I have already mentioned that Fudelism is the bad by nature and must be rooted out BUT is there any plan of action there on the table. This is the 4th consecutive government which MQM is part of.. the 4th opportunity in a row that is given to them to weed this disease out. Do you even see 1% success in that? Infect MQM is sitting and supporting same PPP, PMLN and Baloch tribal leaders do exactly what they has been doing - rule the poor with power. Actions speak louder than words and actions are speaking MQM couldn't or didn't do anything to that could be taken as first step. Even now, when they are chanting these slogans all time loud, they are in power, hand-in-hand with same Zardari clan. Thats not convincing my friend.
Step one is to identify the disease first majority has to agree that Fuedals are the root cause ...& i am sure and can only guess that they will only say any thing once they have a plan of action.
As for MQM clamping on Fuedalism MQM have or had 0 power or any power to do any thing against those fuedals thats why they want army to intervene and there is no other solution in sight . I am surprised how did you get to the conclusion that they had this oppourtunity 4 times sir they are a smal minority in assemblies please note the majority are Fuedals !!? And under the circumstances what choice do they have ? you tell me if you were in their position how could you weeded this out ? & let me save you the efort its technically impossible no one cant and thats the funda !
Feudelism is product of injustice. You cannot kill feudals and say okay they are eliminated and now there is equality and justice after they are gone. No sir, it doesn't happen that way. You have to improve the system and strengthen implementation of law as the first step. Second, you need to amend constitution in a way that systematically isolates corrupt, inapt and unworthy people whoever they are. What is MQM doing for that in practice? They are supporting rather main supporting party of the most Corrupt government that Pakistan had in 63 years. Had MQM widthrawn its support the moment we talk, this corrupt system must had ended to the satisfaction of Pakistanis. Actions speak louder than words and actions say MQM is doing exactly the opposite of what it wants to sell. They are pillar of this feudalistic system at now, has been main supporter of PMLQ - the classic feudal party and even before when they had a chance they didn't act against any of them. What do you expect from such party in future
You are saying to start from the middle , Injustice , coruption and lawlesnes are product of Fuedalism . Most agree its the root of all. No need to kill any one , simply amend these existing medevil land laws and the job is half done. These people will be ousted & rest can be taken care off. I hope you will really try and understand this here
""" the only way MQM can take any action , change system and bylaws or amend constitution against the fuedals is with the help of majority in the parliament , now dude please again our parliament is FULL of fuedals No body will with them !!""" Again in these dramatic times for this country every thing is a total mess , the only thing MQM can do is raise their concerns and blow the whistle and let people know what could be the soltution... They are power less in parliament against these fuedals and if they withdraw suport against PPP than its another crises which can be lethal for Pakistan.
As for my expectation from a party leadership atleast is raise public concern when they see an issue and find immediate solution and sort out that thing. However i also have to be reasonable and understand the fact that out side the parties jurisdiction there is little they can do as they dont have the mandate!
How do a party that hasn't let anybody investigate killing of 12th may, or the firing of 100s of shops in Karachi or 10s of previous incidents in which scores of people suffered - your hope? Why is it declared a terrorist organization in Canada? There are so many dark spots in its face for which there are no explanations. No wonder its popularity is still where it was before. Why aren't people buying which Altaf-Hissain saying? Do you think people don't want the feudal system to end? Its rather the other way around and they find it only as good or as bad as any other party in the country without any new hope that you are trying to show.
How about Liaquat Ali khan , Gen Zia, Hakim Saeed , Benazir bhutto and a dozens more murders of famous personalities ? how about investigating the constant supply of herione and automatic weapons al over pakistan ? how about 71 tragedy , half country lost , 90,000 surendered ? how about al qaida and taliban leadership presence ?
how about all those 1000s of major incidents which our history is full off , 12th May was also equaly bad and its in the que .If you wish 12th of may ever investigated the only way is get rid of the barriers stoping these. Just a few days back British premier also caled Pakistan a terrorist state , i guess you also agree with him .. What MQM is saying & who is buying that only elections will tell ! kindly refer to election results MQMs popularity has only increased so far lastly and most importantly dont get excited i dont have to draw any pictures here as i am not MQM's spokesman