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Diplomat Devyani Khobragade leaves US for home

Gandhi's agreement was not the catalyst for independence. There were other freedom fighters and a civic disobedience movement. Learn some facts about India's fight for independence instead of selectively watching "pacifist" videos. But then, who am I arguing with ! A Chinese flagger like who habitually lies that he is not against India, or Indians, or not bothered about Indians (but disses Indians at every opportunity and bringing rape into every discussion) and when salt is rubbed in Chinese history you deny being a Chinese . Some act you have up your seat crack.

That what I did say all along, Gandhi order Indian not to obey and served British master during the WW2 because Gandhi know British need Indian foot soldiers to fight Jap in Myanmar and to preserve British empire. Gandhi was in shock how the British treated him in Africa like the treatment of the black slave in Africa, he refused the British soldier ordered him to give up his seat, got beaten for not lay rail road track order by the British government in Africa.


January 9

U.S. v. Devyani Khobragade Indictment Exhibits
U.S. Devyani Khobragade Government's 1-9-14 Letter to Judge Scheindlin
U.S. v. Devyani Khobragade Indictment

Key points: the maid, Richard, had her personal passport taken from her by Khobragade in India upon completing her job interview and it was never returned, her papers were prepared by Khobragade, the $4500/month Khobragade entered as the maid's salary was not Khobragade's own salary entered there by mistake, Khobragade prepared the phony contract herself "solely to deceive the U.S. Embassy", Khobragade "coached" Richard to lie, there are photocopies of both the real and the phony contract.

Once they were in the U.S. Khobragade overworked Richard according to the terms of the "true" contract and told her she wouldn't get her passport returned for three years, Khobragade refused to let Richard return to India, and it was only then that Richard asked to be paid her proper wage under U.S. law, which Khobragade refused.

After six months of this Richard escaped. Khobragade immediately resorted to retaliatory measures in an attempt to prevent Richard and her family from "communicating with lawyers and authorities outside of India about the experience she had -" including personal intimidation of her spouse in India.

In a subsequent meeting between Richard and Khobragade at an "Immigration Office" [organization to provide help on immigration matters] Khobragade and an associate tried to force Richard to sign a document without permitting Richard to read it first. An employee of the Immigration Office intervened and read the document, which was supposed to be Richard's confession that "among other things, she stole from Khobragade." When Richard asked why and what, Khobragade told her to go to the police!

Khobragade's side of the story "evolved" over time. Soon after this Khobragade filed a FIR in India charging Richard with fraud, wilful deceit, and extortion [exactly the crimes Khobragade appears to be guilty of!]. Khobragade attached an unsigned copy of the phony contract with the Indian High Court, adding to her motion that the monthly salary was 30,000 rupees (even though this contradicted the terms of the phony contract!

Nevertheless, an Indian arrest warrant based on the FIR was issued for Richard in late November!
Khobragade is charged with:

1) Perjury - knowingly and willingly lying under oath to the State Dept. officer in India handling the visa applications.
2) Deliberate visa fraud.
3) Scheming to cause Richard to make "materially false statements" in her interview with a State Dept. official.

I wonder what the chances are that Khobragade will be indicted for lying to the Indian High Court once she goes back home?
That what I did say all along, Gandhi order Indian not to obey and served British master during the WW2 because Gandhi know British need Indian foot soldiers to fight Jap in Myanmar and to preserve British empire. Gandhi was in shock how the British treated him in Africa like the treatment of the black slave in Africa, he refused the British soldier ordered him to give up his seat, got beaten for not lay rail road track order by the British government in Africa.

Can you read what I said? I said, there were OTHERs who fought for Independence using violence. And since you don't live in China - am sure you can read up google or even Baidu about these freedom fighters -

Lokmanya Tilak
Viyak Damodar Savarkar
Bhagat Singh
Nathuram Godse
Khilafat Movement
Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Lala Lajpat Rai
Subhash Chandra Bose
go back to a bit back in history and read up - The Indian Mutiny
even a bit further read up about - Rani Laxmibai

Hope that gives you enough antidepressants for today
When contacted, Khobragade told PTI, "I will show my immunity to the court. The court will see that I have diplomatic immunity. Only then will I leave the US."

As I thought. Khobragade is doing everything she can both to avoid justice in the U.S. and returning home to face justice in India. There are no provisions for someone in her situation to go to court to make such a statement; she simply has to leave. But she won't leave. She's really twisting India around her fingers now.
@marcuss @sincity
What a shame. Yankeestan lost. They said we will arrest her and punish her for 15 years. India made yankeestan bend just like india made midget italy to bend.... Infact italy declared india powerful to mess with HAHAHAHAHA. yankeestan now wont ever dare to do same mistake again. Their perver.t diploymats are in india getting ponded day and night. Congratulation india. You did it again. From now on reply with an eye for an eye attitude. Welldone bravo. India warned midget italy....
Italian envoy in India not entitled to immunity - Telegraph
India PM warns of 'consequences' over Italian marines | GlobalPost
And Than Midget italy begged HAHAHA. Cowards.
India Wins Diplomatic Coup as Italian Marines Return to Stand Trial | TIME.com
@marcuss @sincity
What a shame. Yankeestan lost. They said we will arrest her and punish her for 15 years. India made yankeestan bend just like midget italy did.... Infact italy declared india powerful to mess with HAHAHAHAHA. yankeestan now wont ever dare to do same mistake again. Their perver.t diploymats are in india getting ponded day and night. Congratulation india. You did it again. From now on reply with an eye for an eye attitude. Welldone bravo. India warned midget italy....
Italian envoy in India not entitled to immunity - Telegraph
India PM warns of 'consequences' over Italian marines | GlobalPost
And Than Midget italy begged HAHAHA. Cowards.
India Wins Diplomatic Coup as Italian Marines Return to Stand Trial | TIME.com

The Indian criminal don't even want to go back to India, she in a bind now, either stay in the US and face justice in the US court or return to India and Indian rapist will deliver justice to her.
The Indian criminal don't even want to go back to India, she in a bind now, either stay in the US and face justice in the US court or return to India and Indian rapist will deliver justice to her.

