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Dipu flies to Russia Thursday, not Islamabad

^^^ Burma is the bridge not bangladesh, but they are unwilling to be so.
Bangladesh is very much in south asia. :)
Ontopic: Bangladesh is a troll country. They should be declared so by UN and banned from all meetings. :)
Bangladesh is free to do what it wants. However, they must remember one thing they will only be stabilized if they remain connected to south asia. They must learn from Pakistani mistakes of pretending to be Arabs while in South Asia.

1. Ideologically modern Bangladesh (and the Awami League) is founded upon a certain rejection of extreme fundamentalism and the adoption of secular (cross religion inclusive) nationalism including the embrace of indigenuous Bengali culture as opposed to the pan-Islamic neo-Mughal culture of the Muslim elites and Zamindars (e.g. Muslim Bengali elites were Urdu-speaking and culturally more like northern Indians and Pakistanis).

This is why even a Bangladeshi nationalist of Pakistani/Sindhi ethnicity such as Dr Hamida Hossain wears a lose Sari (something I as a practising Muslim and proud Bengali disapprove of).


Hamida Hossain, Bangladeshi of Sindhi ethnicity (born in Pakistan) second from the right in secular sari.

However this is true even for the secular nationalist parties of the rump Pakistan including the ANP, BNP (Baloch Nationalist Party) and Sindhi nationalists who stress the secular indigenuous culture of their ethic groups even if it contravenes Islam.

2. Bangladeshis by nature are not as aggressive as south-west Asian races such as Pashtuns and Balochis or their neighbours the Punjabis, thus we do not have Lashkar i Jhangvi type groups in Bangladesh. Bengalis by nature are gentle and generally non-confrontational including their religious clerics.

^^^ Burma is the bridge not bangladesh, but they are unwilling to be so.
Bangladesh is very much in south asia. :)

Bangladesh is part of South-Asia but partially in a political and geographical context south-east Asian.

1. Pre-1971 Pakistan was part of SEATO (South East Asian version of NATO) due to East Pakistan being considered as part of that region.

2. Turkey is at times considered part of Europe and simultaneously at other times considered part of the Middle east with a heo-political role in that region.

3. Bangladeshis will define whom we are and not outside foreigners especially those with a deep hatred for our religion and our people.

Thanks for reading.
^^^ You cant change geography just because you are muslim. If all Indians become christian tomorrow, it wont be europe magically. (like philipinos)
What you call yourself is different from what you are perceived as, and I dont think others consider you even close to east asia.
this is a complete joke, with this attitude, they will isolate themselves from the rest of the world with this childish attitude..

its not a fish market, its a serious business of the state

i think bangladesh would have got minimum attention from D8, so its of no use to either bangladesh and D8
What is interesting about the article is not that she is not going to Pakistan but that she is going to Russia. It seems the cold war is back and the US better take notice .....
What is interesting about the article is not that she is not going to Pakistan but that she is going to Russia. It seems the cold war is back and the US better take notice .....
Cold war is surely back in london, it looks like I need a flu jab.
What is interesting about the article is not that she is not going to Pakistan but that she is going to Russia. It seems the cold war is back and the US better take notice .....

you are saying that BD will play same role as played by Pakistan during cold war. If so then only GOD can save BD.
What is interesting about the article is not that she is not going to Pakistan but that she is going to Russia. It seems the cold war is back and the US better take notice .....

neither russia nor USA has any power left, if cold war is back, these old bullies are like the 90 years old, american and russian economy is in doldrums
What is interesting about the article is not that she is not going to Pakistan but that she is going to Russia. It seems the cold war is back and the US better take notice .....


1. The guy who went to the D8 is Rizvi, married to an American (probably an American citizen himself) and former director of an American academic centre linked to Harvard.

2. Hasina's son was married to American and he himself has assets and property in the US.

3. Dan Mozena, the US ambassador, is virtually a governor general if not monarch/head of state in Bangladesh in the way he is treated and the extensive involvement he has in the country.

The US is and will be the biggest and most decisive power in Bangladesh, more than China or India.

Stop posting over-exaggerated scaremongering nonsense and fantasy.

1. The guy who went to the D8 is Rizvi, married to an American (probably an American citizen himself) and former director of an American academic centre linked to Harvard.

2. Hasina's son was married to American and he himself has assets and property in the US.

3. Dan Mozena, the US ambassador, is virtually a governor general if not monarch/head of state in Bangladesh in the way he is treated and the extensive involvement he has in the country.

The US is and will be the biggest and most decisive power in Bangladesh, more than China or India.

Stop posting over-exaggerated scaremongering nonsense and fantasy.

