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Did Bangladesh fall into a trap?

My friend, economic growth is not stagnant. Projections are based on current data but they do not cover uncertainties. For example; Chinese GDP may be growing at 10% in 2012. However, it may be growing 1% in 2020. This is how uncertain the economic future is.

Here is an example:


US have seen its highs and lows in its economic growth. Similar is the situation with many other nations.

Therefore, do not rely too much on projections. Fact is that US Industrial base is very powerful and it has remained strong for a long time. China has progressed a lot due to massive US Industrial investment in China. This investment have made Chinese populace tech-savy. And now you can see all the hooplah about China. But China still cannot develop every kind of product.

As far as India is concerned, it is far behind even China.

Therefore, US dominance is not going to be seriously challenged for a long term basis. Yes! We will witness rise of BRICS and world economic fibre will become lot less monopolized in the future. US may loose the title of sole-superpower but it will remain a leading WESTERN country and a powerhouse due to its immense resources and powerful Industrial base for many many years to come.

Wait till 2025 and we will see who is right.
When I see two countries that share the Ganges-Brahmaputra Basin, are joined togather like Siamese Twins slogging it out, so much so that the smaller one even entertains the thought of having US bases to detract the other twin, when we all know that the report of the offer by US is a figment of imagination anyway, I can only sit back on my armchair and draw vicarious pleasure.

Why? Because it destroys the myth of 'India' being one country like some Hinduteva fanatics peddle on these forums. As long as Bangladesh is there it reminds us that 'India' as built by the British was just a false construct of a imperial master.

And it reprises my faith in the great Indus Valley people who occupy their own distinct Indus Basin, that is the land of Pakistan.

May Bangladesh shine !!!

* nagendrab my sentiments are not driven by any Islamic zeal. I like to look at myself as a nationalist.
Why? Because it destroys the myth of 'India' being one country like some Hinduteva fanatics peddle on these forums. As long as Bangladesh is there it reminds us that 'India' as built by the British was just a false construct of a imperial master.

If Bangladesh reminds the world anything, it is just one thing - there is no such thing as Islamic brotherhood. Period. Nothing else.

India [Bharat] was,is and will be one country.

and lol,,,India was built by British....Pakistan by..Martians ?
You know what if anyone saying for america to bring itz 7th fleet to bangladesh, are actually blind supporter of US. These type of people are actually trechurous or gaddar or Mir Jafor. Once america in bangladesh, then goodbye bangladesh freedom. They will have accress to our gov. military and every sensitive issues. Only fools believe that they will get a pony ride if US comes. Freedom for bangladesh will be only on papers. Can you believe it, US wants the whole St. Martin Island, as if it is their baper shommpotti and they deserve it. That is the only coral island we have and they will take it away with all the natural gas and oil with it. I won't be surprise if anyone hijacked by US personelle, specially girls, like they did to a lot of women in Afghanistan and Iraq.Just Remember, who so ever US to come to our land and water, they are nothing but Gaddar or Trechurous to bangladesh. It is just that simple India is provoking us but that does not mean, we will be in war. So to remove india and bring US is a talk of a fool or gaddar.

and if anyone fear so much india and fears they will attack, then we will fight, and the whole bangladeshi public will fight and remember we are in india's belly so india will not want cancer in itz belly...but then again there will not be war between India and
Bangladesh. Just remember Allah is suffieciet for a muslim.
They did it intentionally, it was a RAW leak to create anti-American sentiment among Bangladeshi public. I think idune Bhai said as much in his post and I agree with this assessment.

That's funny.....Bangladesh was never known as a hotbed for anti-American sentiment. Hell, the country never even engaged in any anti-American activities.

It's a naive attempt if you ask me.

It may not be that hard. BNP will need to move away from the Chinese camp and move back to the US camp, making sure that the US understand that BNP's anti India stance will remain intact, despite this change. During MUA-FUA India-US convergence was the doom for BNP and boon for RAWamy come-back, this time a US-India divergence on Bangladesh will hopefully bring BNP back, if BNP knows how to play its cards right with the US. Public is already on BNP side, all BNP need to ensure is a fair election without rigging with US help and RAWamy idiots will be history for the next 5 years and may be forever.

As long as Tareq is in the party, that just won't happen. The US has made it no secret of its dislike of Tareq.

If anything, Dr. Yunus is America's best bet. Why do you think they support him so much? It's not because they like charity :no:

You know what if anyone saying for america to bring itz 7th fleet to bangladesh, are actually blind supporter of US. These type of people are actually trechurous or gaddar or Mir Jafor. Once america in bangladesh, then goodbye bangladesh freedom. They will have accress to our gov. military and every sensitive issues. Only fools believe that they will get a pony ride if US comes. Freedom for bangladesh will be only on papers. Can you believe it, US wants the whole St. Martin Island, as if it is their baper shommpotti and they deserve it. That is the only coral island we have and they will take it away with all the natural gas and oil with it. I won't be surprise if anyone hijacked by US personelle, specially girls, like they did to a lot of women in Afghanistan and Iraq.Just Remember, who so ever US to come to our land and water, they are nothing but Gaddar or Trechurous to bangladesh. It is just that simple India is provoking us but that does not mean, we will be in war. So to remove india and bring US is a talk of a fool or gaddar.

and if anyone fear so much india and fears they will attack, then we will fight, and the whole bangladeshi public will fight and remember we are in india's belly so india will not want cancer in itz belly...but then again there will not be war between India and
Bangladesh. Just remember Allah is suffieciet for a muslim.

