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Discussion of Iranian support for Palestinian resistance groups

Keep in mind Iraq under Saddam actually fired ballistic missiles on Israel, unlike Iran.

shut up, Ya Saddam a fruit cake and its cronies jgot them self annihilated but you still here breaking for us how great they were,

get real rather than spreading nonsense

only thing you good at bringing hatred to Iranian section ,
Iran is paying price for nuclear weapons program, and North Korea is paying much bigger price than Iran.
Yeh IQ
that is why we have country and no one attacks us openly,
that is why they are carrying out these intelligence war ( shadow war on us)
don't forget you and your Palestinian and your entire supports are no match against Islamic Republic nuclear......
so fool your self that yeh Hamas or Palestinian are powerfull
Iranian regime.
stop posting here and we dont need you tell us how great you Palestinian are we all know
the only regime in region is you and your Saddam baath regime
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Iran is paying price for nuclear weapons program, and North Korea is paying much bigger price than Iran.

Pure rehashing of zionist / US propaganda. Iran's nuclear program is a civilian, peaceful one, even though it allowed Iran to become a nuclear threshold state - which is perfectly legal in international law and thus not a valid justification for sanctions (Japan, south Korea, Germany and others are threshold states too, but are not sanctioned). Therefore, Iran's nuclear program is merely played up and sensationalized as a pretext by western powers and their zionist masters. The real reasons for their hostility against Iran lie of course elsewhere.

The US imposed its first sanctions against the Islamic Republic only a few months after the Victory of the 1979 Revolution. And the Iran Sanctions Act (ISA) or d'Amato Law, the centerpiece of the anti-Iranian sanctions scheme, dates from 1996, long before Iran started being falsely accused by Washington and Tel Aviv about its nuclear program. Better to learn the history of the topic before commenting on it.

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is incomparable to Iran under many aspects (much smaller domestic market, much fewer natural ressources, less allies, smaller diaspora, no geostrategically crucial location etc), hence why sanctions affect it differently.

Nothing to do with Palestinians.

It has everything to do with Islamic Iran's anti-imperialist and anti-zionist foreign policy, which primarily revolves around Tehran's principled and selfless assistance to the Palestinian Resistance (but isn't limited to it, given how Iran is challenging zio-American hegemony across the entire region and beyond). Hence the rabid, out-of-the-ordinary hostility, unprecedented propaganda campaign, recurrent sabotage and terrorism as well as the extensive sanctions regime Iran has been subjected to by global hegemonic powers right from 1979 onward.

Another proof for this is that the west has always explicitly and clearly treated the nuclear deal or JCPoA as a first step towards similar agreements on Iran's regional policy and ballistic missile arsenal. The request for Tehran to end any and all military support to the Palestinian Resistance (and to its other allies) is a permanent and prominent feature Washington's policy towards Iran.

Since you are liar and propagandist looking to influence Muslim public opinion on Persia/Persian culture, you want to make it out to be some sacrifice for Palestinians.

Baseless slander and ad hominem / insult by a person with a bias against Islamic Iran and therefore shaken by the fact that Iran leads the way in supporting the Palestinian Resistance and in empowering the global struggle against zionism.

Sudan, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Tunisia, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and many others all hosted Palestinian officials, groups, and allowed funding for them or directly funded them in the past before. This is not unique to Iran.


Original proposition: "we must applaud Islamic Iran for its unparalleled efforts in assisting and arming the Palestinian Resistance".

So yes, Iran's role has clearly been far more important and significant than that of any other state.

Of course the Syrian Arab Reoublic under the leadership of presidents Hafez and Bashar al-Assad, as well as Lebanon (mainly Hezbollah) have aided the Palestinian Resistance in various ways. Which is why Iran came to Syria's rescue when western-sponsored armed groups threatened to overthrow the government there.

Sudan is out of the picture since the recent western- and zionist-engineered "regime change". And when Khartoum was participating in this effort, it was actually in a close strategic and military cooperation with Islamic Iran inaugurated as far back as the early 1990's (Iran is the one which largely set up Sudan's local defence industries, and Sudan was in fact working with Tehran by allowing its territory to be used as a transit route for Iranian weapons destined to Gaza etc).

Tunisia, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia are largely a thing of the past in this regard. Especially the monarchies of the Persian Gulf, which are currently engaged in a treasonous process of normalization with Tel Aviv.

But most importantly, evoking the past when the original proposition deals with the present, fulfills all criteria of how a the definition of a strawman argument.

Keep in mind Iraq under Saddam actually fired ballistic missiles on Israel, unlike Iran.

