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Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

Look everything is going now in Libya is because of US. This shit administration won't do anything because SISI and Putin are the lovely dictators for Trump. I think we delayed this ops because of Trump and also we don't want to escalate the tension with Russia ( we can't push Russia out without US this is for sure). I'm very disappointed because we listened to Trump and didn't recapture Sirte.
Look everything is going now in Libya is because of US. This shit administration won't do anything because SISI and Putin are the lovely dictators for Trump. I think we delayed this ops because of Trump and also we don't want to escalate the tension with Russia ( we can't push Russia out without US this is for sure). I'm very disappointed because we listened to Trump and didn't recapture Sirte.
that's what I thought, to be honest... I didn't understand from the beginning, why turkey is always waiting for "green lights" even if she got invited by the UN-recognized government...

Some truth talk from Trump...
If the enemy openly tells the residents of a locality that he'll eliminate them all and occupy your houses, what those residents are supposed to do? Get united and prepare for facing and defeating the enemy? Or keep fighting with each other and weakening themselves? Or even worse, some of them going and having a handshake with the enemy? Israelis are openly telling the world in unequivocal terms (and seriously working on it) that the time for the greater (or Biblical ) Israel has come and we soon are going to have it. Why then these Arab countries/kingdoms are not taking that threat seriously? Biblical Israel can only be established when these kingdoms are eliminated. Why these kingdoms are busy insanely killing scores of Muslims in other countries rather than worrying for their own survival? We can expect the enemies of Islam (Zionists, Russians, Europeans and Americans, etc.) kill Muslims as their religious obligation. But why these 'Muslim' rulers are hand-in-hand with the enemies of Allah in killing innocent Muslims. Alas, such a bad time, Russians, Americans, and Zionists are all coming from thousands of miles away to kill Muslims in their own houses and occupy/control their lands. And many Muslim countries are practically helping them do their sinister job rather than stopping the enemies of Allah and His Messenger (PBUH). I wonder if these rulers have forgotten that one day they will have to face Allah (SwT) for accountability of their heinous crimes. How they are going to face the Prophet (PBUH) at Kausar? It's beyond me.
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LNA getting help from every side. Why is Turkey not getting help from its friends like Pakistan?
LNA getting help from every side. Why is Turkey not getting help from its friends like Pakistan?

Turkey is not at war officially.. It provides military advice to the official government. If I were Erdogan, my first move would be to deploy the S-400 to Libya. Serrac is an official representative. Haftar is not...
Very bad development. May be a tactical movement for stopping operation or for gaining time .
A nonstop war can begin if they use it against targets like airports,ports ,cities or against our operators in the bases. I am sure they will get a huge response because Turkey cant tolarate a big lose and that gives the reason which Ankara looking for an operation with world support which is most critical factor for us.
I think we can wait an operation like that has done against assad army in february.
Very bad development. May be a tactical movement for stopping operation or for gaining time .
A nonstop war can begin if they use it against targets like airports,ports ,cities or against our operators in the bases. I am sure they will get a huge response because Turkey cant tolarate a big lose and that gives the reason which Ankara looking for an operation with world support which is most critical factor for us.
I think we can wait an operation like that has done against assad army in february.
Turkey should hit on the head of the snake much more earlier . Iran some how screwd the snake and for that now begging to be in Iranian good list by supporting Basher .
Now situation is critical for Turkey and Libya . What is the position of Italy? Are they still supporting GNA?
He pretend to be a nigerian:-), he is a persian. Look he is not muslims but cares more then a persian:o:.

10 years gone and you are still the same Anti-Iran dude more than any other Turk.

Persians are not sure which side to take in Libya and who is the righteous. They have not seen such an odd mix of countries teaming up.
10 years gone and you are still the same Anti-Iran dude more than any other Turk.

Persians are not sure which side to take in Libya and who is the righteous. They have not seen such an odd mix of countries teaming up.
Why don't you know? If are with the side of Israel, UAE , Egypt or with the side of Turkey and Libya. Just remember , what kind of friend Russia is in Syria.

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