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Dhaka "Only Ray Of Hope For Delhi" In S. Asia

How they launched in India and oh oh in pakistan... may be by flying wings. is not it. What your BSF was doing when 20 million people crossed the border and all the cow smmugling and other illegal smmugling has been happening over the years???

man, they are open to bribe. Whoever doesnt bribe gets shot mainly while returning from India with cow. The cow then is taken by BSF.. They earn a good money through this i guess.. In case of felani his father bribed some dalal.. Yes there are some people in india who works a a medium between cow traders and bsf.. Her father was never sure the money reached to BSF by Dalal....
So Does by saying name of Allah, even Alcohol becomes Halal? :blink:

no. Only the meat. You have to slaughter it with the name of Allah.... it is also halal when a christian or jew slaughters it... But not pagans ,others who believe in polytheism , atheists.. Alcohol is only halal when you take it as medicine and there is no other option left for treatment.
no. Only the meat. You have to slaughter it with the name of Allah.... it is also halal when a christian or jew slaughters it... But not pagans ,others who believe in polytheism , atheists.. Alcohol is only halal when you take it as medicine and there is no other option left for treatment.

While it is right that the People of the Book can slaughter cows etc and it is halal. but this is also important

All Muslim scholars hold that mentioning God Almighty name at the time of slaughter is a must, they differed as to whether or not forgetting to do so or leaving it off intentionally at the time of slaughter rendered the sacrifice void and thus the meat forbidden for consumption. They also agree that if other than God's name is mentioned then this would be forbidden, due to the verse"Eat not of that (meat) on which Allah's Name has not been pronounced." [Al-Anaam 6:121]


It is a moot point if a Jew or a Christian would take the name of Allah which slaughtering an animal.

Therefore, it is worth looking at issues whole, rather than selectively to prove a point.
This article makes the situation look much worse than it actually is. We have great ties with Bhutan and Maldives. As for Nepal , only the Maoists there oppose close ties with India. India and Nepal have very similar culture and we are also united by the religion of majority of our people. Our relations with them will always stay cordial. As for relations with Bangladesh , i don't see much hope. I don't see Awami League getting re-elected in the next elections and certainly don't expect to see the UPA at the centre after the next election. BJP and BNP in power.....
Dhaka, indias Hope, is it really? I don't think so

Future seems critical for our beloved BD....

Wait for Tipaimukh Dam.
While it is right that the People of the Book can slaughter cows etc and it is halal. but this is also important

It is a moot point if a Jew or a Christian would take the name of Allah which slaughtering an animal.

Therefore, it is worth looking at issues whole, rather than selectively to prove a point.

They could take the name of God and its ok for Muslim. But if they take the name of Jesus, or Pagans sacrifice animal before idols or other earthly things then its Haram.
no. Only the meat. You have to slaughter it with the name of Allah.... it is also halal when a christian or jew slaughters it... But not pagans ,others who believe in polytheism , atheists.. Alcohol is only halal when you take it as medicine and there is no other option left for treatment.

Sick animal is Haram even it is slaughtered in the name of Allah. This is also haram if the animal is killed by other than sharp material without having the animal bleed to death. You cant kill any animal by beating with a stick in the name of Allah.
They could take the name of God and its ok for Muslim. But if they take the name of Jesus, or Pagans sacrifice animal before idols or other earthly things then its Haram.

In Islam there is only one God and that is Allah.

And a Christian or a Jew if he takes the name of Allah, it would be blasphemous as it would be blasphemous for a Muslim to take the name of any other God by Allah.

I have not understood what you wish to prove by saying They could take the name of God and its ok for Muslim.
In Islam there is only one God and that is Allah.

And a Christian or a Jew if he takes the name of Allah, it would be blasphemous as it would be blasphemous for a Muslim to take the name of any other God by Allah.

