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Did Israel "blind" Syria before the latest strike...?


May 21, 2006
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Interesting article concerning possible use by Israel of a system that debilitates and confuses the opponents defense networks.

Report: Israel 'blinded' Syrian radar

After Israeli missile strike on Syria confirmed by both sides, the question remains – how did Israel's non-stealth jets infiltrate Syrian airspace undetected? US aerospace experts tell Aviation Week magazine that Israel used new US-developed technology that lets users invade and manipulate enemy communication networks

Ynet Published: 10.05.07, 01:15 / Israel News

After Syrian President Bashar Assad admitted that Israeli planes carried out a missile strike in Syria and after the media blackout on the incident was lifted in Israel, many unanswered questions still remain regarding how IAF jets managed to infiltrate Syrian security.

An article published this week on the aerospace magazine Aviation Week & Space Technology's website offers the theory of experts in the field on how the Israeli F15 and F16 jets – which are not stealth fighters – managed to evade detection by Syrian air defense radar. Syrian Attack

Syrian parliament member says ‘Israel operation failed’ / Roee Nahmias

In special interview with Israeli-Arab newspaper Mohammad Habash calls IAF raid on Syria ‘failure’, says Israel must change policy, negotiate peace
Full Story

US aerospace industry and former US Air Force officials told Aviation Week's Senior Military Editor David A. Fulghum that Israel must have used "a technology like the US-developed 'Suter' airborne network attack system".

The cutting-edge technology allows users to invade enemy communication networks, to "see what enemy sensors see and even take over as systems administrator so sensors can be manipulated into positions so that approaching aircraft can't be seen", experts said.

In effect, the technology infiltrates and tricks enemy sensors by "directing data streams into them that can include false targets and misleading messages algorithms that allow a number of activities including control," the article explains.

The US system was recently tested successfully in operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, officials told Aviation Week.

Iran worried?

According to the article, a Kuwaiti newspaper recently reported that "Russian experts are studying why the two state-of-the art Russian-built radar systems in Syria did not detect the Israeli jets entering Syrian territory. Iran reportedly has asked the same question, since it is buying the same systems and might have paid for the Syrian acquisitions."

The system is the new Tor-M1 launcher, and the Iranians bought 29 of them from Russia for $750 million to guard their nuclear sites. The Tor launchers were delivered in January, according to Agency France-Press and ITAR-TASS.

It is not confirmed that the Tor system was in fact the system guarding the Syrian site.

I think that it is possible that they got info to counter the system but as usual it is used as propaganda and unrealistic written. I doubt that they went controlling the opponent. The link with Iran is stupid. But the whole story is pathetic cause it is about Syria being attacked... I doubt that a normal nation would attack this way a neighbour and still be written as a hero.. So BS and PR.
I think that it is possible that they got info to counter the system but as usual it is used as propaganda and unrealistic written. I doubt that they went controlling the opponent. The link with Iran is stupid. But the whole story is pathetic cause it is about Syria being attacked... I doubt that a normal nation would attack this way a neighbour and still be written as a hero.. So BS and PR.

Hmmm! I am not sure if you could easily take over SAM system controllers. These are mostly special purpose boards with very little "Hackable" software. Hacking itself is a tedious process that may take days if not months to break into a system. If those systems are not connected to the internet, then the job is even harder.

In a fast changing very dynamic air combat missions, you won't have time to take over the mission control computers of the SAM sites.

Having said that! There are ways to confuse the sensors using passive technologies (stealth design) or the newer active technologies. The active tech may bombard the sensors in real time and overwhelm the network making it useless to detect the oncoming crafts.

Israel possibly had some sort of active air to ground sensor suppression during the attacks on Syrian sites. We must learn form Israel's determination to continually keep its dominance over Arab airspace.

Looking purely from defense tech, that is pretty impressive and it should not be counted as PR or BS.
If it was really the Russian latest air defence system then its worrysome time for Russia as well as Iran. Further more there is a lesson for wealthy countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran the way in which Israelis trying hard by their day & night research and development activities to keep the upper hand in air defence and anti air defence technologies, while their vast wealth is not of much use specially of Saudi Arabia since Iran is already there in some kind of Defence R & D in a good way.
If the case mentioned above is true and indeed israel aircrafts managed to enter the syrian airspace, shouldnt we worry about it too. In general speaking, most of aur air defence and monitoring radars are US orgin, the recent tilt of US towards India, the israeli cooperation with the Indians, so it wouldnt be a problem in the future for india to gain codes to jamn pakistani radars. I'm not an expert in this and would defeniatly require some expert views by experienced military members in the forum.
I know this is to certain extent off topic as well. Sorry about that mods.
If the case mentioned above is true and indeed israel aircrafts managed to enter the syrian airspace, shouldnt we worry about it too. In general speaking, most of aur air defence and monitoring radars are US orgin, the recent tilt of US towards India, the israeli cooperation with the Indians, so it wouldnt be a problem in the future for india to gain codes to jamn pakistani radars. I'm not an expert in this and would defeniatly require some expert views by experienced military members in the forum.
I know this is to certain extent off topic as well. Sorry about that mods.

IC! The short answer to your post is NO!

Please understand that the answer to your post is less for military experts and more for geo-political experts.

#1. Some aspects of geo-politics change frequently such as US-India, US-China, US-Russia, US-EU, US-Israel, US-Pakistan etc. These changes are mostly the result of economics-of-the-moment. That is I want buy/sell X and who can get me the the cheapest yet good quality stuff.

#2. The other aspects of geo-politics are sort of permanent i.e. control of natural resources.

US-India relationships are mostly based on #1 that is short term (20-50 years) trade. Microsoft needs cheap Indian programmers, and GE needs cheap Indian accountants. So US gives money to India and buys these "services". In return US tries to sell expensive hight tech stuff and gets some of the money back from India.

#2 Pakistan figures in the Long term (100-300 years) plan of geo-strategic control of resources by the West.

Just read the history of Punjab, Sindh, Sarhad, and Balochistan. Match it with Western struggle to stop Russia back in 1800s. The West has never found a better ally than the people of these 4 provinces.

From this aspect Pakistan and Israel are on the same side and hence there is no worry. India on the other hand is traditionally an unreliable entity for the West when it comes to stopping Russia. Therefore Israel will not be allowed to sell anti-Pakistan tech to India.

Iran and Syria are playing a strong anti-West role for many many decades now. Therefore Israel or Pakistan will be supported by the West to take out anti-West threats from these countries.

This discussion however doesn't mean that we should get into a warm bed and sleep for the next 2 centuries. No! We ought to be vigilant against the designs of India and Iran. These two entities do not want to respect Pakistan as a regional power, so they will always try to undermine us.

That is a good post Antibol. I think that some of us need to group together and start writing at a professional level. Just like I see a news article and there are three or four different writers.

We need to post our different perspective in the main pakistani news papers as well in papers of other nations. We post so much stuff on this board that is so revolutionary and so far ahead of the thinking in pakistani defence magazine or any other pakistani newspaper---plus we can also respond to this rhetoric against pakistan in the U S newspapers.

I am extremely confident that our articles and insights and reviews are of extremely high quality. I strongly believe that they would be a wake up call for many. In these article, we will be representatives of our defence forum here. So guys give it a though and lets make a difference. It is high time we expand our horizons.
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