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DMR vs. Sniper Rifle

Designated Marksman and Sniper are two different subset of soldier altogether, their rifle is what have been reflected to the different between the job title. Thus those two cannot be compare as to say which one is better?

A traditional role of Designated Marksman is for a squad or platoon to have reach outside the normal engagement distant, Ie outside 100 - 200 yards, this is because traditional rifle (like M16, M4) are only accurate to that point and without SDM (Squad Designated Marksman), target outside 200 yards cannot actually be touched. And the SDM job is to engage these target, basically as an extension over a normal squad engagement distant.

The rifle SDM use would have to reflected to that need, an accurate scope on a long barrel rifle (which give you more range and accuracy) however, since SDM also a member of a squad, the rifle can and should also be dual use, meaning you can also taken out the scope and use it to engage intermediate target.

It's also worth notice that SDM concept is no longer used in any major unit in the US military, in the old days when I was in the military, scope and rifle distribution is allocated to different person inside a unit. The most skilled marksman would have a scope and a hand grip and/or bipod, and the other will have a combination of grenade launcher, grips and other accessories. However, today, almost every rifleman are double as SDM role, with the equipment (TO&E) reflecting that.

Sniper on the other hand, is an ISR tool, there is a joke about sniper is that you will fire only 1 shot in combat for every 100,000 shot fired in training. Sniper require a person to be able to go in and out of an area unnoticed, and most of the time, sniper would not take the shot, but act as eyes and ears for a forward deployed units. However, when you do need to fire, say for example on a high priority target, you will need to be extremely accurate and at an extreme range.

Sniper rifle reflect that, single shot bolt action rifle remove all the moving parts and vibration that mess up your aim. Also single shot rifle have less maintenance need.

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