I have not understood what you wish to prove by saying They could take the name of God and its ok for Muslim.

it may help en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhabihah
it may help en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhabihah

From your link

The act of slaughtering itself is preceded by mentioning the name of God. Invoking the name of God at the moment of slaughtering is sometimes interpreted as acknowledgment of God's right over all things, and thanking God for the sustenance He provides: it is a sign the food is taken not in sin or in gluttony, but to survive and praise Allah, as the most common blessing is, "Bismiallah", or, "In the Name of God". Furthermore, it is an asking of permission to take the life of the animal to be slaughtered,[dubious – discuss] and endows the slaughterer with a sense of gratitude for God's creation,[dubious – discuss] even prior to partaking in the meat of the animal.[citation needed]

Thus, the slaughter itself is preceded by the words "In the name of Allah (Bismillah)". It is not regarded appropriate to use the phrase "Bismillah al Raĥman Al Raĥim" (In the name of God the Beneficent the Merciful) in this situation, because slaughtering is an act of subdual rather than mercy.

Is this what you are meaning?

That one has to take the name of Allah to thank Allah?

Thank you since it only proves what I am saying that even though slaughter is OK if is done by the People of the Book, it is quite impossible for a Jew or a Christian to take the name of Allah, since it will be blasphemous as it would be blasphemous of a Muslim to take the name of Jehovah or Jesus when slaughtering.

Now, have I missed your point?

What exactly are you trying to convey by appending the link?

I am afraid the link did not help since the facts still remained unchanged.
from the same link -
The slaughter itself must be done by a sane (mentally competent) adult Muslim, Jew, or Christian as they are considered "People of the Book" (Arabic: Ahl al-Kitāb; this is a point of consensus amongst Muslim scholars. They differed however concerning whether Sabaeans and Magians are also included under People of the Book as stated in Surah Al-Maa’idah, Ayat 5. Modern authors have proposed that Christians are it included in this dispensation, due to the Paulian doctrine of the Trinity. This proposal does notbhold much weight however, as the trinity and ascription of a son is mentioned several times disparagingly in the Quran, yet the verse 4:5 was one of the last to be revealed. All Muslim scholars hold that mentioning God Almighty name at the time of slaughter is a must, they differed as to whether or not forgetting to do so or leaving it off intentionally at the time of slaughter rendered the sacrifice void and thus the meat forbidden for consumption. They also agree that if other than God's name is mentioned then this would be forbidden, due to the verse"Eat not of that (meat) on which Allah's Name has not been pronounced." [Al-Anaam 6:121]

Whatever you say in the name of God/in the name of Allah/ in the name of creator .all are same...
from the same link -

Whatever you say in the name of God/in the name of Allah/ in the name of creator .all are same...

They also agree that if other than God's name is mentioned then this would be forbidden, due to the verse"Eat not of that (meat) on which Allah's Name has not been pronounced." [Al-Anaam 6:121]

In Islam there is but one God and that is Allah.

There is no other God!

La ilaha illallah.

(There is) none worthy of worship except Allah.

I will not discuss this any further.
But on topic, I think its self evident, that in South Asia, Indo-Bangladeshi relations are at its best compared to any other country. Nepal is going from bad to worse. Sri Lanka wants to keep that arms length. Only Bhutan and Maldives basically depend on India and are hence extremely close.

But with better Indo-Bangldeshi ties and more co-operation, the SE Asian side can be easily developed into a region of S.Asian influence if both countries co-operate and complement each other.

My Indian Muslim Bhai Jaan.

The kissi relation between Delhi and Dhaka is only limited to la-Hasin and her party Awami league. So you know that political dynamic is changing in Bangladesh and most Muslims are now consider Awami league a party of Munafiq and Bharati dalal. This kissi relation will end with Awami regime. I suspect Awami will be ousted very soon Insh'Allah.

If India desire a fruitful relation with Bangladesh then it must consider the Islamic sentiment of our people and treat us like another Islamic state like Pakistan otherwise hell with the India.
My Indian Muslim Bhai Jaan.

The kissi relation between Delhi and Dhaka is only liited to la-Hasin and her party Awami league. So you know that political dynamic is changing in Bangladesh and most Muslims are now consider Awami league a party of Munafiq and Bharati dalal. This kissi relation will end with Awami regime. I suspect Awami will be ousted very soon Insh'Allah.

If India desire a fruitful relation with Bangladesh then it must consider the Islamic sentiment of our people and treat us like another Islamic state like Pakistan otherwise hell with the India.

Just out of interest, what does treating Bangladesh like an "Islamic state" entail?
Awami will be ousted soon :lol:
It seems u r the fanboy of some other political party

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