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Devyani's sister releases maid's letter

No one take order from you, this is an open forum, anyone can discuss any subject without being obscene or vilify toward other, I post my opinion regardless you asked me or not.
sure but u need to go to ur own country forum
that would be more productive rather than commenting negatively on other countries
sure but u need to go to ur own country forum
that would be more productive rather than commenting negatively on other countries

What negative comment I make toward Indian member?
The fact that this is released by the consul's sister is significant.

If the letter is fake, everybody (including the Indian govt. and the consul) can shrug their heads and blame it on an overzealous sister.

If it's genuine, it proves squat.

So the nanny was being diplomatic. Is she seriously going to complain about her conditions to her employer's sister? The one who (allegedly) got her the job?
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The fact that this is released by the consul's sister is significant.

If the letter is fake, everybody (including the Indian govt. and the consul) can shrug their heads and blame it on an overzealous sister.

If it's genuine, it proves squat.

So the nanny was being diplomatic. Is she seriously going to complain about her conditions to her employer's sister? The one who (allegedly) got her the job?

Once again, we see the Indian side playing the game with rumors, innuendos and trial balloons...
well the maid was fooled into this money making trap by the counsel and the one who took the maid to the counsel

as for counsel he gets free international exposer in one shot that he might not have got in his whole life time so hes a real smart guy and now he will d3emand twice if not thrice the fees he used to get

as for the one who took the maid to counsel will become a hero in eyes of human rights activists and the justice dept

the onli looser will be maid as she will get very negetive treatment not just from potential employers but indian community as a whole in USA even ifshe gets 'green card' and will always be seen as an ungreatful,stupid and backstabber for rest of her life even no indian will ever rent her house

maid must be repenting big time as nor she niether her counsel ever thought of india getting so emotional on this episode and Indo-US ties sored deu to such a trivial matter
well the maid was fooled into this money making trap by the counsel and the one who took the maid to the counsel

as for counsel he gets free international exposer in one shot that he might not have got in his whole life time so hes a real smart guy and now he will d3emand twice if not thrice the fees he used to get

as for the one who took the maid to counsel will become a hero in eyes of human rights activists and the justice dept

the onli looser will be maid as she will get very negetive treatment not just from potential employers but indian community as a whole in USA even ifshe gets 'green card' and will always be seen as an ungreatful,stupid and backstabber for rest of her life even no indian will ever rent her house

maid must be repenting big time as nor she niether her counsel ever thought of india getting so emotional on this episode and Indo-US ties sored deu to such a trivial matter

Finally someone speaking for the maid,Indians acting as if deviyani is some holy cradle of innocence.
Finally someone speaking for the maid,Indians acting as if deviyani is some holy cradle of innocence.
well devyani was just another victyim of over zelous hunman rights activists in US as for maid who says that im sympethetick to her its becuase of that ungreatful & stupid women that Indo-US ties have reached such a low when we had many many mutual interests

she thought she will be able to extract US citizenship plus a heavty ammount from deviyani and her family but she never thought she would become a vamp in eyes of all NRIs and indian govt i dought she willever be able to se her motherland agin
This letter although doesn't debunk the allegation of mistreatment, but it surely raises doubts about it.

I saw a talk show yesterday on NDTV, where it was said, that the charges made by her are not about mistreatment, but underpayment! She also had med Mrs Khobragade in front of US authorities, after went missing and did not complained about mistreatment but wanted $10000 dollar and her passport to apply for a green card / jobs in the US.
The US authorities also went from visa fraud to human trafficking, since the visa fraud allegations couldn't hold their own as it seems, but human trafficking is even more stupid imo, since the maid agreed to the contracts on her own accord and went to the US and wasn't forced to go to the US and work for that ammount of money.
The most disturbing point for me now is, that the relatives of the maid were flown out of India by the US authorities, possibly under the witness protection act. That however is a huge offence to India and Indian authorities, since the US have no right to fly out Indian citizens out of India without informing or even giving reasons to Indian government!