Only after being attacked by the US. Under the same circumstances (i. e. if under an fully fledged, large scale military aggression by the US), Iran would not only fire ballistic missiles at the zionist regime, but take even more drastic measures.

One can only compare what is comparable. Obfuscating the circumstances in which an event takes places is profoundly unscientific, and will always lead to erroneous conclusions if not to baseless analogies like the one quoted above.

And they had worse sanctions and consequences than Iran had to face.

Worse sanctions, no. At present Iran is the most sanctioned country in history.

Worse consequences yes, but that is solely due to the fact that Iraq's degree of economic self-sufficiency and resilience was much lower than Iran's.

So do not come here to exaggerate things.

No exaggeration whatsoever on my part. Only facts, hard hitting ones, coupled with solid enough logic (however unpleasant for persons whose thinking may be marred by some long-standing, ingrained bias against Islamic Iran).

As I said, you suffer from narcissistic personality disorder which twists everything in your mind to make it so that anything that occurs in the world or is achieved by others is credited to Iran.

Ad hominem, reported.

Also, my comments yet need to be challenged in a logically and factually sound manner, which is far from having taken place.

And in your crazy mind you think this will increase public support for Iranian regime.

Third ad hominem in a single post, a clear sign of desperation stemming from an incapacity to produce any valid counter-arguments.

Reminding some facts and giving credit where it's due (in this case, to Islamic Iran for its outstanding efforts and sacrifices in resisting zionism and imperialism, something Muslims and free people worldwide recognize and are grateful for) is not a sign of craziness nor does it necessarily point to a political agenda, it is actually something every person with a sense of dignity, equity and righteousness should want to do.

Trying to minimize or even deny Iran's role however, is playing into the hands of the zionist enemy.
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Love of the Palestinian people and the Palestinian Resistance for shahid al-Quds hajj Qasem Soleimani (rahmatAllah)

Honorable Palestinian Resistance organizing official mourning ceremonies at the anniversary of hajj Qasem's martyrdom at the hands of the criminal US regime











Shahid Soleimani posters all over Gaza


Children of Gaza expressing affection for the hero of their hearts, hajj Qasem the martyr of al-Quds. Islamic Iran will never cease stretching its mighty helping hand over to you, all challenges notwithstanding, and no matter how much this unsettles our common enemies as well as some misguided elements.



Watch the related, incredibly inspiring video here (zionist source, ignore the article's out of place comments and just enjoy the clip): https://www.shiatv.net/video/1951703178

Palestinian citizens from Beit ol-Moqaddas (Jerusalem) or the West Bank expressing their love for hajj Qasem Soleimani. Salutes to you, heroic lady - it is glorious expressions of affection such as these which make zionist oppressors tremble, and cement our unshakable bonds of friendship and solidarity, to the great displeasure of elements working relentlessly to drive wedges between us and thereby doing the enemy's bidding, whether knowingly or unknowingly.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Artworks by Iranian artist celebrating the unity of the Resistance around the common goal of defeating zionism. This is the way to go in order to demolish the enemy's incitement towards sectarian and other divides among Muslims


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Haj Qasem empowered the Palestinians
The US had plans for the West Asia region. With the help of the people of the region, or it could be said with the help that he gave to them, he was able to nullify all of the illegitimate plots of the Americans in West Asia Regarding Palestine, the American’s plan was to make the issue of Palestine be forgotten and to keep the Palestinians weak so that they would not dare to speak of fighting. This man empowered the Palestinians. He did something to help a small region like the Gaza strip to stand up to the Zionist regime despite all their pretention. They (the people of Gaza) brought such adversity upon them (the Zionists) that they asked for a ceasefire after just 48 hours! This was done by Hajj Qasem Soleimani.
Jan 8, 2020

Our people love fighting against the Zionists and the Islamic Republic has proved this as well. By Allah's favour and grace, we have passed through the barrier of denominational discord. We helped Hezbollah of Lebanon - which is a Shia group - in the same way that we helped Hamas and Islamic Jihad and we will continue to do that [audience shout "Allahu Akbar"]. We did not become a prisoner of denominational limits. We did not differentiate between Shia, Sunni, Hanafi, Hanbali, Shafi'i and Zaidi denominations. All Palestinian areas have to become armed.

