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Dhaka "Only Ray Of Hope For Delhi" In S. Asia

i m really sick of indian intervention in bd defence section...get a life guys...spent ur time in a good deed not in freaking trolling.i think its the time for mod to bann some guys from bd sub forum
i m really sick of indian intervention in bd defence section...get a life guys...spent ur time in a good deed not in freaking trolling.i think its the time for mod to bann some guys from bd sub forum

The thread is about India started by a Bangladeshi . The first trolling was done by a Pakistani and not Indian. What are you blaming Indians for?
Keeping ne India part of India and much needed transit which India is begging for 42 years to develop the poor n backward ne India. 3.5 billion usd import officially and at least 3-5 billion usd worth illegal goods including banned drugs where cow trade alone worth 2 to 3 billion.

For illegal immigrants at first ban your useless BSF, 2nd stop discrimination against Bengali Muslim by terming them illegal immigrants, 3rdly ask your government to raise the issue officially to Bangladesh which your government has never done and never will.

just stop spewing hatred against india. first bengali muslims are bangladeshi period. they came in during the massacre of 1971 by punjabi muslims. and still continuing to come in due to corrupt congress regime. they need to be weeded out and sent back.
asking your govt to do something will be on deaf ears.. so the bsf need to engage in shooting people who cross illegally.
i m really sick of indian intervention in bd defence section...get a life guys...spent ur time in a good deed not in freaking trolling.i think its the time for mod to bann some guys from bd sub forum

You chaps claim that you are awash with money.

Don't like Indians here?

Buy up the PDF.
If India desire a fruitful relation with Bangladesh then it must consider the Islamic sentiment of our people and treat us like another Islamic state like Pakistan otherwise hell with the India.

Brave words.

The attitude is similar to the nouveau riche.

But then has Bangladesh reached even this status?

What is this Islamic sentiment that you want India to be sensitive too?

Please elucidate as to what has religion to do with international affairs?

It is not for India to desire fruitful relations. It is for Bangladesh.

Ideal is mutual!
My Indian Muslim Bhai Jaan.

The kissi relation between Delhi and Dhaka is only limited to la-Hasin and her party Awami league. So you know that political dynamic is changing in Bangladesh and most Muslims are now consider Awami league a party of Munafiq and Bharati dalal. This kissi relation will end with Awami regime. I suspect Awami will be ousted very soon Insh'Allah.

If India desire a fruitful relation with Bangladesh then it must consider the Islamic sentiment of our people and treat us like another Islamic state like Pakistan otherwise hell with the India.

Your Quite sick, Bangladesh is NOT a Islamic county nor will it ever be one, even if thats what you see in your wet dreams. Its the REPUBLIC of Bangladesh, with majority of the people who are muslims.
They could take the name of God and its ok for Muslim. But if they take the name of Jesus, or Pagans sacrifice animal before idols or other earthly things then its Haram.

If what you said is true is meat from big firms like macdonalds or kfc halal? The animal is cut by anyone of any religion or can be cut by machine.
They could take the name of God and its ok for Muslim. But if they take the name of Jesus, or Pagans sacrifice animal before idols or other earthly things then its Haram.

In Kerala, beef is consumed openly by all religions and many number of non-veg restaurants are run by Hindus. The butchers who supply meat to the hotels belong to various religions and they don't necessarily utter the name of Allah before slaughtering the animal. So according to you Muslims who eat from this restaurants are committing blasphemy. Also many Muslims eat from veg-restaurants run by Brahmins. What about them?

Also what about eating from international chains like KFC, Mc Donalds etc.
If what you said is true is meat from big firms like macdonalds or kfc halal? The animal is cut by anyone of any religion or can be cut by machine.

The problem in the western world is that they usually kill by using electric shock and that is why no blood usually goes out of the body. So those are not halal. But the way basically Jews slaughter animal is ok. Even Jews people are thought that if you do not find kosher food then you can eat halal food. Same also goes with the halal food.

But with Christianity they take name of Jesus more then god and equate Jesus as god and gods son at the same time which is a form of paganism. So this is unlikely if any one slaughter any animal taking Jesus's name will be halal.

@Tiki tam tam Allah name has derived from two word al and illah where al means the and illah means god. So Allah means the god. The is used to strictly mention oneness of god.

Just go n look Arab Christian and Jews term their god as Allah. Not only that in Arab bible god is mentioned as Allah. Even Arab pagan used to say their god hubal as Allah or illah means hubal is our god. But in islam definition of god is given in sura ikhlas, sura number 112 or 114 if I am not wrong. N the theme is god is one n only, he is not begotten nor he begets any. There is no one like him or like his replica.
If what you said is true is meat from big firms like macdonalds or kfc halal? The animal is cut by anyone of any religion or can be cut by machine.

as muslims are everywhere big firms usually supply halal meat... Just check before you eat....
In Kerala, beef is consumed openly by all religions and many number of non-veg restaurants are run by Hindus. The butchers who supply meat to the hotels belong to various religions and they don't necessarily utter the name of Allah before slaughtering the animal. So according to you Muslims who eat from this restaurants are committing blasphemy. Also many Muslims eat from veg-restaurants run by Brahmins. What about them?

