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Discussion of Iranian support for Palestinian resistance groups


Oct 21, 2011
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Per our discussion with the moderators (@PakSword and @LeGenD), and considering the ongoing war between Israel and the Palestinian resistance groups in May 2021, it was suggested to create a separate topic for discussing the Iranian support for Palestinian groups, particularly Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

So, let's start the thread with a video from a Hamas official

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Iran has taken a lot of hits over the last 2 years with incessant Israeli sabotage via airstrikes across syria and via spies inside Iran itself, losing personnel and infrastructure. And now it's revenge time. There's no doubt in my mind that in those years (and most likely before) they were arming hezbollah and hamas to the teeth along with developing several strategies. I have a feeling we are going to see a lot more surprises very soon and that this current conflict is no where even close to getting REALLY started.
Why not Launch Missiles in Israel? They attack the US base in Iraq so why can't they do the same with Israel?

If we have learned anything from last few years, its that Iran doesn't do impulse stuff, they plan extensively. They definitely have something planned, we just don't know what yet. Revenge may not come for months but it will come eventually. We'll have to wait and see.

The way things are escalating right now, I will bet on another major escalation coming again sometime in next few months and that will be when things really explode.
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Why not Launch Missiles in Israel? They attack the US base in Iraq so why can't they do the same with Israel?

I'm pretty sure they can, just ask yourself what would be more worse for israel, if iran were to do that now while their millitary / defences are still mobilized and only been fighting for a week, or after they have been involved with a 30-60 conflict like hamas is threatening and are then fully exhausted, demoralized and with very little support from their public? And what if first Hezbollah strikes with a much worse arsenal of weapons and they and hamas both drag on the conflict for another couple of months and then Iran were to strike? One would want to fight an enemy that is fully stretched thin and drained, not one that is still fully enabled.
if we have learned anything from last few years, its that Iran doesn't do impulse stuff, they plan extensively. They definitely have something planned, we just don't know what yet. Revenge may not come for months but it will come eventually. We'll have to wait and see.

The way things are escalating right now, I will bet on another major escalation coming again sometime in next few months and that will be when things really explode.

Sometimes its better to directly confront an enemy rather than using proxies, Israel is targetting Palestinians indiscriminately and hence the reaction should be direct not by proxies. In fact, the use of Proxies to hurt Israel will only Strengthen their narrative. When was the last time any country directly went to war with Israel?
I'm pretty sure they can, just ask yourself what would be more worse for israel, if iran were to do that now while their millitary / defences are still mobilized and only been fighting for a week, or after they have been involved with a 30-60 conflict like hamas is threatening and are then fully exhausted, demoralized and with very little support from their public? And what if first Hezbollah strikes with a much worse arsenal of weapons and they and hamas both drag on the conflict for another couple of months and then Iran were to strike? One would want to fight an enemy that is fully stretched thin and drained, not one that is still fully enabled.

That's stupid Logic, Using Proxies will hurt the cause as Israel will show around the world them as Terrorists, the problem is that countries that pretend to support Palestine or Want to support Palestine are all doing it by using Proxies which Israel parade them as Terrorists, but when a Country with Diplomatic standing with UN confronts its not an Alleged Terrorists attacking an UN-recognized country but between two UN-recognized countries which holds more water.
This is a clear evidence of Iranian support for Sunni brothers and sisters. Terrorists in Syria tried to portray Iran as a sectarian country but miserably failed thanks to resistance of Syrian people, at least, what ever left of them after ethnic cleansing of NATO supported terrorists conducted against Syrian people. In fact without Syria on the frontline of resistance forces, Palestinians couldn't even have the missile capability that they possess as of now.
This is a holy war in my opinion, there you could have some Shia born individuals who are promoting Baha'i taught thoughts. Or the Sunni individuals who are falling into the same trap. At the end of story, Iranian agenda remains the same and its fighting zionism by any means and in every where in the world.
@Arian If I can submit a suggestion: the term "discussion" may tend to suggest that there's room for questioning and controversy, and that the latter are welcome. When in fact Iranian support for Palestinian Resistance groups is an undisputed given. Now I know full well that the definition of "discussion" is far broader than what I pointed to and covers way more than just contradictory debate, however if the aim of the thread is primarily to offer an objective, informative and pedagogical breakdown of Iran's aid, and to examine its components and dimensions in detail rather than to converse, extrapolate, debate or polemicize about it, then perhaps the more generic formulation "Iranian support for Palestinian resistance groups" would be more suitable.
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@Arian If I may submit a suggestion: the term "discussion" may tend to suggest that there's room for questioning and controversy, and that the latter are welcome. When in fact Iranian support for Palestinian Resistance groups is an undisputed given. Now I know full well that the definition of "discussion" is far broader than what I pointed to and covers way more than just contradictory debate, however if the aim of the thread is primarily to offer an objective, informative and pedagogical breakdown of Iran's aid, and to examine its components and dimensions in detail rather than to converse, extrapolate, debate or polemicize about it, then perhaps the more generic formulation "Iranian support for Palestinian resistance groups" would be preferable.
You're right, brother.
Actually, I used the term discussion because I believe there are people who will participate in the thread to question our support for Palestine. I wanted it to be inclusive and a place for both groups of people instead of simply just demonstrating the evidences of our support for Palestine. This way the topic can get more views and posts in my opinion.
Their leaders openly admit it, but the keyboard warriors here on PDF deny it. We all know why. They just cant stand the fact that their entire future depends on infidel Iran
We missiled yankees in Iraq, we killed countless americans in Afghanistan & Iraq, we sent Ayatollah mike and CIA agents to hell in Afghanistan, we armed Syria Hezbollah, Islamic jihad and hamas, we captured yankees in Persian gulf, we shot down the most expensive yankee drone, we fired missiles at i$rael dimona, we blown up the largest missile/satellite factory in i$rael

We must continue this
Criticism directed at mods without proper evidence will not be tolerated. Soft approach shouldn't be taken as a weakness. Infraction issued.
You're right, brother.
Actually, I used the term discussion because I believe there are people who will participate in the thread to question our support for Palestine. I wanted it to be inclusive and a place for both groups of people instead of simply just demonstrating the evidences of our support for Palestine. This way the topic can get more views and posts in my opinion.
yuupp... but Falcon manipulated that thread so sectarianly.......im scared now that there is a consensus amongst Pakistani PDFers that that falcon sectarianist is "right"...cuz if they thought he was wrong why wasnt he booted? or is Palestinian sectarianism against "Shia terrorist dogs" allowed when Gaza is being bombed to sht by Israel?

I believe the mods et back this forum by not setting Falcon sectarianist straight in that thread..they literally let him BE THE MOD without having no damn mod badge, and MODs started acting like regular posters there...SO WEIRD.

Nothing changes the truth though- Iran has scored a big win this time, NOTHING CHANGES THAT.....anyhting trying to dent that, like Falcon was trying to do, is only denial, doesnt matter to me if the denial comes from a Jew or Muslim, its all the same hate and ignorance.
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