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Disaffected Muslim Parents Urged Faith 'Takeover' Of Birmingham Schools, Leaked Documents Show

Velle...I meant at the hands of the tea-party and bible thumping crowd. So far I am yet to see any respectable Islamic organisation call for scrapping evolution from the syllabus.

OH lol well I thought you meant based on this topic so I assumed Muslims, the tea party losers have influence among conservatives but they won't for long because the Republicans are realizing that if they ever want to win the Presidency again they need to be more open to people from all walks of life and they will need to sideline hardcore elements like the Tea Party in order to do that. So I do not see them winning enough power in states to bring wholesale change to school curriculum.

Tennessee if I had to guess though.
Authorities should very strictly deal with such things, send whoever is involved to jail.
OH lol well I thought you meant based on this topic so I assumed Muslims, the tea party losers have influence among conservatives but they won't for long because the Republicans are realizing that if they ever want to win the Presidency again they need to be more open to people from all walks of life and they will need to sideline hardcore elements like the Tea Party in order to do that. So I do not see them winning enough power in states to bring wholesale change to school curriculum.

Goes both way, as the saner Republicans wake up to this menace so is the Tea-Party getting ready to run its pick against existing Repub reps and governors, even those with high approval ratings among the repub base. The tea-baggers won't go down without a fight, hell they've got enough influence to even censure Boehner. You should have gagged them they day they came up with notions such as fetal masturbation, I swear till I came across it I had always though we had the most weird public servants and politicos.:lol: Evolution and sciences are lies from the pit of hell, if Israel is not supported (not that I do not support their right to exist) then there won't be a second coming of Christ, Gog and Magog...scary stuff from people who are part of the governing process of a super-power.
Goes both way, as the saner Republicans wake up to this menace so is the Tea-Party getting ready to run its pick against existing Repub reps and governors, even those with high approval ratings among the repub base. The tea-baggers won't go down without a fight, hell they've got enough influence to even censure Boehner. You should have gagged them they day they came up with notions such as fetal masturbation, I swear till I came across it I had always though we had the most weird public servants and politicos.:lol: Evolution and sciences are lies from the pit of hell, if Israel is not supported (not that I do not support their right to exist) then there won't be a second coming of Christ, Gog and Magog...scary stuff from people who are part of the governing process of a super-power.

Nah trust me in fact southern states have moved towards making teaching evolution more freely only Tennessee had a law that was kind of anti evolution but even they still teach it.

Lol all Christian Zionists believe in the stuff you wrote not just tea partiers, they are just more vocal in playing a part in speeding the process.
Nah trust me in fact southern states have moved towards making teaching evolution more freely only Tennessee had a law that was kind of anti evolution but even they still teach it.

Lol all Christian Zionists believe in the stuff you wrote not just tea partiers, they are just more vocal in playing a part in speeding the process.

They should have stuck to consumerism, oil and contraception=evil. It is honestly sad to see a people who are provided with such AMAZING avenues of learning and self actualization adhering to such reductionist and atavistic POVs/ideologies. Imagine what the more enterprising lot from among our people could do if they had such resources at their disposal from day one.

Although what happened to that other bozo who lost his seat after the whole "you can't get pregnant from rape" comment? He still kicking around and mouthing off?
They should have stuck to consumerism, oil and contraception=evil. It is honestly sad to see a people who are provided with such AMAZING avenues of learning and self actualization adhering to such reductionist and atavistic POVs/ideologies. Imagine what the more enterprising lot from among our people could do if they had such resources at their disposal from day one.

Although what happened to that other bozo who lost his seat after the whole "you can't get pregnant from rape" comment? He still kicking around and mouthing off?

Actually idk man I been busy with school, work, and my girl and when I am not doing that I am goofing off over here so most of my news is coming from pdf nowadays. :lol:
Actually idk man I been busy with school, work, and my girl and when I am not doing that I am goofing off over here so most of my news is coming from pdf nowadays. :lol:

Yes, PDF has become the source of much of my news too. There was a time when my daily diet included all the Indian papers plus NYT, Washington Post, Dawn etc. Now its been curbed much like other things! At least you seem to be able to afford the rel, damn it we articles are paid such a pittance that a single date once in a week can kill my budget as it does quite often much to my continuing misery.:cry: One more year though, just one more year!

By the by, didn't Anjem fly over to Pakistan for some skulduggery and rablerousing too?
Yes, PDF has become the source of much of my news too. There was a time when my daily diet included all the Indian papers plus NYT, Washington Post, Dawn etc. Now its been curbed much like other things! At least you seem to be able to afford the rel, damn it we articles are paid such a pittance that a single date once in a week can kill my budget as it does quite often much to my continuing misery.:cry: One more year though, just one more year!

