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DMK withdraws support to UPA over Lankan Issue; Ministers Quits.

Iyer, I just told you that it's in reference to the bridge that monkeys (euphemistically referring to Tamils) helped Rama to build - it's a myth, Tamils don't believe it.

im as much iyer as you are an indian......

it's a myth, Tamils don't believe it.

that is why im asking you to tell me the significance of this pic.....try......you cant appear any more foolish than you already have...;)

goyyale, naane oru tamizhan thaanda...

(idiot, i myself am a Tamil)

btw you have not told me the significance of that picture.

Antha Tevidiya Pindamona Vidu Machi

ootha Koothinga Manasaatchi Illaama Solluranga
im as much iyer as you are an indian......

that is why im asking you to tell me the significance of this pic.....try......you cant appear any more foolish than you already have...;)


I told you three times, it says Raman and you're trying to get me to say that all Indians are apparently united in worshiping Rama but I cannot say that as that would mean I am justifying the imposition of the North Indian mythology on all communities (including those who are progressive and rational like the Tamils)

I can't do that because, not only does that go against fundamental human rights and freedom, it goes against any decency present in any respectable society.
p@ki pundaikalukku innum 1971 marakkala....athaan...namma mudugala era paakuranuga....:rofl:

You might want to write down 2013 as the date for your future generations as the time when you failed the entire Tamil population of TN.

You are only a minority point of view, speaking at the behest of the North Indian state as you fear getting assaulted or arrested like they did with Karunanidhi on national television and humiliated him, only to embarrass, insult and make a mockery of the Tamil people and it's sentiments.

But, not this time. This time, the punda will be you and the real men, women and children of TN will rise and protest like in South Africa, Egypt and Tunisia to get the freedom they deserve.

Say hello to the Tamil Spring!

No more Devanagari, no more Sanskrit, no more Rama!

Only Dravida and Dravida, alone!

Do you want to be remembered as Benedict Arnold or do you want to be Mandela and MLK Jr.?

I was going to add Gandhi to the list but he is North Indian who only got the independence for his own people.
You might want to write down 2013 as the date for your future generations as the time when you failed the entire Tamil population of TN.

You are only a minority point of view, speaking at the behest of the North Indian state as you fear getting assaulted or arrested like they did with Karunanidhi on national television and humiliated him, only to embarrass, insult and make a mockery of the Tamil people and it's sentiments.

But, not this time. This time, the punda will be you and the real men, women and children of TN will rise and protest like in South Africa, Egypt and Tunisia to get the freedom they deserve.

Say hello to the Tamil Spring!

No more Devanagari, no more Sanskrit, no more Rama!

Only Dravida and Dravida, alone!

Do you want to be remembered as Benedict Arnold or do you want to be Mandela and MLK Jr.?

I was going to add Gandhi to the list but he is North Indian who only got the independence for his own people.

I told you three times, it says Raman and you're trying to get me to say that all Indians are apparently united in worshiping Rama but I cannot say that as that would mean I am justifying the imposition of the North Indian mythology on all communities (including those who are progressive and rational like the Tamils)

I can't do that because, not only does that go against fundamental human rights and freedom, it goes against any decency present in any respectable society.

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Poor Indians, trying to suppress the Tamils using the "Iyer" card but it won't work because Tamil is a Tamil first, religion second, Indian, third.

At least PDF allows freedom of speech. The completely euphoric D F I people don't have the cajunas to allow any other point of view than their own - they banned me in one day - so much for the freedom of speech, democracy, laicite and all that other superficial bullsh!t Indians talk about :omghaha:

They don't want anyone to break their bubble or destroy their euphoria that they managed to take over their minds after a very long hashish session with a Sant dancing about in the Kumbh Mela.

BTW, allowing the expression of other opinions is never a problem because we tried suppressing that in Bangladesh and this resulted in their separation.

You did that with us and left us with no choice. It seems the Tamils will have no other choice but to go that route and free themselves of the North Indian colonialism by locking down the whole state like Tahrir Square.

The model of Mandela is the best and what happened in Bangladesh, works too. Don't pay bills, show up to work, schools, colleges. Within one week Delhi will request Tamils to open an Indian embassy in Chennai ;)

We know to achieve our goals through democratic means... ANd dont post rubbish for the sake of increase in ur post count,.

You might want to write down 2013 as the date for your future generations as the time when you failed the entire Tamil population of TN.

You are only a minority point of view, speaking at the behest of the North Indian state as you fear getting assaulted or arrested like they did with Karunanidhi on national television and humiliated him, only to embarrass, insult and make a mockery of the Tamil people and it's sentiments.

But, not this time. This time, the punda will be you and the real men, women and children of TN will rise and protest like in South Africa, Egypt and Tunisia to get the freedom they deserve.

Say hello to the Tamil Spring!

No more Devanagari, no more Sanskrit, no more Rama!

Only Dravida and Dravida, alone!

Do you want to be remembered as Benedict Arnold or do you want to be Mandela and MLK Jr.?

I was going to add Gandhi to the list but he is North Indian who only got the independence for his own people.

