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Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

Libya looks like it wont be an easy ride for Turkey. If Turkey deploys more forces to Libya, then Libya might become Turkey's Syrian war and make Turkey ease up on occupying Syrian land.
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That Nigerian dude is once again derailing this thread.
Ok i deleted my unrelated comments in my last post. but how is this fair? TUrks attack me, i respodn back and then now my posts get deleted and im told i;m derailing? i wouldnt have said derailing comments if some Turks arent making derailing statements about me personally..how are they not derailing by just speaking about me, my identity, my character???
Libya looks like it wont be an easy ride for Turkey. If Turkey deploys more forces to Libya, then Libya might become Turkey's Syrian war and make Turkey ease up on occupying Syrian land.

Who has said easy ride?
“Politeness of the French Colonialists in Algeria”

“Would you like a cigarette?
... and
... FIRE!”
because "losing" and "lost" have 2 different meanings...it looks like Turkey is currently on the winning side, but Turkey's side hasnt won yet. DOnt you know the saying- "it aint over until the fat lady sings"???? TUrkey is just like in the position US was in the Korean war b4 Chinese troops entered Korea- US was winning and controlling 80% of Korea......until the Chinese troops joined and turned the US's "winning" into a loss. Until TUrkey gets the clear final win, its not over. Russia bringing in fighter jets too was a game changer that made bayrak drones less effective. Now EU countries arent fully on Turkey's side/GNA...so its a complex battlefield..welcome to TUrkey's Syria, its called Libya!
Your point is still LNA/GNA, this division is not deep as in korean case like commies or johnnies. Egypt is not china, turkey is not nato. Moreover, libyan government's forces still hasnt passed what 52th parallel is in libya. Before LNA's offensive, sirte/jufra belonged to GNA so we are still in first chapter of the korean war, suppressing north korean offensive, capturing what belonged to south.
So technically, if we compare it to korean war egypt would intervene like china did when GNA has passed the earlier border, and poses a threat to existence of LNA.

Turkish UAVs still operates, just conducted airstrikes in last days in sirte and jufra. And also in recent days Russian jets werent seen flying. This indicates there is a SAM threat so Russians driving Libyan or other country's planes for "dumb" unguided airstrikes.
It is complex for both sides, but soon people will be talking about war crimes of LNA-Haftar. It will be fun to see that.
A great gesture by Turkish brothers to help stop the blood shed in Libya started by external forces, and bring peace to the local people.

Before 2011 no one heard of any haftar or daftar ....all none sense started after the legitimate ruler was over thrown

A wise move to use UAV to end the unwanted warlord's presence.


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