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Discussion: Is Pakistan's economy failing because it is not a secular nation?

Is Pakistan's economy failing because it is not a secular country?

  • Yes

  • No

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Pakistan is a very rich country has a population of people that can bring the country out of turmoil and poverty the only problem is that you guys worship your politicians and you guys let them get away with robbery. The people of Pakistan are slaves to the political elite that come and go and steal all the money they like and the funny thing is even the slowest parts of the government have corruption as well. When the very government is corrupt how do you expect the country to prosper
Corruption exists in any country! America is corrupt and political lobbying is legal in America. China is also very corrupt, with 90% of officials corrupt to varying

America is very corrupt and so are most countries of the world, including Pakistan. At least Pakistan, despite being engaged against neighbors like India, has not bankrupted. Look at what wrong policies and corruption have done to Argentina and Sri Lanka?? But the PDF Pakistanis, following their Pidepiper Imran Khan, thought that 'corruption' was Pakistan's no. 1 issue. No, it was NOT! The issue was and is political instability. Pakistan is, unless things are reversed soon, entering its 3rd 'Lost Decade'. Idiots in Pakistan don't know that 'revolutions' don't come without a price and 'revolutions' often destroy a nation. And yet the single focus of the Imran Khan govt was about 'corruption' instead of 'governance'. His zealotry during his rule was bad enough. After being toppled, he, instead of waiting the ruling idiots to fall on their swords, opted to cause so much instability that Pakistan is in its worst shape in several decades. With friends like these...
True but I would argue it was a necessary evil at the time considering the risk both Afghanistan posed and the Soviets next door.

But it has been horribly managed after, no effort from the state to control extremism, they tackle against terrorism directly but that's not enough if you can't address the root cause where people are becoming radicalised.

You and I disagree on that. In my opinion, an educated Afghanistan under the Soviets might have been hostile to Pakistan but its ruling class wouldn't be suicidal to cross redlines. The Soviets NEVER wanted to invade Afghanistan for expansionism or to target Pakistan. There are now authoritative sources about that. They were compelled to invade Afghanistan. But under them, Afghanistan would have been yet another 'Stan: Totalitarian, anti-Pakistan but not crossing redlines. America had a security umbrella over Pakistan against any direct Soviet attack; that context is important for late 70s and 80s. Stable nations' ruling classes generally don't launch wars, especially against neighbors. Look at India: As hostile as they are to Pakistan, their ruling elites know better than to launch a war against Pakistan, terrorism support notwithstanding. Afghanistan would have been the same after two decades of the Soviet rule.

But then who really can predict what would have happen? It is a guessing game and hindsight is 20/20. I too was swept up in the 'Jihad' concept in the 80s, though in my excuse I was too young to know then.
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A secular Pakistan would not have been affected by the Al Qaeda psyops that is for certain. Pakistanis would not have enabled TTP that is for certain.

Saved a $100 billion dollars? Reputation remains in tact? Relationships are strengthened with the world community? Pakistani troops fight side by side with NATO in Afghanistan and world media celebrates Pakistan as the heroes and not the place OBL was hiding? Minorities feel more empowered and involved? Western border is promptly secured in 2001 and Afghans hiding in FATA are obliterated? India is mogged and Pakistan is seen as more consciously and morally advanced?

20 years of stability and increased trade since 2005 instead of TTP attacks would mean a wealthier Pakistan now?

The answer to these questions are obvious and we all know it. :enjoy:
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overpopulation is a symptom not disease.
Having a large population is actually a very good thing if you use it right. Just look at China.

This is becoming ridiculous as usual. China imposed one child policy for a reason. How do you propose to sustain such a large population?

Where will you get the sufficient water and food? How long can you provide it?

You want lots of people and pollution just for circulating money? Because that's what the definition of economies.

Resource exploitation, consumerism, waste prodcuction all for circulating money. China's is under control and they are a much larger country than Pakistan.
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Are these countries poor?

Top 10 Most Secular Countries in the World (by percentage of non-religious citizens, Win-Gallup 2017)​

  1. China — 90%
  2. Sweden — 73%
  3. Czech Republic — 72%
  4. United Kingdom — 69%
  5. Belarus — 64%
  6. Azerbaijan — 64%
  7. Vietnam — 63%
  8. Australia — 63%
  9. Norway — 62%
  10. Denmark — 61%

You think the Islamic empire got rich because of Islam, it got rich of loot and slavery.
Very true .

It's failing because of the incompetent people who are running it.
Religion helped them to get power .
It's failing and flailing because the country is not secured against the corrupt zardari and sharif mafia, who ruined the economy in 30 years of plunder and money laundering.

And by the handlers who have brought these looters to the government.

Sharifs were nurtured by the military, now pandering zardari, earlier created IJI to dent peoples party, so they are to be blamed.

A strong political party with people mandate could have steered the country out of the mess and towards path to progress, at the cost of a weak establishment.

In reality Army would be much stronger with a strong civilian government but they are averse to this idea, insecured as they want to keep the power and wield it.

And not ceding space to civilian government.
No, its because we have these despotic tyrants (Generals) that continue voluntarily to water board Pakistan to win favors from their foreign imperial masters, either they do it themselves or via their political wing (PDM) this unholy treacherous alliance has historically destroyed the economy and made sure it's people remain poor and desolate, apart from a select few beneficiaries.


GHQ.. Raping Pakistan since the 'great' Field Marshal Ayub Khan..*


When this usurper undid the federation, this was the beginning of the fall of Pakistan. His legacy lives on today with Mir Bajwa's successor General hafiz, and through the Bhutto dynasty.. (co founder)
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I think it has to do with cousin marriages, drastic drop in IQ.
That is a significant contributor. Pakistanis have high level of consanguineous marriages and consequently highest rate of diseases and low achievement.

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