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Disaster for US foreign policy and credibility

Just answer one question.
Does a US president need approval from Congress to launch an attack?
Red line crossed,why not attack?

Obama as the Commander in Chief has 100% authority to attack without going to Congress (he and other officials said so many times), he went to Congress, because he is the biggest coward we had for a President for a long time. I am sorry I voted for this idiot.
Obama as the Commander in Chief has 100% authority to attack without going to Congress (he and other officials said so many times), he went to Congress, because he is the biggest coward we had for a President for a long time. I am sorry I voted for this idiot.

You do understand that such actions can lead to major wars do you? Or is shia blood too cheap for you?
Not strong enough to take on Russia in my opinion.USA is the only one capable of taking on Russia.
Nothing to do with Russia,you think if Russia threatens Turkey the US is just going to stand by and watch?
US allied govt.'s in Mid-east region and elsewhere need to rethink their dependence on the US and start making alternate plans. Just when they needed the US, the US went Missing in Action (MIA). Syria is just the latest example.

:omghaha: dependence on the US??? do you know what will happen to them??
Nothing to do with Russia,you think if Russia threatens Turkey the US is just going to stand by and watch?

Yes. Because if Russia is determined it will destroy Turkey and USA will watch .For USA ,islamic blood is cheap and . Its Israel they will defend at all costs ,even to the point of thermonuclear war.
Obama as the Commander in Chief has 100% authority to attack without going to Congress (he and other officials said so many times), he went to Congress, because he is the biggest coward we had for a President for a long time. I am sorry I voted for this idiot.
Nothing to do with cowardness,the American people had it with the police role of the US thats why he is carefull.
He regrets the day he mentioned the ''red line''.
There never was an attack plan.
Then why didnt Turkey and GCC go at it alone?
Who could have stopped them?

May be they think they are not powerful enough to make a move without the US? Turkey and GCC directly intervening would make it a regional war, where Iran could get involved. I don't know. May be you can tell us why Turkey did not do it and may be @Yzd Khalifa bro can tell us why GCC did not do it. Turkey+GCC definitely can take on Assad+Iran and if Russia comes in, that would be when USA would come in to balance. It can still be done.

What I see is that Iran is sticking its neck out all the way, now Turkey and GCC states have to decide how to handle this situation.

After all this, Assad staying could be risky for many people in the region. Can the rebels still win? I hope so, if not there must be contingency plans B, C, D etc.
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Yes. Because if Russia is determined it will destroy Turkey and USA will watch .For USA ,islamic blood is cheap and . Its Israel they will defend at all costs ,even to the point of thermonuclear war.
Well you seem to know alot about Russia and the US,we better be carefull then.
Do we have to bring Israel in to this,and why is it allways about muslim blood is cheap?
Nothing to do with cowardness,the American people had it with the police role of the US thats why he is carefull.
He regrets the day he mentioned the ''red line''.
There never was an attack plan.

Bro, true the US people are tired because of two mistaken wars, but that is not why chickened out, he chickened out because fundamentally he is a coward, does not know when to do what, that is why. If he acted soon, we could avoid 100,000 loss of lives. It was his words that rebels believed, also the regional allies and he turned all of them down.

If he was wise, he should have never said "Asad must go" and then watch them die and do nothing about it, he should have kept his mouth shut and not say anything. If the President of the US says something, they must be backed up with actions, but he is just a looser.
Well you seem to know alot about Russia and the US,we better be carefull then.
Do we have to bring Israel in to this,and why is it allways about muslim blood is cheap?

Because this is the truth.

Pakistan asked China and USA to intervene against India and asked CENTO/SEATO to intervence and due to threat of ussr which threated nuclear war on India's behalf in 1971 ,no one came forward.

West cares about itself.Not Turkey.
May be they think they are not powerful enough to make a move without the US? Turkey and GCC directly intervening would make it a regional war, where Iran could get involved. I don't know. May be you can tell us why Turkey did not do it and may be @Yzd Khalifa bro can tell us why GCC did not do it. Turkey+GCC definitely can take on Assad+Iran and if Russia comes in, that would be when USA would come in to balance. It can still be done.

What I see is that Iran is sticking its neck out all the way, now Turkey and GCC states have to decide how to handle this situation.

After all this, Assad staying could be risky for many people in the region. Can the rebels still win? I hope so, if not there must be contingency plans B, C, D etc.
All the sides are waiting,no one will do nothing.
Only the innocent will die more and more.
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