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Disturbing Video - Sikhs beaten up by 'Hindu' vigilantes

Choice is not an issue it require courage. I am already in problem because across border my brothers are resisting regional power. As long as we are alive no one can even throw a stone towards base camp. Trust me.

Your previous leaders said same thing during last 70 years and a lots of event were happened including wars .
So far we are here after all that carnage .
At the end why should we waste our own energy for it when some others are ready for taking the role.Brothers would be there and their handlers can dream in across the border while rest of the world moves forward.
No i am not. Because we believe in Allah,Holy Quran and teachings of his Messengers every word shared by them is truth and those who follow will be rewarded after life.

Ever seen a "fare well" video of suicide bomber before he does what he believes is a "martyrdom"? He says the exactly same things you just wrote, my little friend.
Very high outside of India and very low to negligible inside India.

I would say high in Canada and maybe the US. In Europe, not many who support separation these day, used to be though. In my opinion Canada sticks out as a khalistani hub, but even there I don't think the majority support it. I could be wrong though, as I have been there only once and I have few family members there.
I also hear there is a huge difference between the Sikhs in Vancouver area and the Toronto side, as the Vancouver Sikhs tend to be more conservative and pro khalistan?
How do you know these guys are hindu vigilantes? In Ajmer they could be Muslims as well.
Very high outside of India and very low to negligible inside India.
I meet many punjabis from india & many sikh who don't wear turban and are clean shaved.
Is there a way to tell who's sikh , say just from name etc or the way they talk?
Like do all sikh have "Singh" or something like that in their names?
I meet many punjabis from india & many sikh who don't wear turban and are clean shaved.
Is there a way to tell who's sikh , say just from name etc or the way they talk?
Like do all sikh have "Singh" or something like that in their names?

All men have Singh, females Kaur.
Some only have Singh and Kaur as last name, Jatts who form the bulk of Sikhs, usually use their clan name as last name.

Sikh names are usually unisex, and they all seem to end with preet, inder, tej, deep want lol.
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..Sikh names are usually unisex, ....
Yeah that I noticed. An acquaintance's wife is a convert from Sikhism. Her previous name sounded like a guy's name.

One more question, Guru Nanak's parents/grandparents followed which religion? @CleanWell

Well, then you guys should have a debate on who is a martyr and who is not, coz I'm pretty sure the suicide bombers belive themselves to be true martyrs on their way to heaven also....
These days everyone is a "shaheed=martyr". Murders are also "shaheed". Corrupt politicians are also "shaheed" when they die. 2 terrorist/criminal groups fighting & both call their dead "shaheed"
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Plebiscite in Kashmir.
LOC cease fire.
Indus water treaty.
1. Move your forces from Azad Kashmir.. Take back the area gifted to Chinese. we are ready for Plebiscite.
2. Exactly Stop firing,
3. Indus water treaty is alive and kicking.

so many butthurts false flaggers in one thread.
Yeah that I noticed. An acquaintance's wife is a convert from Sikhism. Her previous name sounded like a guy's name.

One more question, Guru Nanak's parents/grandparents followed which religion? @CleanWell

Khatri Hindus..
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