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DI Khan central jail under attack !

Going by your logic it seems the terrorists have the upper hand. The police in Pakistan don't have the equipment to deal with these super highly trained terrorists, or wait where do these terrorists get their state of the art equipment or training from?

they definatly are foreign funded...evereybudy knows....why wud otherwise our own forces n Gov wud like to take all da shame n blame on them by allowing them to do dat?
After reports of Intelligence, wasn't army suppose to be on alert so they could defend it at moment notice?

Nope...unless Army was specifically given orders or requested to do so by the KPK govt.

The intel report was given to the Police, not the Army, now whether Police told about it to the Army or not remains to be seen.

You are taking it for granted that the Army knew of the report which was meant for the police.

Yeah all is blame is on the civilians. No blame is on those who are eating a large portion of budget of Pakistan for nothing.

Intel sources in that clip means IB, not ISI.
Pakistan is not capable to defend itself and even if they were, they simply do not have the will to do so.

The world should erect a fence around us and do not let anybody out of this God forsaken country. Let us kill and blow ourselves until nobody is left alive. We have become like Zombies shown in 'world war z' and will only pollute the outside world.

And yes, I live in Pakistan.
After all this shyt ive... come to a conclusion....even lahore police is better than army... atleast they shoot 2-4 criminals.. while our army is busy "arresting" these scumbags!

Also after getting warned about the attacks... they should have deployed a battalion of army to protect the jail.......... fuk... they mofo terrorists used 1 crore rs on this attack... armed with automatic weapons,grenades,RPGs,suicide vests.. and fooking NVGs!

Another wake up call for the turds who want "negotiations" with these c....ts! wake up... they dnt want negotiations... they dnt even accept democracy!

Now tht we have noora lashkari and taliban khan..... we are screwed!
After all this shyt ive... come to a conclusion....even lahore police is better than army... atleast they shoot 2-4 criminals.. while our army is busy "arresting" these scumbags!

Also after getting warned about the attacks... they should have deployed a battalion of army to protect the jail.......... fuk... they mofo terrorists used 1 crore rs on this attack... armed with automatic weapons,grenades,RPGs.. and fooking NVGs!

Another wake up call for the turds who want "negotiations" with these c....ts! wake up... they dnt want negotiations... they dnt even accept democracy!

Now tht we have noora lashkari and taliban khan..... we are screwed!

lol bro,but i dont understand one thing?:undecided: why wud our forces and police like to put all the shame on them by allowing such attacks to occur on them and their land?:undecided:
DERA ISMAIL KHAN, Pakistan — Prison guards said Tuesday that they were totally overwhelmed when around 150 heavily armed Taliban fighters staged a late-night attack on their jail in northwest Pakistan, freeing over 250 prisoners including over three dozen suspected militants.

It was the second such attack by the Taliban on a prison in the northwest within the last 18 months. But even so, the security forces were totally unprepared for the raid, despite senior prison officials having received intelligence indicating an attack was likely. Over a dozen people were killed in the assault.

The incident in the town of Dera Ismail Khan raises serious questions about state institutions' capacity to battle a domestic Taliban insurgency that has raged for years and killed tens of thousands of security personnel and civilians.

Hidayat Ullah, a policeman who was guarding the prison when the attack started at around 11:30 p.m. on Monday night, said he and several colleagues jumped into an armored vehicle inside the prison grounds and drove to the main gate to defend the compound. They directed fire at the gate after the militants blew it up, but a mortar or rocket-propelled grenade hit their vehicle, killing two policemen and wounding Ullah and two others.

"After that, I don't know what happened," said Ullah at a hospital where he was being treated.

Another prison official, Zeeshan Khan, said he was in the jail's main building when the attack started with two loud explosions. He rushed to the top of the building and saw a large group of militants on motorcycles, cars and a minibus:blink: rushing into the prison compound through the knocked-down walls. The militants also used dozens of smaller bombs to destroy other parts of the prison.

"The jail guards on the top posts started firing to prevent them from getting closer, but to no avail, and the guards were the first victims of their massive firing," said Khan. "The jail security officials called for immediate reinforcement as they were helpless before the massive attack."

The militants, who were shouting "God is great" and "Long live the Taliban," killed six policemen, six Shiite Muslim prisoners — one of whom was beheaded — and two civilians, said Dera Ismail Khan's commissioner, Mushtaq Jadoon. Many hard-line Pakistani militants consider the country's Shiite minority to be heretics. The militants were armed with guns, bombs and grenades, and some were disguised in police uniforms.

The militants used megaphones to call out the names of specific prisoners for whom they were looking. They broke open the cells and freed 253 prisoners, including 25 "dangerous terrorists," said Jadoon. Malik Mohammad Qasim, a civilian prison adviser for surrounding Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, said at least 38 of the prisoners who escaped had either been convicted or were on trial for terrorism charges.

The attack ended at about 4 a.m. when the militants and prisoners fled the compound, said intelligence officials. Authorities declared a curfew in the area and started searching for both the militants and the prisoners. Dera Ismail Khan is located near Pakistan's tribal region, the main sanctuary for Taliban and al-Qaida militants in the country, and many may have fled there.

The militants left behind four suicide vests, two rocket-propelled grenades and 50 hand grenades, said Inayatullah Khan, head of the police bomb disposal squad in Dera Ismail Khan.