Also what about eating from international chains like KFC, Mc Donalds etc.

Eating from veg restaurant and fish is ok from my where is o alcohol is mixed with it. Apart from that in islam slaughtered has been asked to release the blood within the body as drinking blood is haram in islam. In chain like mcdonalds and kfc they kill chicken by electric shock... So no blood goes out of the body. So this is not halal. But without taking allays name during slaughter will make it partially halal as far as I know or makroh means eating such thing has been discouraged but eating is not prohibited. If any one has alternative he should avoid eating those. In some extreme cases even eating meat of horse is permitted.
The problem in the western world is that they usually kill by using electric shock and that is why no blood usually goes out of the body. So those are not halal. But the way basically Jews slaughter animal is ok. Even Jews people are thought that if you do not find kosher food then you can eat halal food. Same also goes with the halal food.

But with Christianity they take name of Jesus more then god and equate Jesus as god and gods son at the same time which is a form of paganism. So this is unlikely if any one slaughter any animal taking Jesus's name will be halal.

@Tiki tam tam Allah name has derived from two word al and illah where al means the and illah means god. So Allah means the god. The is used to strictly mention oneness of god.

Just go n look Arab Christian and Jews term their god as Allah. Not only that in Arab bible god is mentioned as Allah. Even Arab pagan used to say their god hubal as Allah or illah means hubal is our god. But in islam definition of god is given in sura ikhlas, sura number 112 or 114 if I am not wrong. N the theme is god is one n only, he is not begotten nor he begets any. There is no one like him or like his replica.


I don't require a discourse on Islam from you.

I am well versed in Islam.

The issue is simple.

Will a Jew or Christian use the word Allah or Bismillah, say the Muslim prayer or face the Qibla in a prayer before slaughtering?

That apart, while beyond that I will not comment, the extract reproduced below from an Islamic site should be adequate of an explanation.

With this, Islam stands out from the man-made religions and faiths, in that it has appointed and fixed certain methods and ways for the slaughtering of animals. It has laid down principles, and prescribed laws without which the animals are not lawful to consume.

The issue of slaughtering animals is not a normal and mundane issue, in which an individual may act as he/she desires, without being restricted to rules and principles. Rather, it is regarded from the acts of worship, and there is sacredness associated with it, for the reasons mentioned above.

The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said:“Whoever prays our prayer and faces our Qiblah and eats our slaughtered animals, is a believer who is under Allah’s and His Messenger’s protection.” (Recorded by Imam al-Bukhari on the authority of Anas ibn Malik (Allah be pleased with him)

In another Hadith, the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) stated:
“I have been ordered to fight the people until they say: “There is no God but Allah”. When they do so, and pray like our prayers, face our Qiblah and slaughter as we slaughter, then their blood and property will be sacrosanct except by due legal right.” (Sahih al-Bukhari)

The above two narrations of the blessed Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) are very clear in determining that, the slaughtering of animals holds a significant position in Shariah. The Prophet (Allah bless him & give him peace) counted the slaughtering of animals with praying Salat and facing the Qiblah. He considered it from those specific features of Islam, which distinguishes a Muslim from a non-Muslim and regarded it as one of the hallmarks of a true believer with which his life and wealth is protected.
Islamic Guidelines to Slaughtering Animals

Why are you trying to justify something that is so clear as per the Shariah?

Further, if you are not conversant with Christianity, don't expose your ignorance. Before you comment on God and God's son, you may try to understand (if you can) what is known as the Trinity.
1. In BD we don't see India as one unit when analyzing various aspects. W Bengal used to be a part of us always. Except for religion we are same (which should not overlook 35% Muslims officially- actually 50%). We are the gravitational center of a region that is encompassed by the Arakan Yoma, Himalayas, Bay of Bengal and Rajmahal Hills. This was the sovereign state we had lost to the English Co.

2. With 94% Muslims in BD, 50% in W Bengla and 50% in Assam ( govt says 31%), things aren't very rosy for an India which is a Hindu state in essence if not in name. The Ray of Hope emerging is really for us, Bengalee Muslims.
1. In BD we don't see India as one unit when analyzing various aspects. W Bengal used to be a part of us always. Except for religion we are same (which should not overlook 35% Muslims officially- actually 50%). We are the gravitational center of a region that is encompassed by the Arakan Yoma, Himalayas, Bay of Bengal and Rajmahal Hills. This was the sovereign state we had lost to the English Co.

2. With 94% Muslims in BD, 50% in W Bengla and 50% in Assam ( govt says 31%), things aren't very rosy for an India which is a Hindu state in essence if not in name. The Ray of Hope emerging is really for us, Bengalee Muslims.

There could not have been a better analysis.

Nothing defines some dreamers better than their willingness to dream of irrational things in the pursuit of phenomenally unlikely payoff.

If West Bengal was yours, then East Bengal was whose?

The Ray of Hope is not emerging for Bengalee Muslims - what are you hoping about? Getting scorched and then burnt?

Politeness constrains me to amplify.
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