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Diplomat Devyani Khobragade leaves US for home

The US is going to expel someone for underpaying a maid? That is not going to set a good precedent. Countries will start kicking people out for jaywalking.

They did arrest, strip search and allegedly even cavity search her for underpaying her maid.

Anyway, I hope she comes back and gets arrested for involvement is scams here in India and this issue as well.

Your posts are better to read when you post no logic one liners. :lol:

Anyway, persona non grata is 'you are not welcome', and is accordance to Vienna Convention

'Asking to leave' a diplomat is not accordance to Vienna Convention.

One liner is better to read is because it is more suited for simpleton. A one liner.
One liner is better to read is because it is more suited for simpleton. A one liner.

Anyway on Topic

The whole thing was on expected lines: That she would be declared persona non grata by US and then would be allowed to return back to India. Face saving for both countries.
They did arrest, strip search and allegedly even cavity search her for underpaying her maid.

Anyway on Topic

The whole thing was on expected lines: That she would be declared persona non grata by US and then would be allowed to return back to India. Face saving for both countries.

It may be over for US but matter has just begun as far as India is concerned. We need to teach this lady a lesson.
LOL, there goes the US law system down the drain for a diplomat.

I'd like to see the flag bearers of US law speak up to this. :lol:
I don´t understand why indians tell me here that they can do anything with our two soldiers and treat their friend italy like a dog...but applaud theri own criminal diplomat when she runs from trial? They use double standards...
Yes, sir. The attitude of India's courts is that India need not abide by international treaties that India has signed if they conflict with Indian law and practice, whereas other countries are expected to keep their treaty obligations regardless.

Americans are going to be angry about this.
I'm angry that she's still here.
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Now lets c if india will Indict her for the Adarsh Society fraud...!!!
Such Blasphemy :o: She is the symbol of India's triumph over Merica.

I'm expecting a few statutes and temples to be built in the coming days for Goddess Devyani.Priority should be given to the people from Telangana as they have expertise in these kind of projects :rofl:
@MarkusS , we treated the two soldiers well, since Italy is friendly country, or else why would we send them to celebrate christmas.that was done in a good faith as a friend and before leaving to Italy your gove knew they have to come back and your gove agreed for it, and once they reach Italy ,you change the stand,thats not how friends do.
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India never been know as a brave nation, they never fought the British to win to Independent, they're pacifist at best in begging and licking boot.

I can't blame you if your government gives you censored history lessons about India's fight for independence. Either that, or your overly high collective Chinese IQ can't accept the reality that India fought for its independence. You guys are so focused on Nanking and Japanese surrender thanks to US nuclear bombs that ignorant banshees you omit anything else.
I can't blame you if your government gives you censored history lessons about India's fight for independence. Either that, or your overly high collective Chinese IQ can't accept the reality that India fought for its independence. You guys are so focused on Nanking and Japanese surrender thanks to US nuclear bombs that ignorant banshees you omit anything else.

Gandhi busy swallow he didn't have time to order the Indian to fight against the British. Swallow your pride like your founding father Gandhi did, at least Indian like yourself will gain some self respect.
Gandhi busy swallow he didn't have time to order the Indian to fight against the British. Swallow your pride like your founding father Gandhi did, at least Indian like yourself will gain some self respect.

Swallow your own small thing called "pride" and learn to understand that there were others who fought against the British. But then you Chinese don't really have much of a chink-in-your-brains when it comes to lateral thinking eh? Am sure you read a very sanitised version of CCP history books.

And what about you Chinese? After the humiliating Treaty with the British , you let Hong Kong be a colony of UK right under your CHicken Butt of a map called China till 1997. Want me to give you more details about Treaty of Nanking and the Opium war when you pigtailed Qings were smoking pot and letting your women go easy on British manhood?
Swallow your own small thing called "pride" and learn to understand that there were others who fought against the British. But then you Chinese don't really have much of a chink-in-your-brains when it comes to lateral thinking eh? Am sure you read a very sanitised version of CCP history books.

And what about you Chinese? After the humiliating Treaty with the British , you let Hong Kong be a colony of UK right under your CHicken Butt of a map called China till 1997. Want me to give you more details about Treaty of Nanking and the Opium war when you pigtailed Qings were smoking pot and letting your women go easy on British manhood?

What about Chinese? I don't know much about China since I'm not born in China or Chinese citizen but I did watch Gandhi biography movies about how he a pacifist and begged British to leave South Asia if British wanted Gandhi to order slave Indian to be British foot soldier to fight the Jap in Myanmar and be the canon fodder for the British troops. This fact came straight from the horses mouth.
What about Chinese? I don't know much about China since I'm not born in China or Chinese citizen but I did watch Gandhi biography movies about how he a pacifist and begged British to leave South Asia if British wanted Gandhi to order slave Indian to be British foot soldier to fight the Jap in Myanmar and be the canon fodder for the British troops. This fact came straight from the horses mouth.

Gandhi's agreement was not the catalyst for independence. There were other freedom fighters and a civic disobedience movement. Learn some facts about India's fight for independence instead of selectively watching "pacifist" videos. But then, who am I arguing with ! A Chinese flagger like who habitually lies that he is not against India, or Indians, or not bothered about Indians (but disses Indians at every opportunity and bringing rape into every discussion) and when salt is rubbed in Chinese history you deny being a Chinese . Some act you have up your seat crack.
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