I salute the new troll of PDF. :victory:

MOreover Gandhi as a single person didnt achieve Independence. Support from leaders all over India made him a leader. Tamilians have taken a lead in Independence movement long before many regions started their protest.
Ur divisive comments wont work here .. Try some other means,
By B Raman - Ex RAW

An Emerging Neo-LTTE is Waiting to take Over Ground Situation 4 Years After the Tigers were Wiped Out in May 2009.

21 March 2013, 2:34 am



Is there a neo-LTTE emerging nearly four years after the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) was wiped out in May, 2009, by the Sri Lankan security forces?

That is a question that needs the attention of the intelligence agencies in the wake of the growing support for the Sri Lankan Tamils’ political and human rights in the Sri Lankan Tamil diaspora abroad and among large sections of the international community.

India had reasons to be gratified with the total elimination of the LTTE, which had become a Frankenstein’s Monster, by the Sri Lankan security forces. Indian intelligence and security agencies had played an active, but low profile role in helping in the counter-LTTE operations of the Sri Lankan security forces through means such as exchange of intelligence, monitoring the movement of LTTE’s commercial ships used for smuggling arms and ammunition, strengthening the anti-aircraft defence of the Sri Lankan forces, training etc.

While one has to concede that the uprooting of the LTTE was largely due to the excellent counter-insurgency operations of the Sri Lankan security forces, the unadmitted contribution of India was not insignificant.

While the governments of India and Sri Lanka were on the same wave length before the elimination of the LTTE in May 2009, nagging differences cropped up post-May 2009, due to various reasons.

First, the government of President Mahinda Rajapaksa sought to impose a dictated peace on the Sri Lankan Tamil population in total breach of the various promises regarding political accommodation with the Tamils which the Rajapaksa government and its predecessors had made over a period of years. India’s counter-insurgency help to Sri Lanka was in the expectation that the Sri Lankan Government would implement these commitments.

Second, after the operations against the LTTE were over, evidence, at least some of it credible, started emerging regarding alleged disproportionate use of force by the Sri Lankan Security Forces not only against the LTTE, but also against the civilian Tamil population living in areas controlled by the LTTE. Instead of addressing these complaints and taking corrective action where required, the Rajapaksa government started dragging its feet in the matter. Backed by countries like China and Pakistan, it became increasingly indifferent to nudging not only from the US and the EU countries, but even India to attend to these complaints before they became a major international issue.

Third, one found that the admiration of the world for the successful counter-insurgency operations of the Sri Lankan government gave way to pressures from various quarters for attending to these complaints.

Fourth, the successful counter-insurgency operations destroyed the LTTE’s support base in Sri Lankan territory, but not among the Sri Lankan Tamil diaspora abroad. This diaspora had played a very important role in keeping the LTTE sustained through funds and clandestine supply of arms and ammunition. After lying low for a while after May 2009, the Sri Lankan Tamil political activists in the diaspora became active once again in giving fresh oxygen to the objective of an independent Tamil Eelam. The unaddressed complaints of serious violations of the human rights of the Sri Lankan Tamils were exploited by these elements to give a fresh lease of life to the movement with the help of Western human rights organisations which exercised pressure on their Governments to act against the Rajapaksa government.

Fifth, a new generation of Tamil activists mushroomed in Tamil Nadu, who acted in tandem with the activists in the Sri Lankan Tamil diaspora, for reviving the Tamil Eelam objective. Growing number of members of GenNext in the Tamil Community in Tamil Nadu, which had become disillusioned with the opportunistic politics of the traditional Dravidian parties, found themselves attracted to the ranks of neo-Dravidian parties which sought to develop a political base in Tamil Nadu by taking up the cause of the Sri Lankan Tamils and by projecting Prabakaran once again as a Tamil icon.

Sixth, unnerved by the support of GenNext for the neo-Dravidian parties, the traditional Dravidian parties found themselves obliged to indulge in competitive political extremism by taking up the cause of the Sri Lankan Tamils once again.

As a result of all these factors, the government of India and the mainstream Indian political parties find themselves confronted with a welter of extremist forces
, which have been exploiting legitimate complaints and demands regarding the human rights of the Tamils, for creating a volatile situation across the Tamil belt in India and Sri Lanka.

The situation calls for deft handling by the ministries of external affairs and home, acting together. It has the germinating seeds of new political violence. In the past, whenever the Sri Lankan Tamil issue assumed importance in our policy-making, the political leadership in New Delhi had the benefit of sound advice and inputs from the Congress in Tamil Nadu which had its feet and ears close to the ground in Tamil Nadu as well as the Eastern and Northern Provinces of Sri Lanka.

Today, the Congress is practically non-existent in Tamil Nadu. It has no leader of stature who attracts the GenNext. New Delhi’s handling of the post-May 2009 situation has been drifting from one faux pas to another, from one bungling to another. Only India can and should play the leadership role in dealing with the complex situation. Instead of dong so, the Manmohan Singh government has surrendered all political initiative internationally to the US and the EU countries and locally to parties such as the DMK, motivated by political opportunism.

If the government of India does not play a more proactive role in this matter, a neo-LTTE is waiting to take over the ground situation.

(B.Raman is Additional Secretary (retd), Cabinet Secretariat, Govt of India, New Delhi, and, presently, Director, Institute For Topical Studies, Chennai, and Associate of the Chennai Centre For China Studies)
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