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US concerned by Chinese plane in what China calls "New Normal"

WASHINGTON -- The United States Friday voiced concern after a Chinese state-owned plane breached Japanese airspace for the first time to overfly islands at the heart of a bitter row between the two nations.

“It's important to avoid actions that raise tensions and to prevent miscalculations that could undermine peace, security and economic growth in the region,” State Department acting deputy spokesman Patrick Ventrell said.

Washington had raised its concerns with Beijing, he said, adding that the United States made clear that its “policy and commitments regarding the Senkaku Islands are long-standing and have not changed.”

U.S. officials had also talked to the Japanese government, he added.

Japan scrambled eight F-15 fighter jets Thursday after the first incursion by a Chinese state aircraft into Japanese airspace anywhere since Tokyo's military began monitoring in 1958, the Japanese defense ministry said.

Observers suggest the Chinese move was part of a Chinese campaign to create a “new normal” — where its forces come and go as they please around islands that Beijing calls the Diaoyus, but Tokyo controls as the Senkakus.

US concerned by Chinese plane in Japanese airspace - The China Post

"New Normal" indeed, better get used to it.
Eight F-15s for just a civilian plane. Not only is Japan desperate but also quickly to panic. Imagine China sending 4 J-11s patrolling, Japan will respond with their entire air force.
Also I've seen new reports of a military base being planned for near the Senkakus

The DPJ prime minister Noda was trying to minimize friction with China by buying out the islands and keeping them uninhabited.

Dumb China didn't get this and engineered the massive anti-Japan riots across China, which helped Japan's ultra rightwingers come to power with an absolute majority. Now Japanese rightwingers are going to not only strike the article 9 and re-arm, but also firm up Japan's claims on Diaoyudai by permanently basing officials and opening the islands to tourists(Which is what Ishihara wanted to do in the first place, and China helped Ishihara's hands).
The LDP promised to permanently base Japanese government officials at Diayudai.

You have been posting claim without any proofs these days, what happen, you lost your touch? Or you're simply trolling?
Also I've seen new reports of a military base being planned for near the Senkakus

PM-in-waiting says disputed islands are Japan's

Japan remains defiant in the face of Chinese escalation.

Japan already have a unit of Coast guard police stationed in Senkaku. Looks like there will be an escalation on the issue..

Eight F-15s for just a civilian plane. Not only is Japan desperate but also quickly to panic. Imagine China sending 4 J-11s patrolling, Japan will respond with their entire air force.

Dude, it's standard operation procedure to send 1 squad of fighter to investigate or intercept a bogey. This is based on the combat doctorine using finger 4 formation. Which is the basic formation to give each fighter the perfect cover.

You send 2 planes on a different time, 8 aircraft will be airborne. Simple is that This is not panick, it's SOP.
You have been posting claim without any proofs these days, what happen, you lost your touch? Or you're simply trolling?

You should be ashamed for being so out of dates with latest news. But that's exactly what I get when talking to Chinese nationalists, so unaware of the situation and out of dates with news.


Japan’s election dominated by right-wing nationalism
By Peter Symonds
24 November 2012

Japan’s elections to take place on December 16 mark a sharp turning point. As the country slides into recession and social tensions rise, parties across the political establishment have shifted to the right, whipping up nationalist sentiment especially over the dispute with China over the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands.

The election campaign is rapidly becoming a contest in which each of the parties seek to outbid each other as proponents of Japanese nationalism and militarism. The LDP’s plan to station government officials on the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands is in part aimed at ensuring that it is not outdone by Ishihara and the JRP.
@ Korean

Sloppy work at best. There are hundreds of articles for you to choose from and it's your job to post the link when you make any out of the ordinary claim.
Chinese bros !!!

you have my support ... :D

please do what Americans did in WWII !!!

look at Japanese & Americans ... they are best friends :D
look at Japanese & Americans ... they are best friends :D
Yes, America has this incredible ability to turn former enemies into their allies.

Countries that China battled in the past on the other hand turn into eternal sworn enemies of China, and this is how China ended up being surrounded by enemies everywhere.
a Korean cheers for their former colonial master Japan??did I see it wrong?
Yes, America has this incredible ability to turn former enemies into their allies.