We looked at our main goal and we offered help. We managed to strengthen the fists of our Palestinian brothers in Gaza and elsewhere by Allah's favour, we will continue to do that. I announced- and this will definitely happen- that the West Bank should be armed like Gaza and be prepared for defence [audience shout "Allahu Akbar"].
Nov 25, 2014

Ismail Haniyeh, leader of Hamas and former Prime Minister of the Palestinian National Authority, as a special guest to funeral of Qassem Soleimani in January 2020 in Tehran, exclaims with passion and a tone that suggests nothing but deep sincerity: shahid Soleimani is a "martyr of al-Quds, martyr of Quds, martyr of Quds!"

Kudos to you, brother, for acknowledging martyr Soleimani's contributions and recognizing the their value befittingly.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Khaled Mashal, founding member of Hamas' politburo and its former chairman, warmly praises Islamic Iran for its help in Gaza's struggle against the illegal occupation of Palestine, during a 2015 visit in Tehran before an fully dedicated, enthusiastic, determined and welcoming crowd of Iranian revolutionaries following the sacred path of Imam Khomeini (r.a.).

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shut up, Ya Saddam a fruit cake and its cronies jgot them self annihilated but you still here breaking for us how great they were,

get real rather than spreading nonsense

only thing you good at bringing hatred to Iranian section ,

If Saddam who fought two wars with US, and fired missiles at Tel Aviv is fruit cake than what it is your Iranian Supreme Leader who is only good for barking?

I don't ever visit section, except when any of you try discrediting Holy Hamas or using Palestinian blood to advance your regional agenda. Don't use to justify killing Muslim baby's in Syria, Yemen and Iraq, period. I will not allow it..

Yeh IQ
that is why we have country and no one attacks us openly,
that is why they are carrying out these intelligence war ( shadow war on us)
don't forget you and your Palestinian and your entire supports are no match against Islamic Republic nuclear......
so fool your self that yeh Hamas or Palestinian are powerfull

stop posting here and we dont need you tell us how great you Palestinian are we all know
the only regime in region is you and your Saddam baath regime

You are not unique in anyway, all nations went through this before you. Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Tunisia, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Libya, etc.... You need to read into some history.
unlike you and other muslim countries we don't rely your public support , we rely on our nuclear ..... program so stop talking SH@t

Ah, no, your regime on Palestinians to gain public support to spread revolution in region. There is no confusion about that for anyone.
Pure rehashing of zionist / US propaganda. Iran's nuclear program is a civilian, peaceful one, even though it allowed Iran to become a nuclear threshold state - which is perfectly legal in international law and thus not a valid justification for sanctions (Japan, south Korea, Germany and others are threshold states too, but are not sanctioned). Therefore, Iran's nuclear program is merely played up and sensationalized as a pretext by western powers and their zionist masters. The real reasons for their hostility against Iran lie of course elsewhere.

Spam junk not worth responding to, you still haven't responded to previous post. Iranian nuclear program is military and majority sanctions Iran suffering is because of that. North Korea, Iraq, and others went through much worse than you, don't try appearing unique or acting like you suffer for Palestinians. You are suffering for trying to become nuclear power and regional power, nothing else.
Love of the Palestinian people and the Palestinian Resistance for shahid al-Quds hajj Qasem Soleimani (rahmatAllah)

Honorable Palestinian Resistance organizing official mourning ceremonies at the anniversary of hajj Qasem's martyrdom at the hands of the criminal US regime











Shahid Soleimani posters all over Gaza


Lol, the day he was killed Hamas did sit in with few dozen people for him. No one cares about Muslim baby killer. We actually took that exact billboard down. Do not try advancing your Muslim baby killing agenda in the region at our behest. Do not use us to justify injustice. And do not come here to take credit for what Hamas did for Jerusalem and the regional and Palestinian uprising it triggered for Jerusalem. All the credit goes to Hamas, not for barking cowards who want to jump on bandwagon.

Naser Abu Sharifi – Representative of the Palestin-ian Islamic jihad Movement in Tehran points out that Martyr Haj Qassem Soleimani was an engineer and architect of the resistance in Palestine and the region, and he always stressed on the importance of defending the oppressed people of Palestine.


Even to Iranian regime this guy has no worth. Fired few missiles after telling US to evacuate soldiers. His life is cheap for Iranian regime which only interested in business and getting wealthy at expense of peoples lives in regions. Ironically, Saddam that you make fun of fought two real wars and fired at Israel, unlike your two Supreme leaders which are just talk, no action.

Anyhow, post what you want here, but I will refute any attempt by anyone to take credit for Holy Hamas's actions and Jerusalem uprising. Hamas also know you are trying to ride bandwagon, but this time will force you into war and drag you into it if you keep that up. This is why we were firing rockets from Lebanon and will do it again.

