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Dhaka v/s Kolkata

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As far as Development is concerned Kolkata is quite stagnant now. Dhaka has more potential in the future. Btw - both cities are beautiful. @DRAY - Kolkata also has rickshaws right?

First start from the 1st page and come to 14th page one by one, then tell me! :butcher: Both the cities are beautiful, but Kolkata is winning!! :D

Kolkata is growing both in size and infrastructure, rickshaws are allowed in lanes, not on major roads, and no new licenses are being given for hand-pulled rickshaws for a long time now.
@Pboy I have posted some information on educational institutions in Kolkata in 3-4 posts, please check. :)
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@shan you are right, we are dirt poor, the relatively wealthier ones get to eat once a day, I get to eat only once in two days!! Now please be happy and concentrate on other important threads, this one is a trash thread for your invaluable comments. :tup:
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@DRAY, would you please post some nice photos of the second Howrah bridge interchange and approach roads? I remember the whole system being pretty nice the last time I visited.
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Now something modern from Rajarhat Newtown area:

Vedic Village Resorts & Spa.










Beleive me my friend, mamata is actualy doing a good job in West Bengal. Even I used to think like u , until I visited my home state last month. Yes, her policy right now might not be pro industry, but at the ground level she has been a boon for the poor. I can write a whole essay on what I found good about TMCs rule in WB. She needs a good PR manager, thats what I think.

Here is the key.... Bro I am living here and trust me we are heading to nowhere...Dont get disillutioned by the new paint here and there...a park here and there...or some government sponsored festivals...What matters in long run is law and order, government policy etc. TMC gvt will get a big zero it. I have not even mentioning the extortion done by TMC thugs or the criminals among Mamata's side-kicks or the communal baboons rubbing shoulder with Mamata or the ChIt-fund scams.

Are you the same guy from PP?
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@shan you are right, we are dirt poor, the relatively wealthier ones get to eat once a day, I get to eat only once in two days!! Now please be happy and concentrate on other important threads, this one is a trash thread for your invaluable comments. :tup:

Great!! Basically I should learn the art of ignoring an uneducated mullah!!
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Dhaka's only one answer is enough, GRAMEEN BANK!!! :D

Gramin Bank is famous, but I was posting about education & research institutes only. We have our share of Noble laureates from Kolkata, and their famous institutions. :D

Five Nobel Prize winners have been associated with Kolkata:

Sir Ronald Ross (1902, Medicine)
Rabindranath Tagore (1913, Literature; first Asian to win the Nobel Prize)
C V Raman (1930, Physics)
Mother Teresa (1979, Peace)
Amartya Sen (1998, Economics)

While all of them are associated with Kolkata by birth, education, or work, the 3 persons marked in bold are Calcuttans. :)
@shan you are right, we are dirt poor, the relatively wealthier ones get to eat once a day, I get to eat only once in two days!! Now please be happy and concentrate on other important threads, this one is a trash thread for your invaluable comments. :tup:

The funny thing is his country is a FAILED STATE compared to Somalia.
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@DRAY, would you please post some nice photos of the second Howrah bridge interchange and approach roads? I remember the whole system being pretty nice the last time I visited.

I have tried already, but couldn't find any good photo, I will try to find out from other sources.

And yes, the network of flyovers approaching the Vidyasagar setu is really awesome. I have posted some nice pics of both 1st and 2nd bridges, do check the previous pages.

Also two more bridges are their on river Ganges, will post some good pics of them later. :)
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Actually every country has contrasting characters. In this thread only, there's @Pboy.... a genuine Pakistani awesome guy whereas this failure is also there.
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I have tried already, but couldn't find any good photo, I will try to find out from other sources.

And yes, the network of flyovers approaching the Vidyasagar setu is really awesome. I have posted some nice pics of both 1st and 2nd bridges, do check the previous pages.

Also two more bridges are their on river Ganges, will post some good pics of them later. :)

Cool, thanks. :) in the meantime however, here's a satellite photo...

Vidyasagar Setu (Second Howrah Bridge), Howrah side

Vidyasagar Setu, Calcutta side
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