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Did Hafiz Saeed incite Pak troops into killing Indian soldiers?

I agree with @KRAIT, India has no business trying to kill HS.

Ok so he kills a few Indians here and there once in a while. But for a large counry like India, and this may sound harsh to you, it does not matter. We lose nothing in the larger scheme of things.

But what HS does to Pakistan - weaken the civilian govt, weaken the civil society, weaken the youth, weaken the pak stature internationally - the damage is much much bigger.
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Hafiz Sayed does more damage to Pakistan than he can ever to India. I say let him be.
Yup. When a nation has termite like HS, all you have to do is spectate.
Is this for real... reminds me of all those Pakistan is trying to spread bird flu to india articles we used to find in the past. Anyone on this forum since 2006-2007 can tell you what I'm talking about. Now even google is trying to make India a superpower... good luck with that.

By accepting responsibility and failing to punish HS it really weakened our reputation. We should either not have taken responsibility for the mumbai attacks or hanged him.

Question is what were we thinking when we took responsibility for those attacks? What about this?:

Should we just believe India over the Mumbai attacks?
Is this for real... reminds me of all those Pakistan is trying to spread bird flu to india articles we used to find in the past. Anyone on this forum since 2006-2007 can tell you what I'm talking about. Now even google is trying to make India a superpower... good luck with that.
By accepting responsibility and failing to punish HS it really weakened our reputation. We should either not have taken responsibility for the mumbai attacks or hanged him.
Question is what were we thinking when we took responsibility for those attacks? What about this?:

Should we just believe India over the Mumbai attacks?
Thanks buddy. Good conspiracy theory. You guys are actually assets of ours. :D
there is a bounty for EVIDENCE that could lead to a CONVICTION

and LMAO at these indians at it again with HS. Spend more time thinking about your gods than thinking about him. You have your priorities totally mixed up and that is unacceptable!

such cross-border firings have been sporadic every now and then....or let me guess, does this mythical HS character send a fax to the border posts every time he wants some lives of your occupation forces to be cancelled :laugh:

when fired upon, our forces fired back....that's all there is to it, indians.....any army would do that. Dont be butt-hurt over this incident just because we retaliated.

Go check it again, it is for his capture or killing.
Thanks buddy. Good conspiracy theory. You guys are actually assets of ours. :D

It is strange how Karkare died. The issue is very simple. If we accepted responsibility and did not hang the culprits then basically what we are saying is that we committed the attack but we won't punish those involved which indirectly says we are complicit. If the courts failed to implicate him in the attack it does raise the question whether the narrative was true or false. Our government should have used its brain, its committing blunder after blunder after blunder on the foreign policy front.

That is what you call a blunder by a government that isn't thinking. Truthfully all the cards are on your table. 2 soldiers die and people get thirsty for Pakistani blood. Here a 100 people die and no one gives a hoot.

Also do note people who get to label others narrative "conspiracy theory" with many people believing are very much on the winning side in the public relations war. Long ago we might have made the claim with ease and India's or Indians calling it a conspiracy theory would not have mattered much but when a countries internal situation is a mess no one really cares about what they say. The official narrative may be different and accepts the Indian one but a great deal of Pakistanis refuse to believe it.
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