Btw, it's against rules to use vpn and fake location flags. Put your real flag up and location (which is USA).
Lol, the day he was killed Hamas did sit in with few dozen people for him. No one cares about Muslim baby killer.

There seems to be some heavy confusion right there.

Not only did the Palestinian Resistance (all factions included) repeatedly express heartfelt solidarity with regards to Qassem Soleimani's martyrdom at the hands of the criminal US regime, the same regime which props up the illegal zionist settler entity, but numerous Resistance leaders from Gaza highlighted his particularly prominent role in empowering their just struggle, and praised him accordingly.

Likewise, the pictures referred to were not taken on the day of Qassem Soleimani's martyrdom, but a year later during commemoration ceremonies organized by every Palestinian Resistance group.

Palestinian leaders exhibit nothing but respect, praise and gratitude towards hajj Qassem. We don't believe that their conduct is un-Islamic to the extent that they would lie so often and so brazenly about it. No, they are sincere in their statements.

We actually took that exact billboard down.

Who is "we"? Some American citizens?

Oh, and the perpetrators of this action were actually arrested.

The Palestinian militant group Hamas arrested on Thursday a man for tearing down a banner of slain Iranian military commander Qassem Soleimani which was put up ahead of the first anniversary of his death by the group, according to a relative of the detainee.

Do not try advancing your Muslim baby killing agenda in the region at our behest. Do not use us to justify injustice.

I am a a total loss as to what "Muslim baby killing agenda" is being referred to here. Perhaps the quoted user is suffering from paranoia.

And do not come here to take credit for what Hamas did for Jerusalem and the regional and Palestinian uprising it triggered for Jerusalem. All the credit goes to Hamas, not for barking cowards who want to jump on bandwagon.

Obviously "I" took no credit for anyone else's actions. Certainly the author of such a bizarre contention would gain in ceasing to dream up random stories, and in controlling their wild imagination.

As for Islamic Iran's pivotal, unparalleled and unique role in enabling not just Hamas and other Palestinian Resistance formations, but the anti-zionist and anti-imperialist struggle regionwide and beyond, of course I will continue highlighting it. This is not just perfectly factual and legitimate, it moreover constitutes kind of a moral duty for every sincere person with a sound understanding of geopolitical affairs. Especially if elements doing the zionist regime's bidding (knowingly or unknowingly) are actively seeking to deny or misconstrue Iran's policy.

Even to Iranian regime this guy has no worth. Fired few missiles after telling US to evacuate soldiers. His life is cheap for Iranian regime which only interested in business and getting wealthy at expense of peoples lives in regions.

Iran did not communicate with the US regime. Over 300 attacks against US forces took place in Iraq alone since then, including the destruction of a secret CIA hangar in Erbil. The CIA's top operative Ayatollah Mike was probably eliminated by Iran using its Afghan proxies. Etc.

The Islamic Republic is only interested in fighting zionism and imperialism. Nothing else.

Ironically, Saddam that you make fun of

I made fun of, where?

fought two real wars

Saddam was attacked twice. He did not start these wars.

and fired at Israel, unlike your two Supreme leaders which are just talk, no action.

Saddam fired missiles only after the US launched all out aggression against Iraq. Iran has never been in such a situation. Therefore apples and oranges and flawed simplistic "logic".

Anyhow, post what you want here, but I will refute any attempt by anyone to take credit for Holy Hamas's actions and Jerusalem uprising.

Not sure the author of the quoted lines is really familiar with the meaning of the verb "to refute".

Hamas also know you are trying to ride bandwagon,

Mind reading much? And in effect discrediting Hamas by portraying them as insincere, chronic liars. One can only shake one's head at this.

but this time will force you into war and drag you into it if you keep that up. This is why we were firing rockets from Lebanon and will do it again.

Mere fiction.

Btw, it's against rules to use vpn and fake location flags.

Has all been cleared with the site administrator.

your real flag up and location (which is USA).

Seek medical help for recurring delusional thoughts.
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There seems to be some heavy confusion right there.

Not only did the Palestinian Resistance (all factions included) repeatedly express heartfelt solidarity with regards to Qassem Soleimani's martyrdom at the hands of the criminal US regime, the same regime which props up the illegal zionist settler entity, but numerous Resistance leaders from Gaza highlighted his particularly prominent role in empowering their just struggle, and praised him accordingly.

Likewise, the pictures referred to were not taken on the day of Qassem Soleimani's martyrdom, but a year later during commemoration ceremonies organized by every Palestinian Resistance group.

