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Disaster for US foreign policy and credibility

Yes. Because if Russia is determined it will destroy Turkey and USA will watch .For USA ,islamic blood is cheap and . Its Israel they will defend at all costs ,even to the point of thermonuclear war.

Please spare us the nonsense, who are you anyways, I am guessing a Shia, but from where, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq or Lebanon? What are doing in Bahamas?

All the sides are waiting,no one will do nothing.
Only the innocent will die more and more.

That is the tragedy of this whole affair and I blame Obama for it for giving everyone false hope.
Because this is the truth.

Pakistan asked China and USA to intervene against India and asked CENTO/SEATO to intervence and due to threat of ussr which threated nuclear war on India's behalf in 1971 ,no one came forward.

West cares about itself.Not Turkey.
They never helped Pakistan,yet Pakistan allways helped other muslim countries.
Maybe its time to change.
Bro, true the US people are tired because of two mistaken wars, but that is not why chickened out, he chickened out because fundamentally he is a coward, does not know when to do what, that is why. If he acted soon, we could avoid 100,000 loss of lives. It was his words that rebels believed, also the regional allies and he turned all of them down.

If he was wise, he should have never said "Asad must go" and then watch them die and do nothing about it, he should have kept his mouth shut and not say anything. If the President of the US says something, they must be backed up with actions, but he is just a looser.

warmonger... all the innocent Syrian lives that were lost is because the US supported bloodshed and war... USA could have easily prevented bloodshed, if it supported peace, but instead it sided with terrorists...which pro longed the war... the CIA itself, helped their puppets in GCC transfer terrorists and weapons since the conflict started...
Because this is the truth.

Pakistan asked China and USA to intervene against India and asked CENTO/SEATO to intervence and due to threat of ussr which threated nuclear war on India's behalf in 1971 ,no one came forward.

West cares about itself.Not Turkey.

Turkey is a NATO member, so they have to protect Turkey. As for 1971, yes but it was not Russia, but Soviet Union, there is a big difference between cold war era Soviet Union and today's Russian Federation.
Please spare us the nonsense, who are you anyways, I am guessing a Shia, but from where, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq or Lebanon? What are doing in Bahamas?

That is the tragedy of this whole affair and I blame Obama for it for giving everyone false hope.
Lets say we are the same,no division in sects.
Its about the US foreighn policy.
My final statement as my first one:it was a genious move!
All the sides are waiting,no one will do nothing.
Only the innocent will die more and more.

I can speak with the authority on that, Erdogan is crazy, he would have done it already, but Turkey's allies are restrianing him.
Lets say we are the same,no division in sects.
Its about the US foreighn policy.
My final statement as my first one:it was a genious move!

Bro, Obama is a heartless coward and scum of the earth, I know him well, because I follow his politics everyday, listening to radio, watching TV, but you are entitled to your opinion and I respect your opinion.

If I was US President, I would never say "Asad must go" and then watch 100,000 people die.

I can speak with the authority on that, Erdogan is crazy, he would have done it already, but Turkey's allies are restrianing him.

Bro, can you please elaborate a little, does Erdogan actually want to go in? And which allies are stopping him, NATO?
Bro, can you please elaborate a little, does Erdogan actually want to go in? And which allies are stopping him, NATO?

I don't know much about what kind of reaction NATO member states will come up with. All I know is that we tried to restrian Turkey as much as possible.

Regarding the question you asked earlier, If KSA and Turkey took a military action against Assad's Syria, this will be no less than an illegal act of war, and Assad will reserve the right to respond. The only country that can lanch airstrkes against the Assad regime, all at once is the US. No other country can do it, including the Ruskies.

We aren't worried about Iran though :), They won't stand a chance against it.
This is very bad move of president Barack Obama,with this act he show cracks of US foreign policy,if Reagan was president and Syria happen it would be all different.
Just answer one question.
Does a US president need approval from Congress to launch an attack?
Red line crossed,why not attack?

That because the British MP's rejected British participation and Obama didnt want to look as if he was a the only one calling for strikes.
I don't know much about what kind of reaction NATO member states will come up with. All I know is that we tried to restrian Turkey as much as possible.

Regarding the question you asked earlier, If KSA and Turkey took a military action against Assad's Syria, this will be no less than an illegal act of war, and Assad will reserve the right to respond. The only country that can lanch airstrkes against the Assad regime, all at once is the US. No other country can do it, including the Ruskies.

We aren't worried about Iran though :), They won't stand a chance against it.

In 1971 war in former East Pakistan, India came in, in just such an act of war, this one I know of. The excuse was too many refugee's in India. So if Turkey and Jordan want to go in, based on their excuse of refugee problem, who is going to stop them? I agree, Saudi has no direct border and refugee, so they could not go in directly, but you guys could still covertly help your next door neighbor and ally, Jordan.

If Rebels can win, then all is well, but if rebels are loosing, what is the plan bro? Assad gets to stay?
We have been helping the Jordanian and the Turk since day one, not only financial, but God knows what else (; ...

In 1971 war in former East Pakistan, India came in, in just such an act of war, this one I know of. The excuse was too many refugee's in India. So if Turkey and Jordan want to go in, based on their excuse of refugee problem, who is going to stop them? I agree, Saudi has no direct border and refugee, so they could not go in directly, but you guys could still covertly help your next door neighbor and ally, Jordan.

If Rebels can win, then all is well, but if rebels are loosing, what is the plan bro? Assad gets to stay?

The FSA won't rest till Assad either hanged or escaped to his masters in Tehran.

This is very bad move of president Barack Obama,with this act he show cracks of US foreign policy,if Reagan was president and Syria happen it would be all different.

If Romney won the election, Iran and Syria would have new Gov'ts

warmonger... all the innocent Syrian lives that were lost is because the US supported bloodshed and war... USA could have easily prevented bloodshed, if it supported peace, but instead it sided with terrorists...which pro longed the war... the CIA itself, helped their puppets in GCC transfer terrorists and weapons since the conflict started...

LoL, The only tough guys are you and the crazed Mullahs.
We have been helping the Jordanian and the Turk since day one, not only financial, but God knows what else (; ...

The FSA won't rest till Assad either hanged or escaped to his masters in Tehran.

If Romney won the election, Iran and Syria would have new Gov'ts

Bro, I know that Saudi have been helping from the start, I was talking about in case of Turkey and Jordan declaring war against Asad and going inside Syria.

So you are confident that FSA will win eventually, that's good, but it sure is taking too long and just too many innocent people loosing their lives, we need some game changers on the ground, right now it looks more like a stalemate.
Over the last two years - in which the Syrian conflict began - We have been conducting drills with the Jordanians and the Turks for that reason.

Bro, I know that Saudi have been helping from the start, I was talking about in case of Turkey and Jordan declaring war against Asad and going inside Syria.

So you are confident that FSA will win eventually, that's good, but it sure is taking too long and just too many innocent people loosing their lives, we need some game changers on the ground, right now it looks more like a stalemate.

The Syrian revolt is nothing compared with the American, French, and the Russian ones bro! We vowed to throw Assad and his sellouts to the sea!
Over the last two years - in which the Syrian conflict began - We have been conducting drills with the Jordanians and the Turks for that reason.

The Syrian revolt is nothing compared with the American, French, and the Russian ones bro! We vowed to throw Assad and his sellouts to the sea!

Very glad to hear it bro, sounds like there is a contingency plan.

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