Did you even read what has been discussed in the thread you opened? :lol:
If Bangladesh reminds the world anything, it is just one thing - there is no such thing as Islamic brotherhood. Period. Nothing else.

India [Bharat] was,is and will be one country.

and lol,,,India was built by British....Pakistan by..Martians ?

No, Pakistan was built by Lord Shiva.

Indian can be India, Bharat or Gandooland for all I care but I resent Indian's plundering Pakistan's heritage. No, Bangladesh does not remind the world that there is no such thing as Islamic brotherhood. The fact that there are about 30 independant Muslim countries all the way from Atlantic Marocco to Pakistan does.

I am aware that this is a Bengali thread and I have no wish in doing a repeat of 1971 to the Bengali's by offending them, the said debate belongs here:-

That's funny.....Bangladesh was never known as a hotbed for anti-American sentiment. Hell, the country never even engaged in any anti-American activities.

It's a naive attempt if you ask me.

As long as Tareq is in the party, that just won't happen. The US has made it no secret of its dislike of Tareq.

If anything, Dr. Yunus is America's best bet. Why do you think they support him so much? It's not because they like charity :no:

Did you even read what has been discussed in the thread you opened? :lol:

First of all I don't read posts by indians. Second of all I just took partial from some post, which are common, and answer them. For example, bangladeshi's support of US presence.
First of all I don't read posts by indians.

I agree. I find them as boring as a parrot repeating the same thing over and over.

Second of all I just took partial from some post, which are common, and answer them. For example, bangladeshi's support of US presence.

Nah...they were just trolling at the Indians :lol:

It's only the Indian media that bitched about the 7th fleet's deployment in Chittagong into epic proportions. Because that's all they can do.
India is provoking us but that does not mean, we will be in war. So to remove india and bring US is a talk of a fool or gaddar.

Beware :frown:... there are some IISS and White House strategists passing leisure time here, they will just eat you :bunny: .

and if anyone fear so much india and fears they will attack, then we will fight, and the whole bangladeshi public will fight and remember we are in india's belly so india will not want cancer in itz belly...but then again there will not be war between India and

Bangladeshi people now need middle east type protection, some of us are looking for foreign power as ally first :cheesy: , can't rely on the strength of 160 million people .
Bangladeshi people now need middle east type protection, some of us are looking for foreign power as ally first :cheesy: .

Well, Qatar for example doesn't even have an army and relies on the US for protection. And yet, their per capita income are some of the world's highest! :cheesy:

Whereas we have a huge army, built with all our hard earned money (we never received any military aid), and then once upon a time, 57 of our brightest and most senior officers are mysteriously and tragically murdered without a trace of the conspirators! :cheesy:

I mean, jeez man. Other than UN peacekeeping missions, I really don't know as to just how are we benefiting in terms of national security!
mysteriously and tragically murdered without a trace of the conspirators! :cheesy:

Without a judgement of conspirators, tracing them is never harder I believe.

I mean, jeez man. Other than UN peacekeeping missions, I really don't know as to just how are we benefiting in terms of national security!

Didn't get you, would you mind making it clear?
Without a judgement of conspirators, tracing them is never harder I believe.

Their families deserve justice.

Didn't get you, would you mind making it clear?

Well, the Bangladesh Army is relatively large for a country like Bangladesh. Think about it, it has a large army, and yet its senior officers cannot even protect themselves. Now there lies the question of credibility.

I really don't know who or what to blame honestly.

It should have never happened. It should never happen to any armed forces of the world. It was the most darkest moment for the nation.
Think about it, it has a large army, and yet its senior officers cannot even protect themselves. Now there lies the question of credibility.

I really don't know who or what to blame honestly.

Well...if your father ever allows intruders in house, you'll find no way to escape and blaming your father might result throw you out of house.

It should have never happened. It should never happen to any armed forces of the world. It was the most darkest moment for the nation.

I want bloody revenge in one word.
"Eei Neiche, Oei Neiche
Kaan Neiche Chile,
Chiler Piche Ghurchi Tai
Shobai Dole Dole"

'Kane Haat Na Diye e amra 8 Pages discuss korechi' on fake news, which could be summarized on TOI's phantom story on 7th fleet's docking in CTG. BTW, seeing some of my compatriots desperately advocating for 7th fleet's presence to encounter Bharati's hegemony; especially without understanding Bharat's utility is way more than ours to NWO walas, I would urge them to re-hash their knowledge base. IMO, there are way better routes of encountering Hanumanistan's influence than this one to quarantine it from over-reaching anymore, thanks.
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