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Diligent student compiles list of 780,000 **** sites for PTA to ban

you can ban **** websites but who will ban soft ****, and nudity in movies and other media, its impossible to keep such stuff away, the best way to tackle with such social disaster is to educate the youth and how they should persue pure relationships and all that and how they should be more productive for positive roles then watching ****

west has gradually taken over the mind sets of all the youth of the world through media and to tackle such a monstrous western media is to grow your own media upto their levels
I am interested to know how he compiled the list. It's not possible for a single person to compile a list of 780,000 websites by using regular means, that's an astronomically huge number.
And this 15 year old is breaking the law by visiting 18+ websites and violating terms and Conditions of the website.
Does this kid have nothing better to do?

Go invent something if you can't, go study for exams.

I think he already did.

compilation list of 780,000 **** sites even for a group doing it manually in say a year's time is a difficult job.

Most likely this kid has built/used a software with string search capability or involving Google's Web Crawler and then having an automated task of compiling them as a background batch job.

If the above is true, pretty impressive for a 15 year old.
i dont konw because im still kunwara. but there was a time when i could only get aroused if i saw these images. it took me more than 2 years to get out of this.
sincere advise to all people to stay away from this stupid thing.

lol...............WTF did i just read..............................:omghaha:
I think he already did.

compilation list of 780,000 **** sites even for a group doing it manually in say a year's time is a difficult job.

Most likely this kid has built/used a software with string search capability or involving Google's Web Crawler and then having an automated task of compiling them as a background batch job.

If the above is true, pretty impressive for a 15 year old.

Yeah, that's what my initial thought was.

However if that was the case, I think that his software would be the headline grabber and not the fact that he's compiled a list of **** websites.
This "dilligent" student should be shipped off to Arabia for "advanced research" into such **** sites -- idiots spending their time banning **** sites which only exist because people want them -- and of all things it's the most popular subject among Pakistani internet surfers, something they have in common with the rest of the world - if only we were not human beings
Was this done to respond to Fox News propaganda??
Who knows pornography better than a teenage boy?

In a bid to aid the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) in its ongoing efforts to block online **** in Pakistan, fifteen-year-old Ghazi Muhammad Abdullah has compiled and sent forward a list of 780,000 adult websites which he thinks should be blocked in Pakistan.
Speaking to ProPakistani, Abdullah said that he sent this list to the PTA following a letter sent to him by Director General, Law and Regulations, which stated:

“If there is any specific website that you wish to bring into the knowledge of PTA, it is requested that PTA may be informed of the same accordingly for further necessary action at our end.”
The teenager had previously written letters to the PTA, Ministry of Information Technology and Chief Justice of Pakistan to get adult websites blocked in Pakistan.

Without revealing the specific selection process for the adult sites added to the list, Abdullah told ProPakistani that he was aided by his friends whose names he wished not to share.

In an ongoing clampdown on the internet, the judiciary and PTA have taken action against **** websites by blocking or banning access to over 13,000 sites in the country.

Additionally, a government department has recently called for proposals for the development, deployment and operation of a national level URL Filtering and Blocking System.

The ad had been placed in local papers by National ICT R&D Fund, a division of the Ministry of Information Technology, on February 22, 2012. The proposal request states that each box of the system “should be able to handle a block list of up to 50 million URLs with a processing delay of not more than 1 millisecond.”

Diligent student compiles list of 780,000 **** sites for PTA to ban – The Express Tribune

good job lad !! :tup:

Height of intellectual bankruptcy.No matter what they do internet pornography can never be banned.These students focus on doing something productive rather than indulging in these fruitless endeavors.
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