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Diplomat arrest: US has no plans to drop charges against Khobragade Washington

What this prosecutor said has no bearing on the merits of the case against the Indian diplomat. He did not "confess" to subverting the Indian justice system. That is merely your spin.

The US negotiated with the Government of Pakistan (GoP) and gained the release of Raymond Davis. If the GoP was confident in their "justice" system, and in the guilt of Raymond Davis, they would not have released him. The fact that they released him shows that the charges were political and subject to political negotiation. As an Indian surely you understand the reality of Pakistani justice. Their system is political, not judicial in the classic sense.

Given the massive public sentiment at the time in that country, it is clear that they released him because of intense pressure from the US. not a lack of belief in their legal system.

The US also claimed that he had diplomatic immunity. Yes, immunity.

Anyway, I cannot be effed continuing this.
it was candid in its opinion on the Indian system & made a clear reference to moving people out who were Indian nationals and who were not on U.S. soil, to prevent them from being subject to any actions by the Indian courts.

The statement of Preet Bharara was as follows:

"Fifth, as has been reported, the victim's family has been brought to the United States. As also has been reported, legal process was started in India against the victim, attempting to silence her, and attempts were made to compel her to return to India. Further, the Victim's family reportedly was confronted in numerous ways regarding this case. Speculation about why the family was brought here has been rampant and incorrect. Some focus should perhaps be put on why it was necessary to evacuate the family and what actions were taken in India vis-a-vis them. This Office and the Justice Department are compelled to make sure that victims, witnesses and their families are safe and secure while cases are pending.

Finally, this Office's sole motivation in this case, as in all cases, is to uphold the rule of law, protect victims, and hold accountable anyone who breaks the law - no matter what their societal status and no matter how powerful, rich or connected they are."

The US prosecutor, Mr. Bahrara, is trying to protect the victim. The Indian "justice" system was trying to protect the Indian Government from embarrassment. It is sad, but true. Accept the fact of your own corruption and eliminate it wherever you can. You will become a stronger nation if you do.

Given the massive public sentiment at the time in that country, it is clear that they released him because of intense pressure from the US. not a lack of belief in their legal system.

Your statement is totally inconsistent. If "public sentiment" was correct, then the GoP was totally corrupt in releasing him. It is clear that Pakistani "justice" would not be real justice, either for Raymond Davis, or, ipso facto, for the common man of Pakistan. Justice there was, and is, for sale.
This is how USA is, unfortunately this bullying will continue as long as we Asians are not united like the Americans & Europeans are.

Yeah, that's why i see that India rather cooperating with Japan to contain China, but too bad Japan is also a puppet of USA, and they can't do anything without the nod from their white master.
The statement of Preet Bharara was as follows:

"Fifth, as has been reported, the victim's family has been brought to the United States. As also has been reported, legal process was started in India against the victim, attempting to silence her, and attempts were made to compel her to return to India. Further, the Victim's family reportedly was confronted in numerous ways regarding this case. Speculation about why the family was brought here has been rampant and incorrect. Some focus should perhaps be put on why it was necessary to evacuate the family and what actions were taken in India vis-a-vis them. This Office and the Justice Department are compelled to make sure that victims, witnesses and their families are safe and secure while cases are pending.

Finally, this Office's sole motivation in this case, as in all cases, is to uphold the rule of law, protect victims, and hold accountable anyone who breaks the law - no matter what their societal status and no matter how powerful, rich or connected they are."

The US prosecutor, Mr. Bahrara, is trying to protect the victim. The Indian "justice" system was trying to protect the Indian Government from embarrassment. It is sad, but true. Accept the fact of your own corruption and eliminate it wherever you can. You will become a stronger nation if you do.

lets see what preet bharara says when she is freed on some pretext or another.

there is no other way out for the tussle,,next month onwards when election campaigning starts formally then there will be massive blame game between usa and india.

usa cannot afford to alienate one more nation,least of all india which is only nation capable of balancing china to a degree.

if they don't understand it,well then have ur way.i am not complaining as it will push us towards china ultimately and thats not bad in any sense
Your statement is totally inconsistent. If "public sentiment" was correct, then the GoP was totally corrupt in releasing him. It is clear that Pakistani "justice" would not be real justice, either for Raymond Davis, or, ipso facto, for the common man of Pakistan. Justice there was, and is, for sale.

Oh I don't doubt that the GoP is corrupt.

But the judicial system is separate from the Government :)
The US prosecutor, Mr. Bahrara, is trying to protect the victim. The Indian "justice" system was trying to protect the Indian Government from embarrassment. It is sad, but true. Accept the fact of your own corruption and eliminate it wherever you can. You will become a stronger nation if you do.
And you are eligible to pass that judgement on indian system !!! What are you ??? Another smart *** american DA who doesn't want to respect other's laws and courts !!!

The asshole barara said one thing and that becomes the truth !!!
Please enlighten us on what legal process was(?) started in india to to silence the victim !!!
If a person on diplomatic passport abscond what would the govt demand !!!! Deport him or give him nationality ???
Yeah, that's why i see that India rather cooperating with Japan to contain China, but too bad Japan is also a puppet of USA, and they can't do anything without the nod from their white master.

You will never overcome your racism, will you? I hope that when you reach my age (68 years) you will finally realize that racism is not an adequate explanation for what happens to you or your nation. Your constant retreat to explaining things as being caused by racism is an intellectual crutch that, I sincerely pray, you will overcome.