By the by, didn't Anjem fly over to Pakistan for some skulduggery and rablerousing too?

LOL it be like that sometimes when I am squeezed on finances I just end things with whoever I am with. :rofl:
Expensive business no doubt. :D

I think he said something about Muhammad Ali Jinnah and then wanted to come to Pakistan but idk if he ever did lol.
LOL it be like that sometimes when I am squeezed on finances I just end things with whoever I am with. :rofl:
Expensive business no doubt. :D

I think he said something about Muhammad Ali Jinnah and then wanted to come to Pakistan but idk if he ever did lol.

The authorities should have welcomed him with open arms, driven him off to KPK, told him he'd get to meet his heroes, packed him in with a few talibs and then informed the Americans...BOOM! Doubt that the Brits would raise too much of a protest if their cousins across the pond decided to punch his ticket.

Nope, I just get her to pay. If her dad can afford to hand her a car then a dinner here or there won't dent the vault. :D
Salafists are a scum UK needs to eradicate. Almost all Muslim states are in a state of conflict against this terrorist scum.

Is their demand so unjust? They want their children to:
1. Not be exposed to sex education
2. Not be exposed to teaching about homosexuals
3. Not be forced to say Christian prayers
4. Not be exposed to mixed swimming and sports
5. Etc.

I would want the same for my children, I do not want my children to be exposed to sex education or about gays or for them to say Christian prayers or to expose them to mixed sports or even same sex showers/dressing rooms etc., why should the Muslim parents be prevented from choosing what they want for their children? It is a democracy right??
He's a real nutcase, add to that the fact that he explicitly justified the London bombings and more. Freedom of speech has kept him safe, a more considerate legal framework has too, but he'll get his someday. Although the American method of dealing with radical preachers who happen to be American nationals has seen a case or two of extreme use of force, like killing one in a drone strike and then killing his 15 year old son who was a US national too.

But then seriously, how long before teaching evolution gets banned in a state or two stateside?
Still not sure why he wasn't shot dead when he came to Islamabad to spread his "religion".
Is their demand so unjust? They want their children to:
1. Not be exposed to sex education
2. Not be exposed to teaching about homosexuals
3. Not be forced to say Christian prayers
4. Not be exposed to mixed swimming and sports
5. Etc.

I would want the same for my children, I do not want my children to be exposed to sex education or about gays or for them to say Christian prayers or to expose them to mixed sports or even same sex showers/dressing rooms etc., why should the Muslim parents be prevented from choosing what they want for their children? It is a democracy right??

When in rome, do as the romans do.
Still not sure why he wasn't shot dead when he came to Islamabad to spread his "religion".

My solution was better.:D Let Uncle Sam do the heavy lifting, all the benefit and none of the blame.
David Cameron must face the challenge of Islamisation.

Telegraph View

The leader of Ukip, Nigel Farage MEP, must have groaned when he learned that the French National Front is now modelling itself on his party. Marine Le Pen, who is poised to take over leadership of the Front National (FN) from her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, describes it as a "patriotic" party that has more in common with Ukip than the BNP. Given the sinister resonances that the words "National Front" have in Britain, Miss Le Pen has presented Ukip's opponents with a seasonal gift. "Ukip – backed by the French National Front" is a rhetorical swipe worthy of David Cameron's description of the party's supporters as "fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists".

We should not, however, be too quick to dismiss reports that a sanitised Front National has succeeded in reaching out to a new constituency. The FN's selling point is its opposition to the "Islamisation" of French public life – but not, it is careful to add, to Islam itself. Miss Le Pen claims that pork is being taken off the menu in French schools and that state funds are being used to build "ostentatious mosque cathedrals". She may never be elected president, but over a quarter of French voters approve of her; at no point in the history of the Fifth Republic has an aggressive Right-wing party enjoyed such support among the middle classes.

It may seem inconceivable that British politics could move in the same direction. But we should not be too relaxed about the fact that populist Right-wing parties have never broken into the mainstream of our politics. Two points need to be made.

First, that Muslims have migrated to Britain in enormous numbers over the past 40 years; one of the heaviest waves of immigration was encouraged by the last government. The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life estimates that there are 2,869,000 Muslims in Britain, an increase of 74 per cent on its previous figure of 1,647,000, which was based on the 2001 census. No demographic statistics are reliable in an era of open borders, but such an expansion is unprecedented.