Pakistani Taliban spokesman Shahidullah Shahid claimed responsibility for the attack, saying 150 militants took part— a number backed up by Pakistani officials — and around 300 prisoners were freed. Eight of the attackers wore suicide vests, and two detonated their explosives, Shahid told The Associated Press by telephone from an undisclosed location.

Khalid Abbas, a policeman who heads the prison department in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, said officials recently received intelligence indicating a possible attack, but they didn't expect it so soon. Pervaiz Khattak, the chief minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, said nobody informed him about a possible attack and he didn't understand how so many heavily armed militants could pass through so many security checkpoints. "It is an intelligence failure. Just a day before, I was given a report of all is good about prison security," said Qasim. "Heads will roll. No one will be spared."

In April 2012, Taliban militants armed with automatic weapons and rocket-propelled grenades battled their way into a prison in the city of Bannu in northwest Pakistan, freeing close to 400 prisoners, including at least 20 described by police as "very dangerous" insurgents.

One of the militants freed in that attack, Adnan Rasheed, was the mastermind of the latest prison break and spent months planning it, said a Taliban commander, speaking on condition of anonymity for fear of being targeted by the government.

Rasheed recently gained attention by writing a letter to teenage education activist Malala Yousafzai, who was shot in the head by the Taliban last year in an attempt to kill her. Rasheed said he wished the attack hadn't happened, but told Malala that she was targeted for speaking ill of the Taliban.

150 heavily-armed Taliban members overwhelmed guards at Pakistan prison, freeing over 250 prisoners - NYPOST.com
they definatly are foreign funded...evereybudy knows....why wud otherwise our own forces n Gov wud like to take all da shame n blame on them by allowing them to do dat?

Terrorists have evolved, check out their new techniques - using RC planes and toys, sat phones, internet to spread jihaad messages, hang gliders, home made bombs and IED's, planes to blow up buildings, networked financing, training and weapon chains, multiple fronts and activities like smuggling, betting, piracy, drug and weapon running and charities, using educational and religious institutions to systematically brain wash and recruit terrorists and suicide bombers.
lol bro,but i dont understand one thing?:undecided: why wud our forces and police like to put all the shame on them by allowing such attacks to occur on them and their land?:undecided:

Its not the job of the armed forces to protect jails... while our police isnt really trained to fight terrorism... but instead of sitting on their arse... they should have asked the help of army... to atleast deploy a battalion to protect the prison... god knows how dangerous the bastards were... who escaped... i mean look at the audacity of ttp... 1 crore rs for 1 attack? as for the army... its acting "khasi".... and from what i know there are still thousands of terrorists in Swat... captured/arrested by the army.. and instead of killing them... they are feedin them for free!
The terrorists planned it for a MONTH

Adnan Rashid was mastermind

They used Night Vission googles while Police doesnt have even eyesight glasses

They used modern weapons whereas police had shyt old rifles

They used 13 vehicles and the prison is like in a cave with unplaster walls seems as if its a hut. So what shyty defence you expect.
Its not the job of the armed forces to protect jails... while our police isnt really trained to fight terrorism... but instead of sitting on their arse... they should have asked the help of army... to atleast deploy a battalion to protect the prison... god knows how dangerous the bastards were... who escaped... i mean look at the audacity of ttp... 1 crore rs for 1 attack? as for the army... its acting "khasi".... and from what i know there are still thousands of terrorists in Swat... captured/arrested by the army.. and instead of killing them... they are feedin them for free!
Forgetting all hatred for the hindus would you suggest the solution GOI took for Kashmir to be implied in the restive state of Pakistan?
Terrorists have evolved, check out their new techniques - using RC planes and toys, sat phones, internet to spread jihaad messages, hang gliders, home made bombs and IED's, planes to blow up buildings, networked financing, training and weapon chains, multiple fronts and activities like smuggling, betting, piracy, drug and weapon running and charities, using educational and religious institutions to systematically brain wash and recruit terrorists and suicide bombers.

and all these latest techniques and trainings can not be provided by anyone in pak....:no:
The terrorists planned it for a MONTH

Adnan Rashid was mastermind

They used Night Vission googles while Police doesnt have even eyesight glasses

They used modern weapons whereas police had shyt old rifles

They used 13 vehicles and the prison is like in a cave with unplaster walls seems as if its a hut. So what shyty defence you expect.

but why the disinformation about army surrounding terrorists from 3 sides and all that? I mean i don't seek pleasure from all this but one should call spade a spade. I know we are not angels but our short-comings do come forward and we openly discuss it within our own political sphere, how hard is it to implement on the other side of the border?
The terrorists planned it for a MONTH

Adnan Rashid was mastermind

They used Night Vission googles while Police doesnt have even eyesight glasses

They used modern weapons whereas police had shyt old rifles

They used 13 vehicles and the prison is like in a cave with unplaster walls seems as if its a hut. So what shyty defence you expect.

Why did't the army go for help? The attack went on for 5 hours almost!
and all these latest techniques and trainings can not be provided by anyone in pak....:no:

Drugs, weapons, training facilities, hang gliding classes, bomb making, NGO funding routes, recruitment, safe houses and locations, weapons training, guerilla warfare, IED making, money trails from donars, madrasa funds, hawala and foriegn remittances, Afghan Taliban, AQ, JUD and LET uses Pakistan's money routes to send money back and forth - they all happen in Pakistan and Afghanistan - specifically the border regions. All major terrorist fronts are in Pakistan too and many recruits are sent to your border areass for training too.
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