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Disappearances and fake encounters by Indian Army


May 25, 2010
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Documentary about disappearances and fake encounters of Kashmiris by Indian security forces and intelligence agencies. This report documents human rights abuses and Indian state sponsored terrorism in Indian-occupied Kashmir.

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BEST IDEA - when u are accused of "OFF TOPIC" rants on other threads, better to open a thread of ur own & say now this is the TOPIC :lol:


The Army will try its officers involved in the Pathribal fake encounter case. The Army has decided to proceed against its five officers under the provisions of the Army Act.
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The Indian Army has been severely criticised by the Supreme Court for not deciding if it wants to take action against its officers involved in the Pathribal encounter case. The apex court on Monday issued a notice to the Defence Secretary and the Home Secretary in the March 25, 2000 encounter at Pathribal in South Kashmir in which seven people were gunned down for allegedly being Lashker-e-Toiba terrorists.
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It's been 12 years since the alleged horrific fake encounters in Pathribal in Kashmir. But the wait for justice is still not over. Five men were picked up in March, 2000 by army men and were later found dead.
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July 25'12:Youth martyred in a fake encounter in Sahil Halmathpoa forest of Aloosa in north Kashmir district by indian occupational forces. The martyred youth has been identified as Hilal Ahmad Dar S/o Gh, Mohi Ud Din Dar resident of Aloosa Bandipor. Heavy protests have been reported in Bandipora, while as people from adjoining areas are marching towards the town.
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Thousands of disappearances in Kashmir leave families broken.

In today?s India Unheard video, our Community Correspondent from Kashmir Sajad Rasool tells us about the case of missing people in his state of Jammu and Kashmir.

?Since the insurgency began in the 1980?s,? he says, ?local people started going missing. By now, it is estimated that the total number of people missing in Jammu and Kashmir amounts to over 10,000.?

It is widely believed among the general public of Kashmir that the Indian Army has played a significant role in these disappearances. In the ?80?s and ?90?s it was a common practice of the army to gather a large group of civilians and pick out a few on the pretext of investigation. These individuals never returned to their families. The State Human Rights Watch also reported that many disappearances took place during fake encounters staged by the Indian forces, who claimed that those killed were militants.

Mass graves have been unearthed in various towns and villages in Kashmir. In 2009, the International People?s Tribunal on Human Rights and Justice in Indian Administered Kashmir released a press note on their investigations of these mass graves, and their results were shocking. 2,373 of these graves were unnamed, and over 170 contained more than one body. The highest number of cadavers found in a single grave was 17.

The Indian Armed Forces claim that these mass graves hold bodies of foreign militants and terrorists killed in encounters. However, reports from other sources suggest that not all the bodies are those of insurgents. Many of these encounters were in fact faked, and a significant number of the victims were innocent civilians.

?When one?s loved one is killed, it is a terrible experience. But there is finality to it. When someone goes missing, however, their family is caught in a crossroads between hope and despair.?

Cases of missing people have dramatically reduced over the past 7 years, but those who disappeared left behind families in anguish. Many of these men were the sole breadwinners of the household.

Many families of missing persons have been scared to file reports against suspects. If they do so, they are in grave danger of losing their own lives. However, the Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons was founded in 1994, and since then it has played a large role in mobilizing people for their fight for justice. The APDP regularly organizes rallies and protests, creating and spreading awareness around the world about the horrors that Kashmir has seen. It has also provided a strong support system for missing persons? families.

?Although thousands all over Kashmir have been affected by this, there hasn?t been enough coverage of the issue by mainstream media. Local channels are quick to report such news,? says Sajad, ?but national channels don?t seem to find this topic relevant. This video is a small initiative on my part to get the ball rolling. More people must get to know of this injustice.?
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The Buck Stops Here: The Association of Parents for Disappeared Persons was formed in 1994. But despite years of struggle and advocacy, these families have never had either emotional closure or justice. Now, preliminary report by a police team of the State Human Rights Commission has surveyed unmarked graves in four districts across North Kashmir and places the number of unidentified bodies at over 2000. Will hundreds of families get the closure they seek as Kashmir stands at the intersection of possible change?
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the OP does realize that most ,if not all these sources are from India. we (Indians) have brought out these violations and accept the IA did cross the line . there is no denying that . and none of us do .
so the point of this thread is ? do enlighten me:)

The Jammu and Kashmir State Human Rights Commission has found 2730 unidentified dead bodies in mass graves in North Kashmir. Seema Mustafa speaks to Newsclick about silence in India on the issue.
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In every war zone, human rights violation happens. Its due to extreme conditions, psychological trauma that soldiers undergo with no leaves and being away from family and no ample rest takes a toll on soldiers. Look at history, its full of such cases.

I hope IA gets rid of guilty soldiers, make special efforts for Indian soldiers for psychological re-conditioning. Hope cross border terrorism stops so that Kashmiri people don't become collateral damage.

India is not going to leave Kashmir at any cost and this effort through terrorism is all in vain and all it has resulted in deaths of innocent Kashmiris. Hope both Indian and especially Pakistan who care so much about Pakistan move to diplomatic measures than solving the issue with gun.

There is an old Indian saying, Do paaton ke beech main, sabut bacha naa koi. (Between two stones of the mill, nothings remains uncrushed.)

The Buck Stops Here: Omar Abdullah, Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir, has proposed a truth and reconciliation commission as one response to the growing controversy around the unmarked graves in the state. We bring you a ground zero report on the response to this proposal.
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There was time when british used to say---"The sun never sets on the British Empire"
Same arrogance is in india's case. but it just the matter of time.kashmir to rahega par hindostan nahi hoga.

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