The second point is that – different political traditions notwithstanding – Britain is beginning to experience French-style anxiety about Islamisation. The fact that many terrorists are Muslims may lead to unfair assumptions about the loyalty of British Muslims. But, at a time when – according to some surveys – around 40 per cent of the Muslim community support the establishment of Sharia, fears of social fracture are understandable. Meanwhile, government attempts to ease tension by empowering to unelected "community leaders" have caused huge resentment. It is worth noting that the Oldham and Saddleworth by-election next month was caused by the disqualification of a Labour MP caught stirring up anti-Muslim sentiment.

These tensions must not be allowed to grow, especially when collapsing party allegiances could create space for Right-wing populism. Responsible politicians must accomplish a difficult double manoeuvre. On the one hand, they should resist the anti-Muslim dog whistle that Phil Woolas allowed to be blown on his behalf. The Front National is not an appropriate model for a political party in a country whose heritage, unlike that of France, is explicitly Christian and tolerant. We trust that Mr Farage will repel Miss Le Pen's advances. On the other hand, the Government needs to start dismantling an Islamisation that threatens the freedoms of ordinary Britons – including Muslims who are confined to ghettos that can be difficult to leave, especially for women.

In the long run, halting this erosion of freedom may prove just as important a challenge for the Coalition as easing the pain of cuts. Few subjects are more difficult to discuss without causing offence. Even so, this particular conversation is long overdue.

UK Government Crackdown on Muslim Radicals Obstructed by Islamists
by Irfan Al-Alawi
December 18, 2013 at 2:00 am

"We need to realise that some institutions have wanted to get rid of radicalisers but have not had the means to do so -- so we want to help Islamic centres and mosques to expel the extremists." — UK Prime Minister David Cameron.

The state aims to "restrain dissenting voices and clamp down on normative Islamic belief." — Hizb-ut-Tahrir.

The British authorities, in a ministerial declaration by Home Secretary Theresa May, have announced new government measures to curb hate preaching by Islamist radicals. Deterrent actions were enumerated on December 4 in an official document entitled, "Tackling Extremism in the UK: report from the Prime Minister's task force on tackling radicalisation and extremism."

BBC News, in an unsigned report also posted December 4, under the headline: "Theresa May to 'address gaps' in anti-extremism powers," described the government strategy as including provisions for "Muslim chaplains… trained to challenge extremist Islamic views on university campuses."

Home Secretary May further said the program could include judicial orders banning radical groups; intervention with internet providers to stop extremist materials from reaching the public, and the encouragement of public complaints about such internet content.

According to the same BBC News article, the recommendations were produced by "a taskforce on extremism... set up after the killing of soldier Lee Rigby," slain in London on May 22.

Michael Adebolajo, 28, and Michael Adebowale, 22, have been charged with the Rigby crime and are now on trial, but deny guilt. Described in the London Guardian on December 9, by Esther Addley and Josh Halliday, in a dispatch entitled "Lee Rigby trial: Adebolajo admits killing but says he was obeying Allah," Adebolajo admitted that he killed and attempted to decapitate Rigby, a British soldier run over by a car before the assault on him. The two men are charged with hitting the victim with the car and then striking him with a meat cleaver and knife.

The Guardian, however, stated in the same article, that Adebolajo said he had acted as a "soldier of Allah," and was therefore free of the accusation of "murder" for his act. According to the Islamist militant, the unprovoked death of Rigby was a "mission" in an "ongoing war" and could not be considered a crime. Adebolajo also declared that he "loved" Al-Qaida, the members of which he called "my brothers. I've never met them but I love them. I consider them my brothers in Islam."

As reported by Cahal Milmo and Oliver Duggan of the London Independent on May 24, in an article entitled, "Michael Adebowale and Michael Adebolajo: The two polite young men that met at university who would become known as the bloodied Woolwich murder suspects," the pair are both British-born, but of Nigerian Christian descent; they became Muslim as adults.

The Guardian on May 23, in an investigative feature headed, "Woolwich attack suspect identified as Michael Adebolajo," with the bylines of Sandra Laville, Peter Walker and Vikram Dodd, disclosed that Adebolajo and Adebowale both studied at Greenwich University in 2004-05. Adebolajo had "attended meetings" of Al-Muhajiroun, an extremist group banned by the British state in 2010.

The same report also revealed that the Adebolajo and Adebowale "featured in counter-terrorism investigations over the last eight years." But, according to the newspaper, it was "understood that, while they were known to the police and security services, they were considered peripheral figures among the many extremists whose activities cross the radar of investigators."

BBC News, in an earlier unsigned report, "Islam4UK Islamist group banned under terror laws," on the prohibition of Al-Muhajiroun, posted on January 12, 2010, when the ruling was announced, said that Al-Muhajiroun had adopted a new title: "Islam 4UK." The name-changing Islamists, however, were shut down under Britain's 2000 Terrorism Act.