Palestinian leaders exhibit nothing but respect, praise and gratitude towards hajj Qassem. We don't believe that their conduct is un-Islamic to the extent that they would lie so often and so brazenly about it. No, they are sincere in their statements.

Who is "we"? Some American citizens losing their way and ending up in Gaza?

The perpetrators were actually arrested for this.

The Palestinian militant group Hamas arrested on Thursday a man for tearing down a banner of slain Iranian military commander Qassem Soleimani which was put up ahead of the first anniversary of his death by the group, according to a relative of the detainee.

I am a a total loss as to what "Muslim baby killing agenda" is being referred to here. Perhaps the quoted user is suffering from paranoid delusions. At this point, the user would perhaps gain in .

Obviously "I" took no credit for anyone else's actions. Certainly the author of such a bizarre contention would gain in ceasing to dream up fantasy stories, and in controlling their wild imagination.

As for Islamic Iran's pivotal, unparalleled and unique role in empowering not just Hamas and other Palestinian Resistance formations, but the anti-zionist and anti-imperialist struggle regionwide and beyond, of course I will continue highlighting it. This is not just perfectly factual and legitimate, it moreover constitutes kind of a moral duty for every sincere person with a sound understanding of geopolitical affairs.

Especially if elements doing the zionist regime's bidding are active trying to deny or misconstrue Iran's policy.

No one in Gaza, not even the officials, care about that Muslim baby-killer. Not even your IR regime officials care about him as they refused to even avenge his blood. They had million ways to avenge his blood but didn't. Gaza officials will say what they need to get continued support as Iran conditions that they make positive statements on their behalf to help improve their reputation after they became despised since Syria/Iraq conflicts. Hamas knows it need to small few dozen gathering and will do that and move on. All they interested in is getting military support to continue Jihad against Israel, which they are leading and no one else.

Btw, that guy was released immediately, and they didn't care about Qasem, just public property. It was property of another group in Gaza.

Don't take credit for Hamas's Jerusalem uprising, courage, culture and product. I see it a lot here. And this thread itself was created as you guys derailed the Jerusalem conflict thread to take credit for Hamas's doing. I will refute anyone who tries to take credit for Holy Hamas's courage and actions. If you are such sophisticated people who do amazing work, you can show us actions against Israel any time. The truth is, however, you are just sidelined spectators who sit down comfortably without initiating Jihad and try to take credit for Hamas's Jihad and blood.
g their wild imagination.

As for Islamic Iran's pivotal, unparalleled and unique role in empowering not just Hamas and other Palestinian Resistance formations, but the anti-zionist and anti-imperialist struggle regionwide and beyond, of course I will continue highlighting it. This is not just perfectly factual and legitimate, it moreover constitutes kind of a moral duty for every sincere person with a sound understanding of geopolitical affairs.

I already debunked your exaggerations and lies in post #29.
Iran did not communicate with the US regime. Over 300 attacks against US forces took place in Iraq alone since then, including the destruction of a secret CIA hangar in Erbil. The CIA's top operative Ayatollah Mike was probably eliminated by Iran using its Afghan proxies. Etc.

Ahahahaha, so you all have is fake delusional propaganda. Of course.

The Islamic Republic is only interested in fighting zionism and imperialism. Nothing else.

Seek help for your delusions.

Saddam was attacked twice. He did not start these wars.

So, if Iran was attacked for nuclear program you would say Iran didn't fight a war with the US? No, you would be spreading 24/7 propaganda on their behalf here. Saddam fought two wars with the US. And fired missiles at Israel's capital. It's fascinating how you make in fun of Saddam when he actually fought wars with US/Israel , unlike Iran which is only good for talking.

Saddam fired missiles only after the US launched all out aggression against Iraq. Iran has never been in such a situation. Therefore apples and oranges and flawed simplistic "logic".

US killed your general, what are you talking about? US will never do regime change to Iranian regime which is very useful to US, EU, and Israel. Iran is front for war against Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkey , and Saudi Arabia. It can be used to take down all those regional powers, and US has no interest in regime change in Iran.

Your terrorist regime is so hated and despised in the region you need to fall back on Palestinians and exploit their achievements to boost your reputation. You regime is bunch of sidelined spectators in the whole conflict. Only active killing Muslim baby's in Muslim nations.

Has all been cleared with the site administrator.

Seek medical help for recurring delusional thoughts.

No it wasn't, you are breaking forum rules and hiding your real location(USA), while talking people down for living in the US. Textbook hypocrite.
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