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Did Gen. Bajwa visit China unannounced in June 2022 ?

This neutrality will bite real hard in coming days when IEA & TTP find out that we are planning to give airbases to NATO
To in BC ka kya jana ha, terrorism main be to aam admi he marta ha humesha.
being a popular leader of pakistan, khan should sent a message to world leaders, dont cooperate with these corrupt military officials and criminal corrupt leaders of current regime, also war them we will not payback the loan which these beggars will get from IMF or any friendly country
being a popular leader of a political party does not mean anything to the world. They only listen/talk to the people who are in power.
They think Chinese are fools . They do know public sentiments and they have a mechanism of intelligence sharing they do know how popular this Bajwa is . Every single day some ex servicemen do a press conference against him.
China needs to step up diplomacy in order to bring Pakistan into it's sphere of influence.

Diplomatic / political and economic influence / pressure be used, to side line / remove unpopular governments / bureau crats / military officers in Pakistan, just like what Western Countries do in Pakistan, to achieve their objectives, be it in context of Afghanistan or India.
China needs to return Pakistan to US and don't ask for a refund.

Make strategic partnerships with Afghanistan and Iran to secure it's supply lines and bypass Gawadar.
China needs to return Pakistan to US and don't ask for a refund.

Make strategic partnerships with Afghanistan reds and Iran to secure it's supply lines and bypass Gawadar.
China needs to send a bamboo up the current military leadership to get them to their senses.
Veiled threat of withholding supply of strategic systems and jets as it believes that the technology would be compromised by the current military leadership to the US would be a good start..
Or this was a double trap for Pakistan.


. The Muslim (in this case Pakistani) mind never leaders the lessons of history and current events. They want Pakistan to be the next Somali, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Lebanon .... I.e bankrupt civil war failed nation.... Now please hand us over your nukes and we will give you some $$$$ so you can eat and continue your corrupt ways....
Was PAF asleep?
Likely not, but were either told to stand down, ignore threats from west ( accept traffic and don't question, ) or US exploited the gaps or other exploits in the Western facing Radar coverage.

What about well conditioned Junta on the ground ? when they were ordered to stay indoor, they obliged and never questioned as to who is ordering and or why, just do as someone in the uniform tells them. Did US military use / exploited the PA drilled conditioning in the Pak Junta ( Civis ) ? penny for your thoughts.

PS: Remember, no matter what the situation on the ground is ( in reality ), the Pak Miltary ( PA, PN, PAF ) sees threat only from the East. I think PN is waking up and realizing threats from South ( Arabian Sea ), hopefully not just Surface and or Sub-Surface.

Was PAF asleep?

GHQ probably was. The reality is Pakistan establishment was in on it. Usa sold the Osama news to their public, they couldn't say he was in Afghanistan because Usa was there so Pakistan was a fantastic idea.
Bajwa بگلول

بے وقوف,سادہ لوح,کوڑھ مغز

and he proved it right.

Got this name by Hyder Mehdi in one of the interview.


GHQ probably was. The reality is Pakistan establishment was in on it. Usa sold the Osama news to their public, they couldn't say he was in Afghanistan because Usa was there so Pakistan was a fantastic idea.
Makes sense. I heard that Kayani and Pasha were in on it. Shame.. What kind of country is Pakistan?
Was PAF asleep?
We knew there was something in the air but it was unidentifiable. The decision to have it marked were given but not within due time.
They used to come tarbela for refuling.and there they used the close proximity of it for their purpose.
To their horror they didnt get at the compound what they wanted.. so they covered it up yet still used it to have obama win next term..
It was a backstab from an ally.
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