In the context of previous lax policies toward men such as Adebolajo and Adebowale, their shared university experience, and the role of Al-Muhajiroun, the UK government task force was formed to "close gaps" in the official British response to radical Islam. The new government plan includes strengthening the powers of the UK Charity Commission, which regulates religious and other charities, to stop hateful preaching, according to BBC News.

The same BBC News account stated, "There will be a public consultation on some of [the government's] recommendations, including whether the home secretary should have new powers to ban groups which preach hatred – if that is what the police advise. And the government will consult on whether people who attempt to spread extremist views should be banned from getting in touch with those who they are seeking to radicalise and whether they should be prevented from entering certain premises, such as schools or colleges."

In contrast to the U.S., where hate preachers and radical ideologues can appeal to the constitutional protection of free speech, Britain has hate-speech laws that treat radical indoctrination and organizing as incitement to terrorism.


The East London Mosque/London Muslim Centre is known for its connections with jihadist recruitment and hate preaching. (Image source: Danny Robinson/WikiMedia Commons)

The London Daily Mail Online, in an article posted on December 3, by James Chapman, "Hate preachers to be 'silenced' by new anti-terror Asbos ["anti-social behaviour orders"] to block their bile on the internet," quoted Prime Minister David Cameron affirming, "I want to see an end to hate preaching in Britain." Putting the matter bluntly, the Mail led its reportage with: "Preachers of hate are to be 'silenced' with new anti-terror orders based on a dramatically tightened definition of extremism and attempts to block their bile on the internet. The Government is to introduce new civil powers, similar to those used against anti-social behaviour, to target extremists who radicalise others. They are expected to be used to bar people from preaching messages of terror and hate, associating with named individuals thought vulnerable to radicalisation, and from entering specific venues, such as mosques or community halls."

The Mail described the remedy for hateful incitement by Islamists suggested by the Cameron administration as comparable to an ASBO. Under Britain's Crime and Disorder Act 1998: an ASBO may be imposed on anybody who "has acted… in an anti-social manner, that is to say, in a manner that caused or was likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to one or more persons not of the same household as himself." An ASBO "prohibits the defendant from doing anything described in the order."

The news of Cameron and May's proposals elicited immediate critical reactions from certain Muslims. The LondonIndependent on December 4, headlined, "Government crackdown on radicals 'will lead to attacks on Muslims,'" by Oliver Wright and Nigel Morris. "A fresh crackdown on Islamist extremism," they warned, "risks backfiring by fuelling anti-Muslim prejudice and driving hardliners underground;" and cited Fiyaz Mughal, the director of Tell Mama, which records anti-Muslim incidents. Mughal expressed his worry that the new official report and its recommendations would reinforce negative stereotypes about Muslims.

The newspaper quoted Prime Minister Cameron, who was travelling in China. Cameron said, according to Wright and Morris, "I thought it was very important to have a proper look through all of the UK's institutions to make sure we really are doing everything we can to drive out radicalization. This is not just about violent extremism, this is about extremism that leads to radicalisation and particularly Islamist extremism."

Cameron asserted that "too many people" were radicalised at Islamic centres or had followed extremist preachers, and that such agitators were not "sufficiently challenged."

"I want to make sure in our country that we do this effectively," Cameron told the Independent. "But we need to go further than that and realise that some institutions have wanted to get rid of radicalisers but have not had the means to do so – so we want to help Islamic centres and mosques to expel the extremists."

British Islamists were quick to condemn the updated Cameron approach. CagePrisoners, a London-based advocacy group that, according to its website, "exists solely to raise awareness of the plight of the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay and other detainees held as part of the War on Terror," accused the British government of an "attempt at creating a state-sponsored, depoliticised Islam… an attempt to criminalise dissent."

The transnational Islamist movement Hizb ut-Tahrir [Liberation Party, or HT], on its British website, proclaims, "With western democratic models in ruins the Muslim world must look to achieve accountability without democracy."

HT commented on the British government's latest effort to contend with radical Islam in a manner similar to that of CagePrisoners; HT alleged that the state aims "to restrain dissenting voices and clamp down on normative Islamic beliefs."

A May 8, 2013 post on Gatestone Institute, entitled "Britain's Feckless, Two-Faced Approach to Radical Islam," warned that in the UK "a necessary, firm, and united opposition to radical Islam remains lacking at the official level." It still remains to be seen whether Prime Minister Cameron has adopted such an attitude effectively -- and if it will be derailed by Islamist opposition.
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When in rome, do as the romans do.

Also.....Rome was not built in a day. What that means is that societies continuously evolve, if there is a need then that need must be satisfied for a stronger united society.

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