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Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

Still no official statement from Turkey, this a dangerous and whoever behind it there should be a quick response. I don't know why I don't believe UAE can do something like this , there is rumors that France is behind it.

It could be well the UAE. They do have in flight refueling capabilities deployed in Egypt (A330 MRTT) and its air force is experienced in SEAD-DEAD missions while having in inventory anti radiation missiles and cruise missiles. (black shaheen) Taking out those Turkish systems was more like a "formality".
It could be well the UAE. They do have in flight refueling capabilities deployed in Egypt (A330 MRTT) and its air force is experienced in SEAD-DEAD missions while having in inventory anti radiation missiles and cruise missiles. (black shaheen) Taking out those Turkish systems was more like a "formality".
I doubt UAE can play like this game, only if they knew that we won't respond .

Here is KSA propagandist channel is saying multiple senior Turkish intelligence members injured in the strikes

Still no official statement from Turkey, this a dangerous and whoever behind it there should be a quick response. I don't know why I don't believe UAE can do something like this , there is rumors that France is behind it.

Something has to be done.

If France is behind the attack Turkey can't risk attacking directly to french aircraft as it could start a war with French. It seems all world power is behind the hafter or keep mum. Turkey is all alone to fight against all powerful enemies. :(
It could be well the UAE. They do have in flight refueling capabilities deployed in Egypt (A330 MRTT) and its air force is experienced in SEAD-DEAD missions while having in inventory anti radiation missiles and cruise missiles. (black shaheen) Taking out those Turkish systems was more like a "formality".

The UAE is the only one who is undoubtably brazen enough to pull something like this off. If France is behind this then it would cause catastrophic consequences and shockwaves through NATO and would effectively put the whole alliance into question. I dont think France would so such as thing, but then again i didnt expect France to be that openly and blatantly hypocritical about its own role in Libya.

The need for a proper air defence network has just been multiplied. I can only hope Turkey would focus its efforts on acquiring and developing air defence systems and networks to properly defend existing infrastructure inside and outside of Turkey.
Guys, have been 24 hours behind since the PSYOP wave began yesterday. Still we not have a confirmation satellite image or photo about (so called) air strike?
Geopolitically it is a sound strategy for France because they don't have any issue with their borders. So they can pretty much spend all their time fucking up rest of the world.

I think it is party this mentality of theirs that makes them "brave". History has shown several times what happens. WW2 was the end of their "imperialism" but not so much "colonialism".

I think it's necessary for TN to have more corvettes and frigates. What we have is not enough IMO.
Yes turkey need to increase the number of warships and submarines if wants to a remain strongly in Mediterranean Sea .
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Yes turkey need to increase the number of warships and submarines if wants to a remain strongly in Macedonian.

. .
Agree, Turkey should immediately deploy submarines and warship to Macedonia. :yahoo:

@monitor, sorry brother, we are just having a bit of fun ;)
. . .
Satellite imagery of the airbase shows no damage to the MIM-23 system deployed at the eastern wing (attacker's direction). The western wing was partially clouded, but no signs of damage either.

Could the Turks and GNA be faking this to gain legitimacy before a serious escalation?
Satellite imagery of the airbase shows no damage to the MIM-23 system deployed at the eastern wing (attacker's direction). The western wing was partially clouded, but no signs of damage either.

Could the Turks and GNA be faking this to gain legitimacy before a serious escalation?
Reuters reported it from third sources (including local residents), some UAE people are already claiming responsibility for it, and the news first came out through some independent Libya observers with connections on the ground (news agencies didnt report on it till a day later, turkish news agencies reported even later)

Last but not least, if what you are saying was the case, Turkish officials would have shown a strong reaction so far. Nobody even threatened anyone.
Satellite imagery of the airbase shows no damage to the MIM-23 system deployed at the eastern wing (attacker's direction). The western wing was partially clouded, but no signs of damage either.

Could the Turks and GNA be faking this to gain legitimacy before a serious escalation?
this is exactly what i think. If the enemy party does not reject it, this gives right to TR for legitimate answer.
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Sistemin diğer 5 bataryası ise ülkedeki stratejik yerlere kurulacak.

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