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Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

It was announced that troops were moving over 24 hours ago. Any updates? I want to see photos and videos of what we are actually sending.

I hope we send Hisar and Korkut. Anti-air is a priority.
Neither Hisar nor Korkut as they aren't ready.

And Sirte (oil) is under LNA now...
The group switched side...

Welcome to Libya... Welcome to Tribal lands... Where Only the ones who look strong survive...
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Neither Hisar nor Korkut as they aren't ready.

And Sirte (oil) is under LNA now...
The group switched side...

Welcome to Libya... Welcome to Tribal lands... Where Only the ones who look strong survive...
Turkeys main goal is to bring balance between lna and gna ...now there is big chance that both group can sit on table and talk..also greek is stealing sealand from Turkey and libya..we have to protect this agreement....lets hope groups solve this problem without killing each other.
Libyan commander Haftar's forces say they have taken Sirte
Ayman al-Warfalli - Reuters - 6.1.2020

BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - Libyan forces loyal to eastern-based commander Khalifa Haftar said on Monday they had taken control of the strategic coastal city of Sirte in a rapid advance preceded by air strikes.

Holding Sirte would be an important gain for Haftar, who since April has been waging a military offensive on the capital, Tripoli, home to Libya’s internationally recognized Government of National Accord (GNA).

Sirte lies in the center of Libya’s Mediterranean coast, and has been controlled by GNA-aligned forces since they ejected Islamic State from the city with the help of U.S. air strikes in late 2016.

Haftar’s self-styled Libyan National Army (LNA) said they had taken areas surrounding Sirte including al-Qardabiya air base, before moving towards the city center.

“The commander-in-chief decided on a well-planned,pre-emptive strike and within less than three hours we were in the heart of Sirte,” said LNA spokesman Ahmed al-Mismari.

“It was a sudden, swift operation,” he said, adding that the advance had been preceded by several hours of air strikes.

An LNA military source said forces from the city of Misrata had retreated. Misrata led the campaign against Islamic State and is a key source of military power for the GNA.

Earlier, a resident in Sirte city center told Reuters by phone: “We can see convoys of LNA inside Sirte city ... they control large parts of the city now. We also hear gunfire.”

There was no immediate comment from GNA forces.


The LNA advance comes as Turkey prepares to send military advisors and experts to Libya to help shore up the GNA, part of a trend of rising international involvement in Libya’s conflict.

Haftar’s LNA has received material and military support from countries including the United Arab Emirates, Jordan and Egypt, according U.N. experts and diplomats.

In recent weeks there has been an escalation of fighting, shelling and air strikes around Tripoli. On Saturday evening a military college in the capital was hit, killing at least 30 people, a day after the only functioning airport in Tripoli faced its latest closure due to shelling and rocket fire.

Sirte, the birthplace of former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, was taken over by Islamic State in early 2015, becoming the jihadist group’s most important base outside the Middle East.

The city is just to the west of Libya’s oil crescent, a strip of coastline along which several key oil export terminals are located. Haftar’s forces seized the oil ports in 2016.

Source:. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-...orces-say-they-have-taken-sirte-idUSKBN1Z51L2
Libyan commander Haftar's forces say they have taken Sirte
Ayman al-Warfalli - Reuters - 6.1.2020

BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - Libyan forces loyal to eastern-based commander Khalifa Haftar said on Monday they had taken control of the strategic coastal city of Sirte in a rapid advance preceded by air strikes.

Holding Sirte would be an important gain for Haftar, who since April has been waging a military offensive on the capital, Tripoli, home to Libya’s internationally recognized Government of National Accord (GNA).

Sirte lies in the center of Libya’s Mediterranean coast, and has been controlled by GNA-aligned forces since they ejected Islamic State from the city with the help of U.S. air strikes in late 2016.

Haftar’s self-styled Libyan National Army (LNA) said they had taken areas surrounding Sirte including al-Qardabiya air base, before moving towards the city center.

“The commander-in-chief decided on a well-planned,pre-emptive strike and within less than three hours we were in the heart of Sirte,” said LNA spokesman Ahmed al-Mismari.

“It was a sudden, swift operation,” he said, adding that the advance had been preceded by several hours of air strikes.

An LNA military source said forces from the city of Misrata had retreated. Misrata led the campaign against Islamic State and is a key source of military power for the GNA.

