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DG ISPR withdraws tweet on Dawnleaks????

Yes i have visited Lahore and its beautiful, SS has done a great job there. But SS is not the mayor of Lahore, he is the chief minister of Punjab and in all his time in power all he has to show is just one city. And what about NS, he is the PM of Pakistan and all he has done is fake promises and inaugurations of same projects over and over again, the latest one he inaugurated again after 30 years.

I have a list of broken promises and negative achievements by PMLN, I will open a thread soon and if you want tag you in it.

Let them finish 5 years ... if they cant keep promises... they will b punished... ultimately its the wish of the people nit of sc or jit or military that shud b implemented... all pti shud have done is to maje sure electoral reforms are carried out... (one thing they have failed to do) running from pillar to post cannot make khan pm
I will not defend nawaz here but i did posted these U Turns to let you know that Imran is involve in same dirty conventional politics like rest of the Pakistani politicians so dont ride on high horses and claim to be different and infallible ..
Even if we hate some political party but this should not make us blind to not recognise the strength or vote bank of these political parties operating in Pakistan

You have been doing a pretty good job of indirectly defending NS. And i agree with you last statement, NS does have a votebank especially in Punjab, but that doesn't mean we don't highlight his wrongdoings.

Also Imran Khan is not perfect, he has many faults, but he is 1000% better than PMLN and PPP who have been taking turns to loot and plunder Pakistan. If we don't stop them now then the future of Pakistan will be just like Libya, Somalia or Afghanistan. And i am sure that you also don't want that.
Defend what? And who, BTW, asked you defend anything. Only sane people can defend some thing. Rest just destroy things madly.

"... only leadership of Armed forces is sold to corrupt Nawaz sharerf...". Shuttt the hell up. Don't we have so many New Recruits here. All of them seem very much hurt and disappointed by national unity. Our system is maturing. So get ready to have more disappointments, dude.

ideally i dont even need to answer you ,you dont mean anything here mailai kabootar since my reference was to the people in civil/military ranks I KNOW who were not optimistic from the beginning and i challenged them.but you like to freaking poke your nose everywhere it doesnt belong and also because you think people backing ISPR tweet are insane or some cyber recruits i felt obliged to replyback, just to kill your wild imagination the approval rate for Army in Pakistan is much much more than your dear PM whom you are ready to bend over for so dont feel surprised if you feel some blue mood over the thread.
Let them finish 5 years ... if they cant keep promises... they will b punished... ultimately its the wish of the people nit of sc or jit or military that shud b implemented... all pti shud have done is to maje sure electoral reforms are carried out... (one thing they have failed to do) running from pillar to post cannot make khan pm

SC and JIT is there to provide justice, winning elections doesn't automatically give them a "Get out of Jail free" card. Also there is already a thread about how other parties have blocked the election reforms bill that PTI wanted to implement in NA.
Most of the members of pdf are overseas Pakistanis and since PTI is the most popular party both in Pakistan and abroad so there is no surprise that 80% of them support PTI. Only mindless and soulless patwaris support PMLn. I visit Pakistan almost every year in addition to being in contact with my friends and family on daily basis and also reading the news, watching TV, participating in online discussion so I really don't see any reason that I'm less knowledgeable about the ground realities and that is true for a large number of overseas Pakistanis.
The one's who are indifferent don't even know about PDF and such forums and don't care
How you make this conlclusion that PTI is most popular party? Is it just based on your personal assumption and political bias or you have some statistics to prove it?

Its voters who decide which party is popular and you probably did not read the outcome of 2013 elections
You have been doing a pretty good job of indirectly defending NS. And i agree with you last statement, NS does have a votebank especially in Punjab, but that doesn't mean we don't highlight his wrongdoings.

Also Imran Khan is not perfect, he has many faults, but he is 1000% better than PMLN and PPP who have been taking turns to loot and plunder Pakistan. If we don't stop them now then the future of Pakistan will be just like Libya, Somalia or Afghanistan. And i am sure that you also don't want that.
No i am just defending the choice of common people. You want freedom to vote and choose your party and Leadership then why dont give same freedom to others who dont agree with your perception and political views? Imran is politcal messiah for you who will solve all problems of Pakistan overnight just like KPK has became swizerland under his leadership ok thats fine with me but then you should recognise this fact that there are people who dont perceive Ik in same way as you do and you should respect their political right. NO?

I don't talk to trolls so get lost
Haha it was you who is trolling kid and i can understand your frustration now when you have no answer..go hit your head with walls
You seem a little angry after today. On par with all analysts on ARY.

Quite hysterical.
Everybody has a price tag in this country. If you are feeling sick you can go to the hospital but don't be hysterical.
Everybody has a price tag in this country. If you are feeling sick you can go to the hospital but don't be hysterical.
My thoughts exactly. Lots of people have sold their soul to creating confusion and anger by yapping on TV and these forums.

Kinda like what you're doing.
No i am just defending the choice of common people. You want freedom to vote and choose your party and Leadership then why dont give same freedom to others who dont agree with your perception and political views? Imran is politcal messiah for you who will solve all problems of Pakistan overnight just like KPK has became swizerland under his leadership ok thats fine with me but then you should recognise this fact that there are people who dont perceive Ik in same way as you do and you should respect their political right. NO?

You are defending the choice of common people by trying to defame IK, how does that work? I never said KPK has become Switzerland, and i don't recall anyother PTI member saying anything like that either. What we are doing is highlighting the wrongdoings of the ones that have been elected to lead the country to prosperity and make them accountable for their actions.
No i am just defending the choice of common people. You want freedom to vote and choose your party and Leadership then why dont give same freedom to others who dont agree with your perception and political views? Imran is politcal messiah for you who will solve all problems of Pakistan overnight just like KPK has became swizerland under his leadership ok thats fine with me but then you should recognise this fact that there are people who dont perceive Ik in same way as you do and you should respect their political right. NO?

Haha it was you who is trolling kid and i can understan
go hit your head with walls
Patwari you can go and kill yourself by drowning in the sputum :lol:

My thoughts exactly. Lots of people have sold their soul to creating confusion and anger by yapping on TV and these forums.

Kinda like what you're doing.
SO why did you sell your soul and how much money did you get in return for doing so?
No i am trying to defend the choice of common man because i do see this abusing and bashing from Ptians on PDF/social networking sites for others political parties and their supporters. I am all for equal fields for political battles. I will not bash and abuse those who keep different political views but if people will insults others based on their political preference then they should b ready to get the taste of their own medicine so my point again
Are you willing to respect the political choice of others who dont consider imran as messiah?

You words are sweet but your actions contradict them,

Your Post#163, can you explain how you were defending the choice of common people? And don't you consider that abusing or bashing?

your post#204, you responded to a guy by abusing his choice when all he had said was "Day by Day , defeats after defeats my trust is building more and more on him...." He was referring to his trust in IK is growing, was he bashing any other political party or its supporters?

your post#206, you started bashing PTI and IK while agreeing with a PMLN supporter.

Your post#209, you responded to a guy who replied to your post#204 by saying what IK is doing and what he should do. Your respond was to try and malign IK by twisting his tweets.

You know what they call a person whos words and actions don't match up..............hypocrite
one word for Army . " Coward"
everyone is disappointed & demoralized . this decision will haunt Army .

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