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Dirty Harry Registers an FIR against Salman Ahmad of Junoon in Baluchistan.

There are also another brigadier and 2 colonels, named in the statement, in addition to two brothers, who were his hosts in Kenya.

Those Brigs are likely also DDGs / Sector Cmdrs under Dirty Harry.

Not sure what will come of this, but at least they're being named.

Imran Khan ki hatred ney sab ko Andha kar dia hai, everyone is being exposed. Andhay aur Pagal ho kar ghalti pey ghalti kar rahey haen.

Aur IK ney sab ko Nanga kar dia hai.

You can make A LOT of mistakes before there are any physical consequences to the amount of power you wield GIVEN the huge power imbalance between the military/military-led intel and everything else (civ, gov, parliament, SC, etc.)

Add to that a colonial minded, intellectually enslaved population and some media control, and it becomes even worse.

The reckoning will come, but I fear it will take too long and Pakistan may not be recognizable at that point.
army chief must stop it before its too late

😉 that's a funny statement. If they truly want to, they can bring in another project Shahid like the failed project Imran. But, I agree with you that Pakistan needs to go forward and everyone needs to do their respective job, but it is the politicians who have always gone to the establishment and cried wolf to "intervene or the corrupt regime will destroy Pakistan"!
Good Horse shit you wrote. If your corrupt bosses are so confident why not go for fresh elections but patwaris like you and those who have sold Pakistan and betrayed Pakistan and chosen to be worse than Yazeed like you are. Are trying to save the entire corrupt system. Patwari is worse than khanzeers.

Here we go. This is the stuff where you go from humanity to verbal abuse. If you "must" uphold the "oath" you took to insult whoever dares to speak up against IK, at the least first learn something about that person. I was what other would call a "youthia" until a few months ago. IK sahib owes me a few million rupees that were spent on his campaigns!

Now having this said. I woke up, started to use my brain a little beyond the fake propaganda (under a popular brand called nationalism and brainwashing). I learned the corruption our "leader" was involved with like others (no mater how much we try to put it on his wife / cousins and dogs) and saw how he turned against the military as well as the result of his 4 years or rule, that was nothing. Once I had the "revelation" that he is like all others he calls "chors and dakus", I realized I and YOU and everyone who believed in the "truth" was pure bullshit. We were sadly worshipping a person without ever having the ability to question him and were reaping benefits for that also.

I could NOT go against my army because I know their sacrifice and blood they give for our safety. This narrative of "you are with me, you are a jannati and you are against me, you stand with Iblees" is UnIslamic, against the teachings of our religion and our Prophet PBUH. So I couldn't carry on with spreading hate, lie and insulting others. Obviously, saying anything against our army was a no no to begin with for me. The military had a role, IK loved it while he had a free ride, if that role changed, he should understand the army works on orders and rules and orders change, they still get executed, period. IK was no more.

I can't answer everyone of you obviously. But quit spitting hate and name calling. We are all Pakistanis and connected on the internet, a person you may be insulting, may be someone who has or will help you in your life. United we should stand, and support whoever we like, debate with mutual respect and differ on people's delivery, their public welfare and on issues. It only makes us look like animals to call each other bad names, insult each other and be against the creator's orders in Quran. We are Muslims first and than we follow someone. But we follow and obey what Muhammd PBUH taught. No politician can take that away from us. I hope something in you guys attitude will change, because it changed in me for the better.
Pakistan Army is having a severe small D1ck syndrome lol
😉 that's a funny statement. If they truly want to, they can bring in another project Shahid like the failed project Imran. But, I agree with you that Pakistan needs to go forward and everyone needs to do their respective job, but it is the politicians who have always gone to the establishment and cried wolf to "intervene or the corrupt regime will destroy Pakistan"!

Here we go. This is the stuff where you go from humanity to verbal abuse. If you "must" uphold the "oath" you took to insult whoever dares to speak up against IK, at the least first learn something about that person. I was what other would call a "youthia" until a few months ago. IK sahib owes me a few million rupees that were spent on his campaigns!

Now having this said. I woke up, started to use my brain a little beyond the fake propaganda (under a popular brand called nationalism and brainwashing). I learned the corruption our "leader" was involved with like others (no mater how much we try to put it on his wife / cousins and dogs) and saw how he turned against the military as well as the result of his 4 years or rule, that was nothing. Once I had the "revelation" that he is like all others he calls "chors and dakus", I realized I and YOU and everyone who believed in the "truth" was pure bullshit. We were sadly worshipping a person without ever having the ability to question him and were reaping benefits for that also.

I could NOT go against my army because I know their sacrifice and blood they give for our safety. This narrative of "you are with me, you are a jannati and you are against me, you stand with Iblees" is UnIslamic, against the teachings of our religion and our Prophet PBUH. So I couldn't carry on with spreading hate, lie and insulting others. Obviously, saying anything against our army was a no no to begin with for me. The military had a role, IK loved it while he had a free ride, if that role changed, he should understand the army works on orders and rules and orders change, they still get executed, period. IK was no more.

I can't answer everyone of you obviously. But quit spitting hate and name calling. We are all Pakistanis and connected on the internet, a person you may be insulting, may be someone who has or will help you in your life. United we should stand, and support whoever we like, debate with mutual respect and differ on people's delivery, their public welfare and on issues. It only makes us look like animals to call each other bad names, insult each other and be against the creator's orders in Quran. We are Muslims first and than we follow someone. But we follow and obey what Muhammd PBUH taught. No politician can take that away from us. I hope something in you guys attitude will change, because it changed in me for the better.
Seriously not interested in standing with corrupt and yazeeds of our times. Just being born in Muslim family doesn't make you on haq. You have to stand with haq and stand with those who don't make excuses for corruption and kill innocents on streets of Kenya. If you don't have the gutts to call them out than you are just a Muslim by name.
Seriously not interested in standing with corrupt and yazeeds of our times. Just being born in Muslim family doesn't make you on haq. You have to stand with haq and stand with those who don't make excuses for corruption and kill innocents on streets of Kenya. If you don't have the gutts to call them out than you are just a Muslim by name.

Ok, good debate. Are you being a Muslim by insulting everyone who doesn't agree with IK's narrative? You clearly have misguided sense of your own religion and I say that with respect. Anyone committing a crime, it's for the legal system to decide. Let's say, the system is corrupt (and it is for IK also, it has favored him and he's out hanging out because of it). So just using your example, the legal system doesn't punish the bad guys. So then, it's between the bad guy and Allah SWT. Not you me and Joe Blow. Next, Allah SWT says himself, that he will forgive every sin, BUT, someone's broken heart. So if you've violated people's rights towards someone and someone's heart was broken, you made him or her feel bad and gave them inhumane treatment, that's unforgivable. Allah won't forgive it unless that person himself forgives you. So people's rights are far superior to other crimes and bad things. What made me move away from IK was just this. In one sentence, Riasat-e-Medina, Amar bil marouf, etc, etc, and in the next sentence, he'd be insulting people's wives, daughters, Judges, people in uniforms, etc, etc.

This frat party with like two older women in the top leadership has no clue of reality. I don't have to go into details. But the first time I met IK, I was just 14 years old and he may not be "IK" to me, he may be a bhai. But doesn't mean I have to destroy my aakhira and go to hell because I was too busy insulting and accusing others. Just like me, as a brother, I'm advising you and others, don't go too far. You ain't going in IK's grave but you will be responsible for what you say that hurts other. Lastly, trust me, I and you, we should ALWAYS raise awareness, criticize, and voice on injustice. Doesn't mean we have to degrade and insult fellow Muslims. I hope you take my brotherly comments seriously.

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