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Dhaka takes note of Beijing's absence over Myanmar border tensions discussion

I don't think Bangladesh will make sudden moves unless compelled to do so.

Above all Bangladesh govt. will not risk economic stability to deal with the Tatmadaw militarily. But if they force our hand, then all bets are off.

Lately the Tatmadaw has been trying to provocate us a lot by conducting military operations close to the border. It is clear they have hit rock bottom economically and have little to lose by starting a conflict with Bangladesh. Our armed forces are watching closely and have been on war footing.
I think we should first look for the most important problems when considering problems.

What is the most important issue in Bangladesh? Is it the Rohingya problem?

No, the most important problem in Bangladesh is that its current economic capacity cannot meet the growing material needs of the Bangladeshi people.

Therefore, the most important issue of the Bangladeshi government should be economic development. The solution to the Rohingya problem should be based on the premise of not damaging Bangladesh's economy. That is to say, stability and peace in the region cannot be undermined.
The question is not about border shelling when pursuing the rebels. It is the attitude of China towards MM and then to BD. China did not attend the meeting by BD to discuss the MM shelling on its territory.

Sittwe Port is the Chinese target that will not materialize any time soon. China is pursuing this policy of entering BoB through Sittwe for many decades already.

But, MM is apt at showing carrots to China and not Sittwe.

A day is coming when the Chinese currency goes up in value and many Chinese factories move to BD and export back to China.

So, please wait for a few more years.

I would not disagree with you except there is a better chance robots replace the Chinese workers and the factories stay in China
I don't really get the point here. If you want China's protection, you can go to China and offer something to China in exchange for that. China does not want to just get involved in other country's affairs. China will be able to sell you weapons for much better deals than other countries.

Myanmar is a general messy situation, China generally doesn't want to get too deep into their problems

hmm, that's because China makes everything. If you don't buy it from China, where will you buy stuff from?

Unfortunately for Bangladesh, all the mountains prevent rail line between the two countries. As such, it's exports are just not as competitive as countries with direct rail to China.

which country has rail line connection to China for manufactured goods ?

I think we should first look for the most important problems when considering problems.

What is the most important issue in Bangladesh? Is it the Rohingya problem?

No, the most important problem in Bangladesh is that its current economic capacity cannot meet the growing material needs of the Bangladeshi people.

Therefore, the most important issue of the Bangladeshi government should be economic development. The solution to the Rohingya problem should be based on the premise of not damaging Bangladesh's economy. That is to say, stability and peace in the region cannot be undermined.

everything you say is maybe true. the only counter-point is that respective countries decide what is their most important problem
Point well taken but I would not call this Bangladesh' military "beef" with Myanmar. And this is not a "border" problem. There is no border dispute, only a refugee displacement issue. It is an International problem of ethnic cleansing.

These Rohingyas are not ethnically similar to us Bengalis. They are Myanmar citizens.

The Tatmadaw is saying that they are Bengalis and illegal immigrants, so they can do ethnic cleansing, which is illegal itself by all UN international treaties and conventions. Ethnic cleansing is still ongoing in Myanmar, even today. This has been proven many times by the International Court of Justice in the Hague.

The Rohingyas have no place to go except Bangladesh. You cannot do this to a million people just because you want to. And you cannot get away with it. The results will be something no one likes. A war is being imposed on us which we may pursue.

Now if the Tatmadaw does illegal things, then their leaders deserve international punishment, which they have not so far.

But they will. I don't think Bangladesh will stop the repatriation process or pursuing punishment for the Tatmadaw leaders. Militarily if need be. Our patience is wearing thin with the Tatmadaw savages.

At some point this may however - become a military rather than diplomatic problem as has happened now. Arakan Army has gotten involved and so will ARSA.

At that point, we hope China will not pick a side and see things practically.

China already took in 30 thousand Rohingyas. It's not our border or ethnic issue. Bangladesh needs to address Myanmar directly rather than expect China to act as some sort of regional police.
I would not disagree with you except there is a better chance robots replace the Chinese workers and the factories stay in China
But, I believe robots are good for use in the 4IR industries where labor costs are very high. Garments wages are very low. So, no one will spend billions to produce robots for use in the 1.5IR garments industry.

Research and development of robots take a very long time and the researchers take very high salaries as well.
China already took in 30 thousand Rohingyas. It's not our border or ethnic issue. Bangladesh needs to address Myanmar directly rather than expect China to act as some sort of regional police.
I think AIM-120D or Meteor can help "address Myanmar directly" from beyond visual range.
Myanmar need a WWII Japan/Germany style reset to put an end to the savagery.
The idea that if China does not help Bangladesh, then Bangladesh should joint anti-China West camp, is no difference from the American's "Either you are with us, or against us'.

The World politics is not simple Black and White game. One can understand if Bangladesh are not happy if China decided to stay out of the disputes between Bangladesh and Myanmar. However, pressuring China with Bangladesh's intentiion to joint anti-China camp is undesirable, and damaging to bilateral relationship.