Rizvi maybe an American but he represents Indian interests more than that of the United States. Sajib is no factor at all when it comes to foriegn policy. Dipu Moni and many in the cabinet are known to be pro-Russian. May be you missed the abuse hurled at Dan Mozena when he talked about the war crimes trial. Not much of a governor general, monarch or head of state. It is obvious that you know little about what is happening in Bangladesh these days. I used to have some good friends in the Russian Embassy who do you know there? Actually who do you know of any importance in Bangladesh?
Russia is no more a party in cold war now. May be we have China- US that too in Asia only. BD is surely with US in that.
Rizvi maybe an American but he represents Indian interests more than that of the United States. Sajib is no factor at all when it comes to foriegn policy. Dipu Moni and many in the cabinet are known to be pro-Russian. May be you missed the abuse hurled at Dan Mozena when he talked about the war crimes trial. Not much of a governor general, monarch or head of state. It is obvious that you know little about what is happening in Bangladesh these days. I used to have some good friends in the Russian Embassy who do you know there? Actually who do you know of any importance in Bangladesh?

We are so lucky to have such a VIP as yourself in this forum who knows Russian officials of an embassy in a poor third world country. Unfortunately name-dropping is not my style. Suffice to say Bangladesh (or Dhaka to be honest as that is the centre of all the action) is not that much of a big place and after a while you are bound to meet many important people in such a small place. Anyway any other member on this forum or on the internet could claim that they know so and so and have "inside information". Anyway I have my contacts too.

1. There is no cold war between Russia to the extent of the original real cold war, though there is a geo-strategic game of chess being waged between the big powers including Russia, China and the US of which for instance Syria is a part.

2. Bangladesh is a small, poor country that is dependent on the good will and generosity of western powers such as the US who give it preferential rates to export cheap garments. The US could bring Bangladesh to its knees overnight if it so chose to and was malicious enough.

3. Bangladesh's other main source of income remittance is from western countries or countries affiliated to the west such as Saudi Arabia and the GCC. Even Saudi Arabia by itself could, if not bring Bangladesh to its knees, hugely damage Bangladesh. This is one reason Bangladesh could not, and will not recognize Israel as Saudi and the GCC would go absolutely mad. I mention this because the American-educated Dipu Moni is alleged to have flirted with the idea but ultimately backed off. Anyway the Awami League itself with its socialist traditions contains many leftist pro-Palestinians and Hasina herself was close to Yasir Arafat.

4. To think that Bangladesh would align itself with Russia is nonsense, and even if the Hasina-Dipu Moni regime tried to do such a thing they would be committing long-term political suicide, though they have around 14 months left in power, in which they can do very little to make huge fundamental changes.

In 14 months time is it Khaleda in office, or maybe even Muhammad Yunus in another 1/11 style government.

To show how closely the Bangladeshi elite is integrated to the west let's look at some examples.

1. Dipu Moni studied in London and then in Harvard, the USA.
2. Khaleda's son, Tariq Zia lives in London.
3. Hasina's niece, Tulip lives in London and is a local politician for the British Labour party.
4. Hasina's nephew, "Bobby" (Redwan) is British educated and is rumoured to be close to British intelligence. Even this week a friend of mine told me that the MI6 is now working closely with the NSI (Bangladesh's internal state security organization, DGFI is military connected).

Contacts of mine in Dhaka have told me that senior figures in the Awami League are unsure about Joy (Sajib) being Hasina's heir and are keener on the more suave and apparently capable "Bobby" (Redwan, brother of Tulip, son of Rehana).

Redwan Siddiqi at 5.40 mins of the video.

5. Hasina's son Joy, married an American, Christine, and has property and business there.
6. Hasina's sister Rehana has business interests in Canada.
7. Hasina spent her time during the caretaker government in London after she was released by the then Bangladeshi government.
8. The head of government during the caretaker government was American educated Fakhruddin Ahmed, a former World Bank official who worked in the US. It is well known that the military-backed technocratic government set up by the military could only come about with US authorization, simple as that.


Hasina was in prison during the military-backed technocratic government of American educated Fakhruddin Ahmed.

I could go on and on, but suffice to say that Hasina & Khaleda both have to be careful because if they cross certain red lines the army will clamp down on them and so will the US.

Getting close to Russia

- Bangladesh is not in the big league and all it has done is sign nuclear deals with Russia and the acquisition of some weaponry. How many Bangladeshis live in Russia, how many Bangladeshi politicians have property and assets in Russia? How many relatives does Hasina have living in Russia?

The only other thing that can be said is recently Hasina's regime signed deals with Belarus a country hated by the US. However Germany has good economic relations with Iran, other pro-western governments have relations with North Korea.

Even India and China have far more influence in Bangladesh than Russia has.

To all posters, the reason I have gone in to detail (perhaps somewhat excessively) is to highlight Munshi's lack of credibility as he has repeatedly posted alarmist and exaggerated content. Any 18 year old would know that Bangladesh can never go too far away from the US as Mujib himself painfully found out, and his daughter Hasina would too if she became silly.

Anyway the Awami League has around 14 months in power and then they're out.
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