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Did decline of major indian empires played major factor in Islamic invasion and why?

Rashtrakutas, gurajara pratihara, pala empires were major players in the indian history shortly before the ghaurid invasion. But we see that during ghaurid invasions most of these empires had already vanished and indian subcontinent was being ruled by little kingdoms etc.

Arab chronicles before indian invasion reference Rashtrakutas as one of the biggest powers alog with byzantine, china and arabs, but we see that during the ghaurid invasion the entire geopolitical situation in india had crumbled into petty kingdoms. Is this fact or something whic needs to be proven? and if its a fact then what caused the decline of these major indian empires all of a sudden?


Size of empires should be looked at by size of population and economy rather than sq.km.

India was densely populated and had a vibrant economy. The kingdoms were not as small as they look on a map.
Oh look, the mother of all ironies.

Yes, we cannot imagine our own maps, but to clearly under the true extent of any empire, we need to compare with today's boundaries. And they are not imaginations, there are various sources, local to the land and greek as well that tell us of the extent of this empire, based on which maps are made. These maps, may not be entirely accurate but they do convey a rough idea of the borders.
Hindus are a people.t he term has geographical connotation, not religious.
Are you implying that the present day poor hindu dalits were the rich landlords of yesteryears??? Hence they were able to pay jizya and not convert??

Nah, they were just resilient

"Did decline of major indian empires played major factor in Islamic invasion and why?"

This is completely wrong and looking at history through RSS eyes.
There has never ever been an Islamic invasion of India.

The closest you can say was Bin Qassim, but even that was only in Pakistan and didn't last very long.

In world history central Asians have invaded almost everywhere, China, Iran, Europe, India, etc.

They have been doing that for like 10,000 years.

They only difference is that during the latest invasion of India, they happened to be Muslim.

Their pagan ancestors also invaded India, China, etc.

RSS want you to think that Islam invaded India, but that is objectively false.

Central Asians, who happened to be Muslim, invaded India, just like their pagan ancestors did.

This is actually correct.

But, i must say it is not just the RSS which sees the Turkic invasion as an Islamic invasion but most Pakistanis too see it that way especially the more religious types.
But the reason for the mass conversions is simple. The hindus fought against Islam. Period. As per rules, Muslims respectfully gave them options - accept Islam or leave/face the consequences. Many did. Our beloved Rasool SAW did the same. This is sunnat. We have nothing to be ashamed of. In fact those who were forcefully converted - their next generation are grateful for allowing them to leave pagan ways. This is His will. Peace.

Thank you for these admissions.
they were just resilient
No. They ran and lived in jungles and learnt to poop in the open. They chose open defecation to Islam. Bigots then bigots now.

Because he didn't know true islamic history of the subcontinent
I know it from primary sources. And I am not ashamed of it. Hinduism or paganism was and is like an addiction. Like heroin. Addicts require some persuasion. If Muslims cared so much about their enemies, Pakistanis would be facing discrimination from cow lynchings.
No. They ran and lived in jungles and learnt to poop in the open. They chose open defecation to Islam. Bigots then bigots now.

I know it from primary sources. And I am not ashamed of it. Hinduism or paganism was and is like an addiction. Like heroin. Addicts require some persuasion. If Muslims cared so much about their enemies, Pakistanis would be facing discrimination from cow lynchings.
You knows nothing about historical facts of Islam and why its spread peacefully in subcontinent in its early days
No. They ran and lived in jungles and learnt to poop in the open. They chose open defecation to Islam. Bigots then bigots now.

There are probably as many Islamic open defecators in India as Hindus if not more considering their economic condition due to lack of education.
The first significant adoption of Islam happened fter Ibn qasims campaign.
No misconception of most of Muslims of subcontinent, Islam introduced lots earlier than that incident, in fact Islam was introduced in the subcontinent within the life of our holy Prophet (PBUH) and Muhammad Ibn qasim came lot later in subcontinent @AfrazulMandal
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