised by the violence; women are exhausted by the destruction of their homes and families.”

Police forces and the army are trying to restore law and order, but raids and sieges continue today, after radical Hindus called for a strike yesterday that brought traffic in the state of Orissa to a standstill.

An indefinite curfew was imposed on the district of Kandhamal. Anti-riot units have been deployed around sensitive targets like Christian institutions, schools and colleges.

Police suspects that Maoist groups are behind the assassination of Swami Laxanananda, but radical Hindu groups and leaders, especially a woman VHP member named Nivedita Miyar Cuttak, blamed Christians for his death.

Following the murder some Hindu leaders harangued crowds of fanatics, shouting slogans like “Kill Christians and destroy their institutions.”
You have successfully derailed the thread. Again, I repeat, it is about text book contents not anti-conversion laws.
If the attitudes of some Indians and Pakistanis on forums and comment sections on news sites and blogs are anything to go by, then there are arguably a number of people in both countries who have been 'brainwashed'.
I repeat, it is about text book contents not anti-conversion laws.

I disagree - if the discussion is about 'hate culture' being indoctrinated into a populace, then it isn't merely about 'textbooks'. The media and opinions of authority figures on the issue have a significant impact.

One only has to look at the change in attitudes and the rise in Islamophobia in the West in the aftermath of 911, and the jingoism and rabble rousing in the Indian media post Mumbai attacks, to understand how powerful those influences can be. The resulting 'hate' was accomplished entirely without using 'text books'.
India does that same in other ways please to our fellow indian friends dont try to create tension here like linkinpark or watever your name is stop this bs u are perfect example of hatered as u cant keep your mouth shut nor can keep your hands in your paints but u rather see the reaction here by letting your hate out to see members reaction!! grow up to all of u and work towards peace !! :tsk: :tdown:
You have successfully derailed the thread. Again, I repeat, it is about text book contents not anti-conversion laws.

Why dont we have a look at the indians when the BJP was in power

Just after coming to power BJP tried to Hinduising text book, particularly the history text book at the primary level.

In 1992 the then BJP Government of UP tried to revise the entire history text book. "Babri Maszid," said the new history text book for high school student, is a disputed shrine but the Hindus believe it to be a temple (birth place of lord Rama)". The text stated that the mosque was constructed by one of the Babar Officials, Mir Baqi, on this were the temple existed. This is one of the many charges brought by the BJP government in the history syllabus in UP History was not only being re-written to reinforce the Hindutva ideology, but the subversion of facts was also being backed by those in Power. The Babri Masjid’ was but one instance of the RSS-BJP’s ideological propaganda infiltrating history textbook. A special section dealt with the life and styles of Dr. K.R. Hedgewar, the founder of the RSS, and outlines his links with Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose and Madan Mohan Malvya. Likewise Chanakya, the propounder of the concept of Sampurna Bharat too gets good coverage, as does Shivaji.

But it is the indigenistion of the Aryans, which conforms to the RSS "interpretation" of ancient Indian history syllabus. The RSS school of thought believes in the nation that Aryan culture was the nucleus of civilisation and the Aryans were an indigeneous race. However, research based on literary and archeological evidence does not support such a thesis.

An entire chapter on the Aryans has been inserted in the new history text-book. The 12-page chapter describes in detail the origin of the Aryans, their political institutions, social and economic life and their religion and philosophy.

The RSS-BJP obsession with India being the home of the Aryans and the glorification of Rana Pratap and Shivaji have been even earlier come in for criticism from eminent historians.

For instance, it was the attempt to prove that India was the original home of the Aryans that led Dr. Romila Thapar to remark that it was "essentially an attempt to ponder to a false sense of national pride" in her Communalism and the writing of Indian history. Stating that the Aryans problem is "perhaps the most vened problem in ancient Indian history", Dr. Thapar says, that it is extremely difficult to insist on the purity of Aryan culture.

Another leading historian, Dr. Bipan Chandra, dwelling were they national heroes and their struggle against the Mughals a national struggle? Because they were fighting against "foreigners"? Dr. Chandra is of the opinion that the tag of "national" leaders given to Rana Pratap and Shivaji – no doubt important men in their own historical content – gave the impression that a Hindu nation existed in medieval India and it was in perpetual conflict with the foreign Muslims (Mughals)".