Being in a US prison is far safer and has better living conditions (access to food, water and toilet) than living in India.
I'm not even joking.
Being in a US prison is far safer and has better living conditions (access to food, water and toilet) than living in India.
I'm not even joking.

She ordered to leave but she don't really want to go back to India at all.


January 9

U.S. v. Devyani Khobragade Indictment Exhibits
U.S. Devyani Khobragade Government's 1-9-14 Letter to Judge Scheindlin
U.S. v. Devyani Khobragade Indictment

Key points: the maid, Richard, had her personal passport taken from her by Khobragade in India upon completing her job interview and it was never returned, her papers were prepared by Khobragade, the $4500/month Khobragade entered as the maid's salary was not Khobragade's own salary entered there by mistake, Khobragade prepared the phony contract herself "solely to deceive the U.S. Embassy", Khobragade "coached" Richard to lie, there are photocopies of both the real and the phony contract.

Once they were in the U.S. Khobragade overworked Richard according to the terms of the "true" contract and told her she wouldn't get her passport returned for three years, Khobragade refused to let Richard return to India, and it was only then that Richard asked to be paid her proper wage under U.S. law, which Khobragade refused.

After six months of this Richard escaped. Khobragade immediately resorted to retaliatory measures in an attempt to prevent Richard and her family from "communicating with lawyers and authorities outside of India about the experience she had -" including personal intimidation of her spouse in India.

In a subsequent meeting between Richard and Khobragade at an "Immigration Office" [organization to provide help on immigration matters] Khobragade and an associate tried to force Richard to sign a document without permitting Richard to read it first. An employee of the Immigration Office intervened and read the document, which was supposed to be Richard's confession that "among other things, she stole from Khobragade." When Richard asked why and what, Khobragade told her to go to the police!

Khobragade's side of the story "evolved" over time. Soon after this Khobragade filed a FIR in India charging Richard with fraud, wilful deceit, and extortion [exactly the crimes Khobragade appears to be guilty of!]. Khobragade attached an unsigned copy of the phony contract with the Indian High Court, adding to her motion that the monthly salary was 30,000 rupees (even though this contradicted the terms of the phony contract!

Nevertheless, an Indian arrest warrant based on the FIR was issued for Richard in late November!
Khobragade is charged with:

1) Perjury - knowingly and willingly lying under oath to the State Dept. officer in India handling the visa applications.
2) Deliberate visa fraud.
3) Scheming to cause Richard to make "materially false statements" in her interview with a State Dept. official.

I wonder what the chances are that Khobragade will be indicted for lying to the Indian High Court once she goes back home?

Not just that. If you notice the FIR, it was filed against the maid and her husband on Oct 9th(Indian date is represented as dd-mm-yyyy) and not in June as claimed by the Indian media with Delhi police. So the sequence is

1. There was no case against the maid or her husband with Delhi police prior to Sept.
2. Sept - US DOS informs Indian embassy about the investigation against Devyani
3. Oct - Devyani files a case with Delhi police against the maid and her husband(her husband's fault was non-cooperation and nothing else - a case for non-cooperation unheard of in India prior to this incident)

So this is a clear case of maid's family intimidation which qualifies as human trafficking under the Wilberforce act 2008 definition. I am not even talking about whatever law Devyani violated. The lying and the deceit of a supposedly "respected" foreign service official is on display.

She ordered to leave but she don't really want to go back to India at all.
Khobragade has been asked to leave by the U.S. - declared persona non grata. But Khobragade loses all immunity to prosecution once she touches home soil - especially since the indictment documents her lying to the Indian High Court.

She will either try to stay in the U.S. - relying on Indian public opinion to freeze her superiors into inaction - or, once that fails, seek asylum in a third country.

Some place with cheap maid service, welcoming to money, little caring of her crimes, and Indian food easily available. I figure she will book a flight home that stops in Dubai and get off there.
She ordered to leave but she don't really want to go back to India at all.

"Devyani Khobragade transferred to New Delhi: Ministry of external affair" according to ToI.

I would pay to watch CBI putting her behind bars...but unfortunately that's not possible.
Who wants a US citizenship and particularly why would she wants the US citizenship :lol:

Almost everybody in India along with others all over the world want U.S citizenship.

India was told to withdraw her, India failed to heed . She didn't leave when could without all these drama back in September, she thought she could pull it off.

She brought this upon herself just like other Indian NY consular employees before her.
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That is funny. India took immunity away from our ambassador when our soldiers went home.

USA should do same. Take her families passport away and lock them in prison, till she comes back and faces her trial. Same rights for all! The crimes india committs against italy should also be done to india. They should taste their own med.

i do not usually reply to Troll but lets clear some facts.
your solider kill Indians for Target Practice and then try to run away from Country after all we saved your asses in WW2.
why are you licking boots of You ***?

and that indian criminal will serve her time in jail when she coems back USA.

India is an unjust country. Thats the simple fact. Italy always was friend of india and now india treats us like a dog but bows infront USA...

we don't want friends who kill Indian as target practice .
I wonder what the chances are that Khobragade will be indicted for lying to the Indian High Court once she goes back home?

She has much bigger things to worry about in India ( Adarsh Scam ) .
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