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Difference between Turkey and Pakistan

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Jan 28, 2019
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PTI media cell has started a new narrative giving examples of Turkey to fool people that somehow Pakistanis are bad people. My Facebook is full of these morons parroting what the media cell has started without even knowing a thing about Turkey.

So here's the difference between Turkey and Pakistan.

We got a Prime Minister who is an expert at lying and sold our soul to IMF and America going against everything he promised before elections while Turkey had a President which said no to IMF.


Only an idiot would trust a liar like Imran Khan. If i could, i would hoard dollars too and protect it with guns like in some movie from the government. Who the hell are they to take away our money and force us to go through inflation? Why doesn't Imran Khan start at his own home where his sister is hoarding dollars? Why doesn't Imran Khan give up his Bani gala empire and Grand Hyatt towers and suffer the inflation before forcing it on people?
PTI media cell has started a new narrative giving examples of Turkey to fool people that somehow Pakistanis are bad people. My Facebook is full of these morons parroting what the media cell has started without even knowing a thing about Turkey.

So here's the difference between Turkey and Pakistan.

We got a Prime Minister who is an expert at lying and sold our soul to IMF and America going against everything he promised before elections while Turkey had a President which said no to IMF.


Only an idiot would trust a liar like Imran Khan. If i could, i would hoard dollars too and protect it with guns like in some movie from the government. Who the hell are they to take away our money and force us to go through inflation? Why doesn't Imran Khan start at his own home where his sister is hoarding dollars? Why doesn't Imran Khan give up his Bani gala empire and Grand Hyatt towers and suffer the inflation before forcing it on people?
Another patwaree :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
Yes, as a patwari, you are a product of haram so definitely you will do that and I'm sure you're doing a lot more than that.

Prove it to me from Islam that it is haram.

Do you know what it means to call something that is halal as haram?
Another patwaree :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
Patwari is a parasite, produced and sustained through haram. It is not advisable to use human terms for them.

Prove it to me from Islam that it is haram.

Do you know what it means to call something that is halal as haram?
The word Islam does not suit the foul mouth of corrupt patwaris who forget their god fathers have been going to IMF and mortgaged everything from airports to motorways... and patwaris don't have souls.
We got a Prime Minister who is an expert at lying and sold our soul to IMF and America going against everything he promised before elections while Turkey had a President which said no to IMF.


Only an idiot would trust a liar like Imran Khan. If i could, i would hoard dollars too and protect it with guns like in some movie from the government. Who the hell are they to take away our money and force us to go through inflation? Why doesn't Imran Khan start at his own home where his sister is hoarding dollars? Why doesn't Imran Khan give up his Bani gala empire and Grand Hyatt towers and suffer the inflation before forcing it on people?

Sharam karo Patwari.

Musharraf, Nawaz, Zardari were treating qawm as their own personal bank account which ballooned our debt and Imran Khan is trying to fix their mess to help advance our country.

Ungrateful people.
the problem with ik is that he is using same people to treat and fix mess who are involved in creating it in previous govts so chances of his failures are high
Sharam karo Patwari.

Musharraf, Nawaz, Zardari were treating qawm as their own personal bank account which ballooned our debt and Imran Khan is trying to fix their mess to help advance our country.

Ungrateful people.
the problem with ik is that he is using same people to treat and fix mess who are involved in creating it in previous govts so chances of his failures are high

If he can’t fix it with the corrupt system, I am afraid military will have to step in and fix it with blood.

Patwaris better cooperate with Imran Khan, or else they and their leaders will be hanging from nooses when that happens.

Under no circumstance can N or PPP be allowed to come back in power. Our nation can’t afford it.
the difference between pak and turkey is that they are less corrupt then us as a nation. our bastar* leaders deliberately kept the nation uneducated and ill groomed. they divided the country before and they can do it again for their selfish interest. i think there is no comparison between turkey and pakistan. they are far better in every almost every aspect. we are so much divided that patwaris, jiyalas, mullahs, pashteens were mourning on 27 feb and they are happy today upon the news of kekra 1 being a dry well.

another big difference is that majority of our political leaders like those of pmln,ppp anp, ptm, mqm are the pawns of our greatest enemy .
If he can’t fix it with the corrupt system, I am afraid military will have to step in and fix it with blood.

Patwaris better cooperate with Imran Khan, or else they and their leaders will be hanging from nooses when that happens.

Under no circumstance can N or PPP be allowed to come back in power. Our nation can’t afford it.

Problem is Pakistanis lack patience undersetanble for a young eagar overpopulated nation with high expectations the problem is not IK it's our people the people vote idiots in power the people have been brainwashed for geo political purposes in the past to be radicalized what you expect there needs to be deep societal change
Turkish president is a dictator . They arrested 1000s of teachers & students for using freedom of speech. Turkey is colony of Erdogan. There is Completely ban on freedom of speech. Erdogan has done enough to isolate turkey from China Till U.S.A.
There is no match between Pakistan prime minister and turkey president. Pakistan PM has done enough for Pakistan , He brought cricket worldcup, he made free cancer hospitals, latest university in Village, He raised voice for poor people. Still doing day & night work for shaukat khanam hospitals.
Turkish president is a dictator . They arrested 1000s of teachers & students for using freedom of speech. Turkey is colony of Erdogan. There is Completely ban on freedom of speech. Erdogan has done enough to isolate turkey from China Till U.S.A.

The difference is Erdogan is a phase the Turks will get rid of him at some point in time the recent elections spooked him and his party he is gonna fall good

As for Pakistan it's time Pakistanis look at themselves inward instead of looking at problems of Turkey,China or Saudi
the difference between pak and turkey is that they are less corrupt then us as a nation. our bastar* leaders deliberately kept the nation uneducated and ill groomed. they divided the country before and they can do it again for their selfish interest. i think there is no comparison between turkey and pakistan. they are far better in every almost every aspect. we are so much divided that patwaris, jiyalas, mullahs, pashteens were mourning on 27 feb and they are happy today upon the news of kekra 1 being a dry well.

another big difference is that majority of our political leaders like those of pmln,ppp anp, ptm, mqm are the pawns of our greatest enemy .
The Turkish society is stratified along many lines!!! They might be little more nationalist than the Pak folks!!! Anyway, corruption is also there in Turkey. It shouldn’t be the cause of losing pace....
The Turkish society is stratified along many lines!!! They might be little more nationalist than the Pak folks!!! Anyway, corruption is also there in Turkey. It shouldn’t be the cause of losing pace....
corruption is there in every society and it will always exist in this world but the proportion of corruption matters. the nation of Prophet Shoaib AS was destroyed because they were corrupt and in pak you need to use illegal ways even to get your legal jobs done. pakistan needs new software and windows as the current ones are out of order now. so no hopes from this country. our enemies have successfully used our internal enemies to destroy us from within. they have seen that even in the current sorry state of affairs we gave them a bloody nose on 27 feb and humiliated them in front of the whole world so they ordered their agents to do more. so bastar* like bilawal bhutoo immediately started barking against pak. terrorists activities have increased in baluchistan and all the corrupt are now getting united again to serve their masters in the east and west.
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