Ironically, Rana Pratap’s heroic deeds are the subject of a poem reintroduced in the high school Hindi syllabus in 1991. The poem, Haldighati, written by Shyam Narain Pandey was banned in 1975 by the Congress (I) Government as it was found to incite communal feeling because of its strong Hindu overtones.

The poem describes the famous battle of Haldighati between ana Pratap and the Mughal forces led by man Singh, Akbar’s general. The poem gives an inpassionate account of how Rana Pratap heads towards Haldighati, looks the Mughal forces in ferocious combat and routs Man Singh.

Mr. Brahmadutt Sharma, office secretary of Lok Bharati, a newly formed front organisation of the RSS, says, "students must know correct historical facts. Political motives have for long guided the study of history. This trend has to be reversed." Indeed, the trend has been reversed in Uttar Pradesh, in addition to Babri Masjid, Aryan Culture, Haldighati, Hedgewar ad Chanakya, high school students have to reckon with Vedic mathematics. This branch of ancient mathematics has been introduced to make students aware that Vedic mathematic was the mother of modern mathematics.
Saffron Education
I disagree - if the discussion is about 'hate culture' being indoctrinated into a populace, then it isn't merely about 'textbooks'. The media and opinions of authority figures on the issue have a significant impact.

One only has to look at the change in attitudes and the rise in Islamophobia in the West in the aftermath of 911, and the jingoism and rabble rousing in the Indian media post Mumbai attacks, to understand how powerful those influences can be. The resulting 'hate' was accomplished entirely without using 'text books'.

There is lot of difference when hate culture is nurtured from the childhood through text books and through media. While children don't have the discretion to decide what is good or bad are quite content playing their toys and watching cartoons. It is at this stage that contents of text books impress upon the outlook of the child and change their views about other people and countries in an irreversible manner.

Jingoism and rabble rousing in the media doesn't happen all the time and mostly happens when such incidents like Mumbai attack happen in which hand of the elements of Pakistan were involved.
That is very old news. It has been resisted and have been completely de-saffronised. Has it been done similarly in Pakistan?.

So when the BJP come back into power ,you can assure us that they will not spread hate in schools via these textbooks?

The Class 5 book has this original discovery about Hindu help to bring British rule to India: "The British had the objective to take over India and to achieve this, they made Hindus join them and Hindus were very glad to side with the British. After capturing the subcontinent, the British began on the one hand the loot of all things produced in this area, and on the other, in conjunction with Hindus, to greatly suppress the Muslims."

So your trying to tell us that the hindus joined hands with mughal to throw the british out.

The Std VIII book says, "Their (Muslim saints) teachings dispelled many superstitions of the Hindus and reformed their bad practices. Thereby Hindu religion of the olden times came to an end."

Well they did try to stop the hindus from burning the widows alive.

On Indo-Pak wars, the books give detailed descriptions and openly eulogize ‘jihad' and ‘shahadat' and urge students to become ‘mujahids' and martyrs and leave no room for future friendship and cordial relations with India.

And the indians dont call there soldiers "martyrs".
Its all wordplay...."patriot" and "nationalist" are all acceptable words in so called "secular" terminology.
Paying the "ultimate sacrifice" is the same as ‘shahadat'.
We are muslims so we use islamic terminology.

According to a Class 5 book, "In 1965, the Pakistani army conquered several areas of India, and when India was on the point of being defeated, she requested the United Nations to arrange a ceasefire. After 1965, India, with the help of Hindus living in East Pakistan, instigated the people living there against the people of West Pakistan, and finally invaded East Pakistan in December 1971. The conspiracy resulted in the separation of East Pakistan from us. All of us should receive military training and be prepared to fight the enemy."
The book prescribed for higher secondary students makes no mention of the uprising in East Pakistan in 1971 or the surrender by more than 90,000 Pakistani soldiers. Instead, it claims, "In the 1971 India-Pakistan war, the Pakistan armed forces created new records of bravery and the Indian forces were defeated everywhere."

So becauce we dont say india liberated the bangladeshis we must be intolerant......get a life!

The students of Class 3 are taught that "Muhammad Ali (Jinnah) felt that Hindus wanted to make Muslims their slaves and since he hated slavery, he left the Congress". At another place it says, "The Congress was actually a party of Hindus. Muslims felt that after getting freedom, Hindus would make them their slaves."

Its true.....the hindus did everything in there power to make sure the hindus held total power after the british left.......Jinnah tried to keep india as one nation under a weak federal system but gandhi wanted a powerful center.
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