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Discovery Channel reveals what it takes To Be in the Indian Army's Premier Strike Force

I wanted to compare their reaction time with mine. :ashamed:

I seriously wanna know how do these trainings effect their reaction time?

No study done as far as i know. DIPAS was doing a study on long term effects of high altitude on soldiers though. Nothing done on SF.

But the training ... a 29 year old average doctor was clocking 19 mins 30 seconds in 5 km with standard load and weapon in his probation. The fastest officer of para brigade has been a medical officer one after the other. One is famous and was on TV the other day, Major Poonia. The next's name will not be given for obvious reasons, but he has won gold medals in world military games!

40 km we see a time of 4 hrs 20 min with 20 kg battle load and a Vz 58/Tavor/M4

@COLDHEARTED AVIATOR deleted, request follow suit.
It decrease. Saw in one natgeo documentary.
During our transport engineering classes we were taught that the roads are designed on the basis of human visual reaction time which is close to .25 seconds.
You being a doc might be able to help me understand how the motor command, motor execution, and myoelectric activity is effected by the diff SF trainings?
A few more questions have started to pop inside my head like what should be the length of SF trainings to reduce the RT of an officer? Don't sleep deprivation activities during the trainings have adverse effect on their brains? I know it's not prolonged but still...

No study done as far as i know. DIPAS was doing a study on long term effects of high altitude on soldiers though. Nothing done on SF.

But the training ... a 29 year old average doctor was clocking 19 mins 30 seconds in 5 km with standard load and weapon in his probation. The fastest officer of para brigade has been a medical officer one after the other. One is famous and was on TV the other day, Major Poonia. The next's name will not be given for obvious reasons, but he has won gold medals in world military games!

40 km we see a time of 4 hrs 20 min with 20 kg battle load and a Vz 58/Tavor/M4

@COLDHEARTED AVIATOR deleted, request follow suit.
I got the hint. :tup: :-)

Their reaction times are like Jerry's at around the 00.48 time mark:

Visual reaction always remains the same with everyone, in some cases they presume situations better based on experiance. In hand to hand fighting, its more to do with muscle memmory after practice..
That makes sense. Thanks :tup:

Call it my intuition, I knew you were around. :lol:
During our transport engineering classes we were taught that the roads are designed on the basis of human visual reaction time which is close to .25 seconds.
You being a doc might be able to help me understand how the motor command, motor execution, and myoelectric activity is effected by the diff SF trainings?
A few more questions have started to pop inside my head like what should be the length of SF trainings to reduce the RT of an officer? Don't sleep deprivation activities during the trainings have adverse effect on their brain? I know it's not prolonged but still...

For bold, again, no studies done by AFMS in IA.

The process in a 4 week probation of some units is a zero week. The officer gets the worst.

No sleep and from the moment you hit the gate, it's a go. The sleep deprivation is deliberate and then you are made to undergo your physicals. Thence, the tasking start, requiring intellectual use. The brain is dead by then. LOL

But that is only on first day. Second day, it is nothing but mechanical. You move, and you use your brain. The body screams in pain as if you run 5 kms in time, you go 10 kms next, if you do 10, you get pushed to 15. Run is 2 times a day minimum for long leg. Sprints - don't even end!

Add your front and back rolls on roads, your push ups on knuckles on roads and the 'maharaja' ... you get your Ghajini Look and torn knuckles by end of Day 1.

You get 7 days of hell. No sleep, no rest and about 150+ kms of distance run, a good swim or two in the filthiest of ponds with full battle load, and no time to mend your clothes or your body.

And the water in Agra is hard ... it does not clean you also .. 3 mins time, get ready and be back for next task.


An interesting scenario, after run (in officer's mess, run is till a graveyard) in Brogue Shoes probationers were expected to climb a small palm tree!!!

You learn to think on your feet and learn to close your eyes in water to grab that 2 mins of sleep before you realise the 20 kgs is pulling you under as you have dozed off and stopped kicking your legs (with your boots on) and are trying desperately to not wet your 'weapon'!!!
You learn to think on your feet and learn to close your eyes in water to grab that 2 mins of sleep before you realise the 20 kgs is pulling you under as you have dozed off and stopped kicking your legs (with your boots on) and are trying desperately to not wet your 'weapon'!!!
Power nap- Army style.
I've this so called childhood freind in special forces who refuses to give out such details. Ofcourse I knew some of it as I had read about it on net.
Btw my friend was awarded shaurya chakra this year. :)
Power nap- Army style.
I've this so called childhood freind in special forces who refuses to give out such details. Ofcourse I knew some of it as I had read about it on net.
Btw my friend was awarded shaurya chakra this year. :)

Nice. Won't ask the name. Can look it up!!! LOL!!!
But the most important part of it was not given out.
Well in today's age they should be careful because you never know when the jihadists target your family.

My dad was in the Army.There was a very successful officer in RR under him who had great number of kills.So much so that when once a terrorist was caught the terrorist first asked about the officer as they were told about this officer in training camps.So when this officer got transferred to IMA after completing his tenure in RR.The jihadists sent a couple of terrorists to Dehradun to shoot him.But they didn't succeed.
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Well in today's age they should be careful because you never know when the jihadists target your family.

My dad was in the Army.There was a very successful officer in RR under him who had great number of kills.So much so that when once a terrorist was caught the terrorist first asked about the officer as they were told about this officer in Azad Kashmir training camps.So when this officer got transferred to IMA after completing his tenure in RR.The jihadists sent a couple of terrorists to Dehradun to shoot him.But they didn't succeed.
My freind's father was in the army too.
He is not new to this.
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