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Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

because "losing" and "lost" have 2 different meanings...it looks like Turkey is currently on the winning side, but Turkey's side hasnt won yet. DOnt you know the saying- "it aint over until the fat lady sings"???? TUrkey is just like in the position US was in the Korean war b4 Chinese troops entered Korea- US was winning and controlling 80% of Korea......until the Chinese troops joined and turned the US's "winning" into a loss. Until TUrkey gets the clear final win, its not over. Russia bringing in fighter jets too was a game changer that made bayrakbastard drones less effective. Now EU countries arent fully on Turkey's side/GNA...so its a complex battlefield..welcome to TUrkey's Syria, its called Libya!
What's your beef with Bayraktar? Killed too many of your Iranian buddies?
What's your beef with Bayraktar? Killed too many of your Iranian buddies?
And he’s a simpleton - obsessed with Turkey in Syria and faps over Russia day and night. When Turkey does it, it’s imperialism or jihadism or extortion take your pick. when anyone else does it, it’s the natural order of things and just... Surprised he hasn’t pulled another karma comment out of his ring ol. The bozo fears Turkey benefiting from anything and changing any balances. stinks of American Persian. oh and the irony of the sensitive egos comment oh dear Lordy...
A side from the insults, it’s true that tb2 success was like an ego boost and people thought it was over. But as you can see it’s not over in fact it’s not even status quo, since Sirte is in LNA hands.

though try as he may, he can’t deny how effective tb2 has been.
Guys no racism & 925boy please stop using abusive words. Please discuss don't fight.

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