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Discussion: Is Pakistan's economy failing because it is not a secular nation?

Is Pakistan's economy failing because it is not a secular country?

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These are not secular countries. Before debating learn the defenition.

The arabs looted and enslaved every non arab and imposed their culture on them. There is no difference between them and the white slaverers and their empires so spare me the good guy routine.
these are secular countries uncle, you know what a secular country is ?
brother i dont know what country and religious beliefs you belong to, but the more extreme a muslim society is the more it will prosper and peace will prevail, theres not a single principal in islam that goes against Humanity as a whole.
My idea of extreme is TTP, preventing scientific & technological advancements, licking the boots of other Islamic countries when they do not return the favour, lynching people or treating them inhumanely for belonging to a different sect or religion.

Do you support this stuff?
My idea of extreme is TTP, preventing scientific & technological advancements, licking the boots of other Islamic countries when they do not return the favour, lynching people or treating them inhumanely for belonging to a different sect or religion.

Do you support this stuff?
no brother off course not, Islam is peaceful not barbaric, even when in war.
for as long as Pakistan's political setup is manufactured in GHQ. Religious/Secularism led gormints are not going to achieve anything.

for as long as the inflated ego of GHQ is the reason behind all forms of politics then Pakistan will be driven forward in reverse gear.

Pakistan and Egypt mirror each other in this domain of military's hold on people of their nation.
these are secular countries uncle, you know what a secular country is ?
Brazil is not a secular country, its catholic

India is not secular, its Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Buddhist

African countries are christian or muslim

The West - US and Europe and far east are secular and this is the 1st world.

Jinnah was a western educated lawyer who liked a smoke and a drink. He was not a mullah lol.
I find it curious that the government is composed of extremely unintelligent people (the PM, previous PM, finance minister etc.,). I wonder is it because the smarter people belong to disfavored sects?
Due to nepotism, nepotism is much less likely to happen with people from disfavored sects
Brazil is not a secular country, its catholic

India is not secular, its Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Buddhist

African countries are christian or muslim

The West - US and Europe and far east are secular and this is the 1st world.

Jinnah was a western educated lawyer who liked a smoke and a drink. He was not a mullah lol.

you don't know what a secular country is uncle, please don't embarrass yourself, i need to sleep now.
Brazil is not a secular country, its catholic

India is not secular, its Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Buddhist

African countries are christian or muslim

The West - US and Europe and far east are secular and this is the 1st world.

Jinnah was a western educated lawyer who liked a smoke and a drink. He was not a mullah lol.
There is literally no point in naming random countries here because it proves nothing and ignores context. There is a lot of history, global politics and sometimes even just abundant natural resources behind it.

What makes a powerful economy?

What is the reason behind the powerful economies we see today?

Are those reasons enabled specifically due to secularism?

Does Pakistan's laws prevent similar policies from being implemented? Would secularism allow them?
Secularism has nothing to do with economic growth. How stupid can one be?

Indonesia like Pakistan is among the most conservative Muslim countries in the world and their economy is doing far better.
There is literally no point in naming random countries here because it proves nothing and ignores context. There is a lot of history, global politics and sometimes even just abundant natural resources behind it.

What makes a powerful economy?

What is the reason behind the powerful economies we see today?

Are those reasons enabled specifically due to secularism?

Does Pakistan's laws prevent similar policies from being implemented? Would secularism allow them?
I asked ChatGPT the AI that is making headlines. Here's the answer it gave me. Just pay attention to point numero uno!!!

Secularism has nothing to do with economic growth. How stupid can one be?

Indonesia like Pakistan is among the most conservative Muslim countries in the world and their economy is doing far better.

This is his logic why the western economies are more powerful than Pakistan's lol

I really fail to see the point here, many Pakistanis from that same society immigrate to the Middle East and work their asses off to provide to their families back home and themselves, many people are corrupt to their core and willing to do anything to make money even if it's corruption or criminal.

So this logic is defunct to begin with, they definitely care about making money. The west looted many nations, used slave labour, stole resources etc.

In my opinion it can be attributed to horrible economic policies, extremely poor national governance, low employment, low literacy rates and access to quality education etc.

All possible in Pakistan today but just not focused on. Pakistan is not even a true theocracy in any sense.

I asked ChatGPT the AI that is making headlines. Here's the answer it gave me. Just pay attention to point numero uno!!!

View attachment 911959
That's exactly what I said to him and others numerous times

Even this threads original post jokes exactly about that 😂

I created this thread because I found it astonishing how he pinned it straight down to lack of secularism
I asked ChatGPT the AI that is making headlines. Here's the answer it gave me. Just pay attention to point numero uno!!!

View attachment 911959
just an expansion on point numero uno!!!


I created this thread because I found it astonishing how he pinned it straight down to lack of secularism
is he referring to is LGBTQ+ based secularism? because that's the type of secularism thats being pushed by the west. If yes then take that secularism and shove it.
Please no arguments or insults. We just want to hear people's opinions.

@Rusty2 Claims that Pakistan's economy is failing due to it not being a secular nation, and the west's economy is flourishing due to that same secularism.
(Please correct me Rusty if that's not what you claim)

I disagree and I think the problems are more due to the incompetent governance and bad economic policies.

Or maybe he's right and we had the most competent leadership, the most effective economic policies, employment readily available, tons of natural resources like oils, minerals and gas.

Ishaq Dar is/was a total magician, our great national leaders like Nawaz Sharif, Shahbaz Sharif, and Zardari were perfect governors but secularism was missing hence today it is failing.

@PakFactor @That Guy @Al_Muhannad @epebble @ziaulislam @SaadH @Erieye @Mirzali Khan @_NOBODY_ @313ghazi @MastanKhan @SQ8 @Great Janjua @FuturePAF
It's failing because of the corrupt liberal and secular ruling elite class
just an expansion on point numero uno!!!

View attachment 911960

I mentioned this numerous times even did a whole section on my analysis here:

just an expansion on point numero uno!!!

View attachment 911960

is he referring to is LGBTQ+ based secularism? because that's the type of secularism thats being pushed by the west. If yes then take that secularism and shove it.
Yes lmao, few days ago I showed him videos of grown men breast feeding babies, nude drag Queens with children, children being given surgery and hormone therapy, etc, etc and he was perfectly okay with it and wanted it in Pakistan
Yes lmao, few days ago I showed him videos of grown men breast feeding babies, nude drag Queens with children, children being given surgery and hormone therapy, etc, etc and he was perfectly okay with it and wanted it in Pakistan
those people who participate in this degeneracy are NOT any way shape or form contributing to the economic growth of the nation. these degenerates are a mockery by the elite of the peasant folks!

How many of these policy makers that push for such laws have such degenerate tendencies in their children? They make sure their progeny stays away from this. yet encourage others to adopt them.

furthermore they are dependent on nanny state to carry them forward in life. The state or government is NOT your friend.

anyway, this new age degeneracy is nothing but a clown world. no wonder clown wigs rainbow is the pride flag.


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