China simply do not want to be a global nor regional policeman. Their non-interference policy has been persistent and clear.
The idea that if China does not help Bangladesh, then Bangladesh should joint anti-China West camp, is no difference from the American's "Either you are with us, or against us'.

The World politics is not simple Black and White game. One can understand if Bangladesh are not happy if China decided to stay out of the disputes between Bangladesh and Myanmar. However, pressuring China with Bangladesh's intentiion to joint anti-China camp is undesirable, and damaging to bilateral relationship.

China simply do not want to be a global nor regional policeman. Their non-interference policy has been persistent and clear.
I don't think aligning militarily with the West would make BD anti-China.
We do not share any borders or waters. There is zero possibility of conflict.
The Burmese however may get some overdue, well-deserved spanking.
I think AIM-120D or Meteor can help "address Myanmar directly" from beyond visual range.
Myanmar need a WWII Japan/Germany style reset to put an end to the savagery.
Myanmar has JF-17 equipped with SD-10, not to mention Su-30 with R-77. I do believe that currently they're more than a match for Bangladesh air force. You won't be able to "reset" Myanmar without significant foreign help.
Myanmar has JF-17 equipped with SD-10, not to mention Su-30 with R-77. I do believe that currently they're more than a match for Bangladesh air force.
Current BAF fleet is a joke hence the need for Western support.
This is further confirmation that China would be of no help in a conflict with Burma. In fact, China's "non-interference" charade might extend to not helping Bangladesh against India.
A friend in need is a friend indeed. China needs MM more than it needs Bangladesh. It is supporting the military Junta in MM since it came to power. It could not have captured power without the tacit Chinese approval.
We might cheer Chinas anti india activity but China isn't a friend of ours and never will be. We have very different way to see this world..
China will never support Bangladesh over Myanmar because they have a huge stake in that country. Myanmar is the gateway of China towards the west bypassing Malacca strait. Myanmar also a country provide many raw materials to China for it's industrial production.

But Bangladesh can probably count on Chinese support in case our relation become bad with India and India threaten Bangladesh in some way. Because India is their big geopolitical rival in Asia and they have border disputes which is unlikely to solve anytime soon. China would not like India to threaten Bangladesh's independence and territorial integrity as it will strengthen Indian position in Arunachal Pradesh(South Tibet) and Chicken Neck corridor (Doklam plateau) at the expense of China. So if India really threaten Bangladesh, we probably can count on Chinese support. Despite huge Chinese-Indian trade and other importance of India, China still support Pakistan as a counter weight of India in South Asia. Because for Chinese like many other countries, geopolitical interests trump material consideration. So, Bangladesh can probably count on that and should avoid going to China anything related to Myanmar.
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I think AIM-120D or Meteor can help "address Myanmar directly" from beyond visual range.
Myanmar need a WWII Japan/Germany style reset to put an end to the savagery.
Better we do not see the Burmese military capabilities with colored glass. Please watch the video to learn from those who know better about both the BAF and MAF.

I think AIM-120D or Meteor can help "address Myanmar directly" from beyond visual range.
Myanmar need a WWII Japan/Germany style reset to put an end to the savagery.

I saw a report that we are getting newer F-7BGI's from Chinese stock (35 of them) - who knows the veracity of it. I don't know if those can be retrofitted for BVR launches for AIM-120 equivalents (like PL-12/15), even in inboard pylons. Maybe Pakistani/Chinese brothers can comment since they have these platforms. Those missiles will not be sold maybe.

For BVR AIM-120D, our best choice would be getting F-16V/F-21 to launch them but that comes with a huge string of conditions and is a sub-par decision.
This is why we shouldn’t listen to idiots who think we should get into bed with China.

Neither India nor China will ever be allies of BD.

In fact, both would support Burma.

We need to slowly wean ourselves away from Chinese military hardware. This would also stop the hyper ventilation from India.

Our dealing with India and China should be nothing more than commercial.

Our military ties need to be with countries like Turkey and Indonesia.
My friend turkey is no way in any position to help BD against Myanmar.... it's situated in Mediterranean and doesn't at all have any power projection capacity to help BD.... at the most it will only supply costly equipment which may face an attrition in the war with Myanmar.....

Indonesia is comparatively nearby but simply may not be interested to drag herself into Bangladesh Myanmar scenario..,.. USA and western countries only capable to help or supplement BD in war types scenario.....
The idea that if China does not help Bangladesh, then Bangladesh should joint anti-China West camp, is no difference from the American's "Either you are with us, or against us'.

The World politics is not simple Black and White game. One can understand if Bangladesh are not happy if China decided to stay out of the disputes between Bangladesh and Myanmar. However, pressuring China with Bangladesh's intentiion to joint anti-China camp is undesirable, and damaging to bilateral relationship.

China simply do not want to be a global nor regional policeman. Their non-interference policy has been persistent and clear.

China is strongest supporter of Myanmar

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