Countries that China battled in the past on the other hand turn into eternal sworn enemies of China, and this is how China ended up being surrounded by enemies everywhere.

& they have an incredible ability to turn former friends into bloody enemies ...

Japan lost her independence after war ...

& about Iran ...

they gave Saddam chemical weapons to killing Iranian people ...

very impressive ability ... you know ... :D
By Paul D. Shinkman
December 13, 2012

China and Japan's aerial posturing on Thursday comes amid turbulence in almost all major Asian powers.

Japan faces an election on Sunday, in which the incumbent will likely lose to an opponent known for hawkish language toward China. A new Chinese government assembled behind closed doors still seeks to assert its regional power employing a traditionally complicated relationship with its own military establishment.

[Read: As World Powers Focus on Asia, China Sits at a Crossroads]

These most recent maneuvers come days after North Korea successfully caught the world's attention with a ballistic missile launch shortly before their neighbors to the south conduct their own elections.

Continued disputes between Japan and China will likely continue, though a chance of escalation could usher dangerous consequences.

"One thing I've learned about China: They are never happy. You can never make the Chinese happy," says Thomas Snitch, an Asian conflict expert. "Who knows what the internal dynamic is going on in China after this recent change in party."

Snitch has previously held senior roles at the National Academy of Sciences and U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency."The Japanese get annoyed because they're living next to this '800-pound gorilla' that just occasionally throws their weight around," he says. "There's not much they can do except swat back at it. I guess that's what scrambling some F-15s will do."

Japan deployed the fighters after a Chinese surveillance propeller plane flew over a chain of islands both countries claim as theirs.

This follows months of non-violent engagements between the two militaries as China transitions its domestic forces into a regional power. Japan's military has been limited to self-defense since World War II, but it recently began exporting military aid to its neighbors.

This most recent incident mirrors the usual provocation and response between the two countries, but that could change.

"The biggest risk here is the possibility of an accident," a U.S. Navy officer tells U.S. News. "Putting several aircraft in the same space at the same time increases the likelihood of a collision."

"Scrambling eight fighters was a little aggressive on Japan's part," says the officer, who served in the region on the 7th Fleet commander's staff.

In 2001, a U.S. Navy EP-3 intelligence aircraft collided mid-air with a Chinese fighter jet killing the Chinese pilot. It led to an international dispute between the two nations often referred to as "The Hainan Island incident." Diplomatic restraint from both sides avoided escalation. The possibility for a repeat accident between China and Japan remains, as the countries use different languages for aerial maneuvers, says the officer, adding Japanese radar often doesn't pick up small Chinese planes like the Y-8 Chinese marine surveillance plane.

"There is very little potential for deliberate armed engagement by either side," the officer says. "We would obviously be involved in such an incident, urging restraint by both sides and working diplomatic back-channels. We have no interest in seeing this escalate."

Snitch adds of the potential for a deliberate Japanese offensive response: "What would that be?"

Support for Shinzo Abe and his Liberal Democratic Party is largely fueled by country-wide disapproval of the current prime minister. It is comparable to the 2008 election in the United States, when Barack Obama won on a sentiment of "anyone but [President George W.] Bush," says Snitch.

"While I'm sure they're agitated about what China's doing, there is an ethos in Japan that still has the remnants of World War II and that whole anti-military establishment," he says.

Even if a newly elected Japanese prime minister wanted to ramp up military operations, he would be restricted by wavering public opinion as well as Article IX of the country's constitution, which prohibits an act of war by Japan.

China, in turn, also has to balance its desires to shore up regional resources against opposition from Japan, which can muster an international coalition.

"When Japan does something like this, and makes a point to contest the islands, it's probably a smart move," says Snitch. "They can't contest [China] militarily, but what they can do is throw it into an international arena."

A military response invokes the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, and other allied partners into protecting their own territorial claims against China.

However, the new government under Xi Jinping still has an unclear relationship with its fighting forces, says Snitch.

"You have this new group of leadership coming in who obviously have been schooled and groomed for many many years, but suddenly they're in the driver's seat and who knows how much they've been briefed on these things," he says. "The question you have to ask is, 'What is [Jinping's] relationship with the military?' I don't believe anybody in the West knows what that is."
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