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Do chinese really hate indians??

Incredible India

Dec 13, 2006
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Unlike the older generation it seems like the younger generation of Chinese and Indians, can finally be brothers through music.

Any way that guy did a good try.:cheers:
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^That's like saying Texans are not American.

Can't speak for others but I don't hate any race as a whole, some individuals maybe. I'm Malaysian Chinese btw.
Lame attempt.

Indian music is too good for Chinese.

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Certainly.. even if he is just one man, his public appearance can bring two Nuclear Nations with conflicting National Interests closer. After all he is able to speak two languages and this is a big step towards India-China brotherhood. :agree:
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Lame attempt.

Indian music is too good for Chinese.

now this trend is becoming very redundant now...some guy starts a lovey-dovey thread and almost the second or the third thread has some 'flameboy' writing tasteless oneliners...
mods of the forum unite!
now this trend is becoming very redundant now...some guy starts a lovey-dovey thread and almost the second or the third thread has some 'flameboy' writing tasteless oneliners...
mods of the forum unite!

If u are refering to me by any chance...then let me make it clear, i just gave a factual correction that actually this boy is a not chinese ,but a Taiwanese and if seen in the contest of the tread title, there is an implication for us in the difference that exist between these two nationalities ...now dont get more pious than the pope.
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On a serious note, I have known and even lived together with a few Chinese. These are their characteristics and their perception on Indians:
1. They are unimaginably hard working (not necessarily sincere) - India cant beat them - nobody can except may be the Japanese.
2. Their intelligence level is par at best (but point #1 gives them lead).
3. Their social fabric is quite recluse. You will find a chinese guy in a company of one opposite sex partner at max. No chinese roomate shared food with the rest of his mates.
4. They are quite quiet. They are low and less talker may be due to point #6.
5. They get overawed and kind of scared looking at Indians in large and noisy groups. They find it as a novelty experience in their lives.
6. They are extremely poor in communication and expression of thoughts.
7. I found them generally more realistic, humble and practical in life. they seem to think straight and approach life with a straight bat. I find the Indians (including myself) to be riding on a imaginary high horse flying like HAL Tejas in air.
8. Also we are the worlds most pampered and spoiled mammas boys and girls. They seem to be quite independent.
9. they seem quite overawed and resigned to street smartedness of Indians. They are clueless on the progress of Indians in corporates inspite of lesser academic merits.
Chinese hate Indians????? Well i believe Chinese hardly know what Indians mean in the first place. :)

So chill man its the Indians who have some unseen hate for Chinese rather its your policy makers as common Indian would be more worries for day to day needs of life just like common Pakistanis, instead to getting paranoid about Chinese.
Chinese hate Indians????? Well i believe Chinese hardly know what Indians mean in the first place. :)

So chill man its the Indians who have some unseen hate for Chinese rather its your policy makers as common Indian would be more worries for day to day needs of life just like common Pakistanis, instead to getting paranoid about Chinese.

Chinese and indians make two of the biggest foreign diasporas in the develped world often find competing for similar job oppurtunites as they share similar educationcal and technical skill sets with each other.
Chinese and indians make two of the biggest foreign diasporas in the develped world often find competing for similar job oppurtunites as they share similar educationcal and technical skill sets with each other.

:) i am talking about millions of natives in both countries not diaspora as they dont go for nationalities but personal job securities.
Come on Ingis atleast he tried na??how good you can sing in Chinese??:azn:

C'mon man... I was being sarcastic. He tried really well.

Regarding me not being able to sing Chinese song... why would I sing lame songs in some lame language (now, for the obvious :sarcastic: )

BTW, you might like this too -

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:) i am talking about millions of natives in both countries not diaspora as they dont go for nationalities but personal job securities.

What u are talking about is aganist what we witness here ...the general hostile attitude of chinese members towards the indians.

And if we start to consider millions of natives in both countries...then most are too occupied with their day to day livies to care about people living in nextdoor neighbourhood localities in their own city.
BTW, can some our Chinese friends here tell us how did the judges evaluate the singer?
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