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Do leg extension machine cause you pain ?

Hi there ,
Do you also feel pain while using leg extension and leg curling machines ?
I used it for few days and it has caused me great pain in legs , knees .. is it because im new in it ? Or should i not use it ? Is pain normal ?

Im 21 and skinny.

dont use it!!!, it will screw up your knees, just use leg press that too with light weight and stop half way.
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This was the first thought to cross my mind, why would someone be that stupid to go for leg extension surgery.
Well some jobs do have height requirements i am not surprised at all why some folks do that
dont be a pussy and complain about pain. everything in life hurts g
You can't gain fat without eating. Facts!
you CAN. My weight till a year back was 45Kg now it is 48Kg and am worried like hell as I do not eat much. Just breakfast with normal bread. Skip the lunch while have a glass of milk and bread in Dinner. In between i merely eat a packet of Lays or few energy biscuits. I seldom eat sweets. Not much. Though my sleep is disturbed one just 4 to 5 hours.

@Well.wisher I thought you wanted some height and you are stretching your legs :lol::lol::lol:
lolzz at first I also thought the same when saw leg extension word .
you CAN. My weight till a year back was 45Kg now it is 48Kg and am worried like hell as I do not eat much. Just breakfast with normal bread. Skip the lunch while have a glass of milk and bread in Dinner. In between i merely eat a packet of Lays or few energy biscuits. I seldom eat sweets. Not much. Though my sleep is disturbed one just 4 to 5 hours.

lolzz at first I also thought the same when saw leg extension word .

That's because you are skipping meals. Eat a lot of meals but in small quantity throughout the day. It will jump start your metabolism. At her age metabolism is fine and she needs to eat.

Just breakfast with normal bread. Skip the lunch while have a glass of milk and bread in Dinner.

Guess the cause?

If you are not doing any labour intensive work, then why have carbs in the morning and then again in evening!?

When the body starts storing fat, the only way to stop is to stop feeding it carbs (that turns into fat).

Skip all carbs in breakfast and lunch. Have a bit of carbs in the evening but no more than 40% of meal. Have two boiled eggs in the morning instead.

And do away with these breakfast biscuits etc. Majority are just branded and well packaged poison.
Hi there ,
Do you also feel pain while using leg extension and leg curling machines ?
I used it for few days and it has caused me great pain in legs , knees .. is it because im new in it ? Or should i not use it ? Is pain normal ?

Im 21 and skinny.

First get yourself a one of these. i am waiting for mine to arrive. Infrared heat lamp helps sooth your pain and heal yes it heals. Use this first for like ten minute or 20 than do stretching and do the leg extension stuff.


infrared therapy gives stronger muscles.

Essentially anyone that uses their muscles will see benefits from light therapy – athletes10,11,12,16,18, people with injuries and muscular disorders, bodybuilders20, and even just regular people exercising to stay in shape2,17. The same applies to pretty much any animal too, such as horses and dogs, whether involved in competitive racing or otherwise. Light therapy offers a side-effect free treatment to improve performance and recovery without having to use drugs. Below are several key benefits you can expect from using light therapy on muscles:

  • Hypertrophy
The increase in size of muscles as a result of exercise (known as hypertrophy) has been studied in conjunction with light therapy, with interesting results2,14. In the context of muscle tissue, hypertrophy is part of an adaptive response that helps the tissue to generate more force with less fatigue. The physical appearance of long term gains in muscle size is highly sought after by bodybuilders and anyone trying to improve their shape/physique.


Changes in muscle size over an 8 week period of resistance training of leg muscles. Control (no exercise, no light) vs Exercise only vs Exercise+Light.2
There is clear evidence that using near-infrared light before weight training improves hypertrophy and muscle size gains significantly compared to doing the same weight training exercises without any light. In a group of untrained people, weight training with light therapy was associated with a doubling in muscle size gains over a period of 8 weeks, compared to doing the same exercise without any light therapy.

This makes light therapy a highly effective tool for personal trainers10, or for elite athletes exercising alone11,12,16,18, or even just for regular people especially after a period of being sedentary2, potentially doubling your first few month’s progress, and being an aid in the long term too.

This effect applies to skeletal muscles in pretty much any location on the body – biceps, quads, etc. Although this specific study was done on untrained individuals, there is reason to believe it will be effective for even well trained athletes10,11,18, adding a big edge to exercise results.

  • Strength – get stronger with light therapy
Briefly mentioned above, light will interact with Myosatellite cells and regular muscle cells by improving energy production. This gives an immediate increase in strength and endurance through the regular muscle cells12,13,14,20, but also a long term increase through the myosatellite cells (relative to exercising without any complimentary light therapy)4.


One-rep max after dozens of training sessions, followed by either placebo treatment or 850nm LED treatment, in identical twins14.
The studies looking at this tend to examine peak torque – the maximum force generated by a specific movement – and how this changes over time. Just like with hypertrophy, or to some extent because of hypertrophy, light therapy in conjunction with exercise will clearly improve your gains in strength compared to exercise alone2. The gains are so significant across a wide range of studies that international regulatory authorities for sports are considering whether light therapy should even be permitted10.

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