But the judicial system is separate from the Government :)

You can't be serious!!!! Look at all of the prosecutions of political figures that are underway and are constantly affecting the political environment of Pakistan! The Pakistani judiciary is as political as any judicial system on earth.
Good thing that DA (Preet B) is of Indian Origin (so he probably knows how Indian elite their the common man!) otherwise Indians start using the R word or trying to find a conspiracy.
You will never overcome your racism, will you? I hope that when you reach my age (68 years) you will finally realize that racism is not an adequate explanation for what happens to you or your nation. Your constant retreat to explaining things as being caused by racism is an intellectual crutch that, I sincerely pray, you will overcome.

will u pls reply to my post on what india means to usa??

i think it will be a huge blunder by usa to alienate india on such a trivial thing,when its clear on reading the maid's diary that it was all planned for a green card.i have started a thread on the diary that she wrote,pls visit that and see urself.

plus many human rights groups for their selfish motives have jumped the gun on this without realizing the merits of the case.

i mean no disrespect but this can not go on any further
The asshole barara said one thing and that becomes the truth !!!

Yes. Mr. Baharara speaks 1000% more truth than do you or does the Indian government. In my humble opinion .....

Good thing that DA (Preet B) is of Indian Origin (so he probably knows how Indian elite their the common man!) otherwise Indians start using the R word or trying to find a conspiracy.

Oh, his Indian roots haven't stopped Indians from charging "racism" by "white" America.
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Yes. Mr. Baharara speaks 1000% more truth than do you or does the indian government. In my humble opinion .....
Opinion count as hoots,you need proofs in court of law. My opinion is every american is idiot Does it count !!!
So instead of giving me your opinion please give me the basis on which you pass the judgement that Indian system was trying to save goi from embarrassment !!! Is it hard to understand. And no I dont need your opinion please provide factual data. No imagination and thinking
The statement of Preet Bharara was as follows:

"Fifth, as has been reported, the victim's family has been brought to the United States. As also has been reported, legal process was started in India against the victim, attempting to silence her, and attempts were made to compel her to return to India. Further, the Victim's family reportedly was confronted in numerous ways regarding this case. Speculation about why the family was brought here has been rampant and incorrect. Some focus should perhaps be put on why it was necessary to evacuate the family and what actions were taken in India vis-a-vis them. This Office and the Justice Department are compelled to make sure that victims, witnesses and their families are safe and secure while cases are pending.

Finally, this Office's sole motivation in this case, as in all cases, is to uphold the rule of law, protect victims, and hold accountable anyone who breaks the law - no matter what their societal status and no matter how powerful, rich or connected they are."

The US prosecutor, Mr. Bahrara, is trying to protect the victim. The Indian "justice" system was trying to protect the Indian Government from embarrassment. It is sad, but true. Accept the fact of your own corruption and eliminate it wherever you can. You will become a stronger nation if you do.

Your opinion on what Bharara's motives were vis-a-vis the supposed motives of the Indian justice system is not germane here, the admission is to interfering in the judicial system of another country. While it can be argued that protecting that maid who was on U.S. soil from any actions in Indian courts deemed to be unfair would be a reasonable call, interfering in the judicial system to allow for an escape from it by a person, not of U.S. nationality & not on U.S. soil is simply an untenable argument to make if you are purporting to talk about respect for the law.

Your advice on the matter is noted but not relevant to the discussion here.

As also has been reported, legal process was started in India against the victim, attempting to silence her, and attempts were made to compel her to return to India. Further, the Victim's family reportedly was confronted in numerous ways regarding this case.

Not extrajudicial but judicial. It would be for the Indian courts to decide the merits of the allegation. sweeping statements that indicate contempt for the judicial process here would hardly cause Indians to look on U.S. entreaties on "rule of law" more favourably.
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will u pls reply to my post on what india means to usa??

i think it will be a huge blunder by usa to alienate india on such a trivial thing,when its clear on reading the maid's diary that it was all planned for a green card.i have started a thread on the diary that she wrote,pls visit that and see urself.

Don't you see? The charges against the Indian diplomat were entirely the work of New York prosecutors. The US State Department, the US Government had no idea this was going to happen. There is no intention on the part of the USA to demean India. However, in the US, the Federal Government cannot subvert local legal proceedings for political or diplomatic reasons without paying a huge political price because of exposure by our free press. The very best "solution" for this is for India to recall their diplomat, refuse to have her appear in US Court, and expel some US diplomats in retaliation. After one month, things can return to normal.
Don't you see? The charges against the Indian diplomat were entirely the work of New York prosecutors. The US State Department, the US Government had no idea this was going to happen. there is no intention on the part of the USA to demean India. However, in the US, the Federal Government cannot subvert local legal proceedings for political or diplomatic reasons without paying a huge political price because of exposure by our free press. The very best "solution" for this is for India to recall their diplomat, refuse to have her appear in US Court, and expel some US diplomats in retaliation. After one month, things can return to normal.

Mm agreed with most of this post.

I have a feeling that events will transpire as stated here.
Don't you see? The charges against the Indian diplomat were entirely the work of New York prosecutors. The US State Department, the US Government had no idea this was going to happen. there is no intention on the part of the USA to demean India. However, in the US, the Federal Government cannot subvert local legal proceedings for political or diplomatic reasons without paying a huge political price because of exposure by our free press. The very best "solution" for this is for India to recall their diplomat, refuse to have her appear in US Court, and expel some US diplomats in retaliation. After one month, things can return to normal.

i am saying the same thing

of course court won't let go of the matter,no court will do that.

usa has to find a pretext to send her back and maybe then proclaim her as a criminal but she cannot be prosecuted as she is in india.

something on these lines.

if no,then trust me shit is gonna hit the fan
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