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Did we shoot our own passenger plane?

No, it was the deadlier 737-800 series.
This is incorrect....737 all the way up to -800 is one of the safest aircrafts you can fly in.
People need to use their brains....the video shows the aircraft on fire before crashing...there was no radio call from crew....it was on the eve of a major attack. Of course some young idiot shot it down.....can we stop the stupid defence of anything and everything and call it what it is? It's a tragic act in fog of war.....we f*cked up. It shows the lack of coordination and planning when conducting major operations. They need to go back and see what they can do to prevent such accidents in the future.
This is incorrect....737 all the way up to -800 is one of the safest aircrafts you can fly in.
People need to use their brains....the video shows the aircraft on fire before crashing...there was no radio call from crew....it was on the eve of a major attack. Of course some young idiot shot it down.....can we stop the stupid defence of anything and everything and call it what it is? It's a tragic act in fog of war.....we f*cked up. It shows the lack of coordination and planning when conducting major operations. They need to go back and see what they can do to prevent such accidents in the future.

As brought up by @Cthulhu:
"But five security sources - three Americans, one European and one Canadian - who asked not to be named, told Reuters the initial assessment of Western intelligence agencies was that the plane had suffered a technical malfunction and had not been brought down by a missile. There was evidence one of the jet’s engines had overheated, the Canadian source said."

As brought up by @Cthulhu:
Jet engines do not overheat (like you think)......the only time you get a fire is a fuel leak or a catastrophic compressor disintegration due to a failure or ingestion. The crew will get a message and horns in cockpit if engine catches fire, there are fire detection loops and thermocouples in the CFM engine. The crew then hits the fire button on the center console and that shuts everything going to that engine down and introduces halon gas to put out fire.
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Jet engines do not overheat (like you think)......the only time you get a fire is a fuel leak or a catastrophic compressor disintegration due to a failure or ingestion. The crew will get a message and horns in cockpit if engine catches fire, there are fire detection loops and thermocouples in the CFM engine. The crew then hits the fire button on the center console and that shuts everything going to that engine down and introduces halon gas to put out fire.

Let us not jump into conclusion yet, its has been barely a day. We need more evidence and more actual expert input. The point of this thread was risk management.
In turn, the Russian news Agency RIA Novosti quotes the comment of the Israeli expert Sariga Zeev (former head of the airport Ben-Gurion), who believes that the cause of the accident could be a serious technical failure or a bomb on Board. “Of course, if we want to take seriously the question, the answers can only be obtained after an investigation that quickly find out the causes of the disaster. But a cursory look at the circumstances we understand that there are two main options. The first is a bomb on Board that works on a timer or sensor-the barometer, exploding when the plane comes to a certain height. Well, the other option was a technical problem, which we don’t know yet. Unfortunately, from what I’ve seen, it looks less possible. But I say this with caution. Of course, you need to understand what happened”, – quotes Agency the statement Sariga.

To hand over the blackbox to those could be responsible for putting a bomb on the 737 is unwise on the Iranian part.

Nobody could be so stupid as to turn on the ADS while the radar is showing planes landing and taking off at the airport.

If this was the first flight out of Tehran for the morning, then you could have error on the ADS, but if Tehran airport was already busy and the plane exploded midair, you are dealing with a bomb placed in Tehran or previous stops, the CIA have agents in every major city, including mechanics.

When you are dealing with odds, the chance the plotters planned the first flight out of Tehran are slim, could they be so smart to bomb the first plane taking off for the morning, perhaps. But this decreases probabilities of outside attack. And slightly increases an error on the ADS side.

I still believe it was a bomb or deliberate mechanical failure, but if this was the 5th flight out of Tehran International, there is an alibi. Then its clearly not ADS, because they would have been proven to be turned off for passenger planes.

And don't most SAM missiles leave wreckage, if none is found, another alibi for the Iranian side.
Looks like over-heated engine

I had some doubts that it was AA because a missile would blow the plane apart not a slow dive down. You can clearly see in the video that an engine is on fire.

However, it remains to be seen why the plane went down. I thought the planes should be able to land with one engine? Did pilot not kill the engine and the fuel to it? Maybe it was too late?

I don’t know, I’m not an expert on airplanes. So it remains to be seen.
I am outraged. Why did we not declare NOTAM? This is a major failure on multitude of levels regardless of of this plane was shut down or not. The first priority should always be safety of civilians and they failed.

look at where that wing part has fallen , look at the steel sport gear around it .
now answer me in case of the Aluminum wing hit those steel gear which one penetrate the other ?

You are missing the point of this post, this is NOT about whether the plane was shutdown or not but about why it was allowed to take off.
why it can't take off , there was not a single enemy aircraft over Iran Sky , and the missile were fired hours earlier at 800km away from the flight path in complete opposite direction

Seems so. Iran also refuses to hand over the black box to Ukraine.

because everyone would know what happened. not good for iran

because according to international law Iran lead the crash investigation and Ukraine team can be present at the investigation

SAM is accurate but button pusher was not
The missiles are very accurate it seems.
funny part is that all of Iran air defenses were not alerted and then people come and claim Tor-M1 which not even designed to engage aircraft were alerted and made the attack.

Airspace shud have immediately closed after attack
what for there was no intruder over Iran Airspace
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