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Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

He says Ghaddafi's son Saif El Islam is in Zintan given direction to Aqila Saleh who's planning the next move after Hafter has been defeated
What ?!! there is no oil in west of Libya ? so what we were celebrating for ?
that's what these accounts are saying, all of Libya's oil is under vagner
Charara oil field under vagner

it seems they are positioning themselves for another offensive, here is the way forward in my "fantasy land" humble opinion, I think that Turkey should start arming the mujahedin in Idleb, HTS, NFL, hell even AL Qaeda affiliates and they will take care of Russia/Assad/pkk/ypg/sdf ... , the Levant front can take care of itself, on the other hand, Turkey should ship more than 50000 Syrian/Somali fighters and prepare for war with Egypt/Russia/UAE/SA/France/Greece/Israel ...
that or just pack ur bags and forget about the Libyan contracts and oil and gas in the MED sea and prepare for another Lou sane treaty also AKP would fall and even than the US won't give you F 35..
but trust me when I say this, the Arab dictators will fall and Islam will eventually win and the Caliphate is gonna be established no matter what happens.

"GNA forces are now preparing to enter Sirte and there was no delay, rather, there was just a time for preparedness. Everyone should know that entering Tarhouna wasn't quick and we did it after besieging the city for weeks. Now, Volcano of Rage Operation forces have the experience in fighting despite the fact that Haftar's forces have Russian Wagner Group mercenaries on their side." He added.
“Macron’s pronouncements on Libya have devolved from hyperbole and hypocrisy to something approaching hysteria”

“The only leader moving the Libyan needle was Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, whose backing — in word and kinetic deed — of the GNA has forced Haftar into headlong retreat. This turn of events has led to still more embarrassing revelations for Macron and Le Drian: The discovery of mass graves in territory liberated from the rebels suggests that France’s champion was presiding over industrial-scale atrocities.”

I came here to share this opinion piece. It points out to hypocrisy of Macron about Libya very well. Recent comments from Africom and From US news sources indicates US is close to Turkey's view in Libya and They see hypocrisy and attempted power grab of France.

Turkey Has Eclipsed Emmanuel Macron's Libya Dreams
The French president's finger-pointing ignores his own culpability in the civil war.

Bobby Ghosh
June 26, 2020, 1:30 AM EDT

The art of the diplomatic put-down seems lost in the age of “dotard” and “Rocket Man,” not to mention the jejune tirades of China’s so-called wolf warriors. So let us savor the old-school sting of “an eclipse of the mind,” Turkey’s latest barb in the direction of French President Emmanuel Macron.

Take a bow, Hami Aksoy, spokesman for Turkey’s foreign ministry.

The jab is on the nose: Macron’s pronouncements on Libya have devolved from hyperbole and hypocrisy to something approaching hysteria. Having backed a suspected war criminal against a United Nations-recognized government in Tripoli, Macron now accuses Turkey of “playing a dangerous game” in Libya. And having lost any leverage France might have had in the civil war, he avers that he “will not tolerate” the Turkish interference.

Perhaps he suffers from a lapse in memory. Given all the recent twists and turns in the Libyan civil war, and the complexities introduced by at least a dozen foreign players, France’s foundational contribution to the conflict might get lost in the shuffle.

Macron might just be able to blame his predecessor, Francois Hollande, for involving France in the civil war. When the death of three French soldiers in a July 2016 helicopter crash brought Hollande’s intervention to the world’s attention, Macron had not yet announced his bid for the presidency.

Or, he might have fingered Hollande’s then-Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian for mischaracterizing the rebel commander Khalifa Haftar as a partner in the fight against Salafi-Jihadi terrorism in the Maghreb and the Sahel. This view required willful ignorance: there are Islamic extremists on both sides of the civil war. For all Khalifa’s posturing against terrorism, his forces include a sizeable cohort of Madhkhalists, followers of an obscure Saudi cleric whose worldview is more Taliban than liberté, égalité and fraternité.

Macron could have quietly pulled away from Haftar; instead, having made Le Drian his foreign minister, he dialed up French involvement. While denying reports it had supplied the rebels with arms — inconveniently, Javelin anti-tank missiles sold to France turned up at one of Haftar’s bases — Macron appointed himself peacemaker. Two months after taking office, he hosted a summit outside Paris, and preened as Haftar and Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj of the Government of National Accord agreed to a cease-fire and elections.

All Macron had really done was to legitimize the rebel commander, who never gave up his ambition to take Tripoli by force. With other, more committed allies behind him — notably, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Russia — Haftar was able to treat his French patrons as they had treated the UN-backed government, with blithe disregard.

But Macron had painted himself into Haftar’s corner and would not abandon his man. While France was reduced to sniping with Italy over energy interests in Libya, the mantle of peacemaker was passed to other pretenders: Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel both hosted summits; more recently even Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi tried to engineer a cease-fire.

The only leader moving the Libyan needle was Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, whose backing — in word and kinetic deed — of the GNA has forced Haftar into headlong retreat. This turn of events has led to still more embarrassing revelations for Macron and Le Drian: The discovery of mass graves in territory liberated from the rebels suggests that France’s champion was presiding over industrial-scale atrocities.

It does not take Macronian cynicism to see his rhetorical bluster toward Turkey as a desperate effort to distract attention from French culpability. He has other battles with Ankara, including the contest over energy rights in the Eastern Mediterranean. A more charitable suggestion might be that Macron retains fantasies of French influence in the southern Mediterranean. The Libyan reality be what it may, France’s president is certainly not displaying an eclipse in ambition
I honestly think that Turkey doesn't really care if Libya becomes whole. It just cares that the GNA survives and therefore the eastern Mediterranean deal remains valid. If this means a segregated Libya ruled by political consensus through a weak federal government then so be it. I don't see why TR should risk a big war to make Libya whole again. Just make sure the deal is honored and that's it.

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