The whole case is moving from an overreaction of local authorities to a huge diplomatic issue and the US are not really helping, but making it only worse!
I saw a talk show yesterday on NDTV, where it was said, that the charges made by her are not about mistreatment, but underpayment! She also had med Mrs Khobragade in front of US authorities, after went missing and did not complained about mistreatment but wanted $10000 dollar and her passport to apply for a green card / jobs in the US.
The US authorities also went from visa fraud to human trafficking, since the visa fraud allegations couldn't hold their own as it seems, but human trafficking is even more stupid imo, since the maid agreed to the contracts on her own accord and went to the US and wasn't forced to go to the US and work for that ammount of money.
The most disturbing point for me now is, that the relatives of the maid were flown out of India by the US authorities, possibly under the witness protection act. That however is a huge offence to India and Indian authorities, since the US have no right to fly out Indian citizens out of India without informing or even giving reasons to Indian government!

The whole case is moving from an overreaction of local authorities to a huge diplomatic issue and the US are not really helping, but making it only worse!

There is definitely more to this case. US is/was trying to send a strong message to India, but I think they didn't expect the backlash to be this big.

If this wasn't planned the US would have found some scapegoat by now and made them apologize.
There is definitely more to this case. US is/was trying to send a strong message to India, but I think they didn't expect the backlash to be this big.

If this wasn't planned the US would have found some scapegoat by now and made them apologize.

I wonder at what level that was planned, since it seems more to be a local level (New Yorker legal authorities) and not state department or foreign ministry..., there are differences in the statements of the lower levels and the top levels of the Government.
The interview with minister khurshid showed that as well, who said that statements of the local level doesn't bother him at all and that India only deals with US state level authorities.
Finally someone speaking for the maid,Indians acting as if deviyani is some holy cradle of innocence.

I don't think he is supporting the nanny.

The whole case is moving from an overreaction of local authorities to a huge diplomatic issue and the US are not really helping, but making it only worse!

The longer this goes on, the worse it is for India. It's a case of a poor exploited nanny v/s an entrenched power structure of elites.

The US authorities have facts on their side; the only thing India has is emotional media noise.
The fact that this is released by the consul's sister is significant.

If the letter is fake, everybody (including the Indian govt. and the consul) can shrug their heads and blame it on an overzealous sister.

If it's genuine, it proves squat.

So the nanny was being diplomatic. Is she seriously going to complain about her conditions to her employer's sister? The one who (allegedly) got her the job?

"The letter" was not written to the Consul's sister. It was found in the maid's diary and was probably meant for the maid's family members.
The longer this goes on, the worse it is for India.

The US authorities have facts on their side; the only thing India has is emotional media noise.

Based on? The US athorities doesn't have a real point so far and are changing their charges as it seems. Their clear overreaction had already called for "regret" statements at state level, which is not usual for the US at all. Indian government reacted fast and very strong, which gave the US government a clear picture what is on risk for them. The US have more to loose and not only wrt to India, but wrt to the security and safty of diplomats of other countries too.
Btw, you have to differ between the emotions of the normal people, opposition politicians, or the media and the reaction of the government in this case. Pretty different, but equally strong!
Based on? The US athorities doesn't have a real point so far and are changing their charges as it seems. Their clear overreaction had already called for "regret" statements at state level, which is not usual for the US at all. Indian government reacted fast and very strong, which gave the US government a clear picture what is on risk for them. The US have more to loose and not only wrt to India, but wrt to the security and safty of diplomats of other countries too.
Btw, you have to differ between the emotions of the normal people, opposition politicians, or the media and the reaction of the government in this case. Pretty different, but equally strong!

Please read Preet Bharara's official statement. He is quite explicit on many aspects of the charges against the consul and I doubt they would have proceeded to arrest a consular official unless they were pretty confident of their case.

As for State department "regrets", that's official and meaningless mumbo jumbo.
As for State department "regrets", that's official and meaningless mumbo jumbo.

That are your emotions speaking, isn't it? :rolleyes: When you have followed the diplomatic issues of the NSA spy affairs in Brazil, Germany, France..., the US never stated a similar official "regret" and that even to NATO countries. This issue is actually less difficult than the NSA problem and still the state department was forced to form an official statement and you think that is meaningless?
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