Earlier, a resident in Sirte city center told Reuters by phone: “We can see convoys of LNA inside Sirte city ... they control large parts of the city now. We also hear gunfire.”

There was no immediate comment from GNA forces.


The LNA advance comes as Turkey prepares to send military advisors and experts to Libya to help shore up the GNA, part of a trend of rising international involvement in Libya’s conflict.

Haftar’s LNA has received material and military support from countries including the United Arab Emirates, Jordan and Egypt, according U.N. experts and diplomats.

In recent weeks there has been an escalation of fighting, shelling and air strikes around Tripoli. On Saturday evening a military college in the capital was hit, killing at least 30 people, a day after the only functioning airport in Tripoli faced its latest closure due to shelling and rocket fire.

Sirte, the birthplace of former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, was taken over by Islamic State in early 2015, becoming the jihadist group’s most important base outside the Middle East.

The city is just to the west of Libya’s oil crescent, a strip of coastline along which several key oil export terminals are located. Haftar’s forces seized the oil ports in 2016.

Source:. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-...orces-say-they-have-taken-sirte-idUSKBN1Z51L2

The Tribe/Group of Sirte switched side... Those who were "external of Sirte" retreated toward Misrata.
That's why in Libya they are labeled as Traitor right now and not like "Deserters" or something like that.
That main group was pro-Gaddafi back in the days...

Haftar mostly answered their "Conditions".
Perhaps a blessing in disguise. Better to know who the traitors are now then have them in your camp.
It's a tribal syst... It's not like it's only few traitors here and there...
Loyalty is the currency out there... And it is costly to maintain... Whatever by Influence/money/power etc... or Politically...

Same is present in Haftar side... Haftar is just a "Union Leader"... With only few thousands who are directly loyal to him( few hundreds Libyans and the rest Mercenaries from Sudan/Chad etc...)... otherwise 80%+ are Tribal forces... That's the same as Gaddafi ruling syst...

As for the Western Side with GNA, it's also the same but at a lesser extent... maybe half is Tribal, then you have semi-independent "Fighters" and the rest is the Army.
And Haftar main target with his propaganda is not against those tribes or Army... but about those Independant fighters (ie militias), who control the main points of the western side, like Misrata/Tripoli and such...

Such "switching of side... may still happen in the future, like the Southern part and the Eastern one till Misrata.

What TR is doing is Supporting the Tribal forces+Militias and Restructuring the Army at her image, via Training/Cadet camps/Exchanges etc... As they are the ultimate loyal forces under an unified doctrine.


Counter offensive in Sirte from Misrata+Sirte's forces reinforcement... Waiting for Sirte final status...
It's a tribal syst... It's not like it's only few traitors here and there...
Loyalty is the currency out there... And it is costly to maintain... Whatever by Influence/money/power etc... or Politically...

Same is present in Haftar side... Haftar is just a "Union Leader"... With only few thousands who are directly loyal to him( few hundreds Libyans and the rest Mercenaries from Sudan/Chad etc...)... otherwise 80%+ are Tribal forces... That's the same as Gaddafi ruling syst...

As for the Western Side with GNA, it's also the same but at a lesser extent... maybe half is Tribal, then you have semi-independent "Fighters" and the rest is the Army.
And Haftar main target with his propaganda is not against those tribes or Army... but about those Independant fighters (ie militias), who control the main points of the western side, like Misrata/Tripoli and such...

Such "switching of side... may still happen in the future, like the Southern part and the Eastern one till Misrata.

What TR is doing is Supporting the Tribal forces+Militias and Restructuring the Army at her image, via Training/Cadet camps/Exchanges etc... As they are the ultimate loyal forces under an unified doctrine.


Counter offensive in Sirte from Misrata+Sirte's forces reinforcement... Waiting for Sirte final status...

I have read that Sirte is the birthplace of qaddafi and his son and daughter supported haftar.
I have read that Sirte is the birthplace of qaddafi and his son and daughter supported haftar.
Most of the Oil crescent of Libya was pro-Gaddafi even after the revo.
As his Son... he is with whoever give him something...

Haftar is literary playing the old playbook... at the difference that Gaddafi wasn't a puppet at this extent...
Neither Hisar nor Korkut as they aren't ready.

And Sirte (oil) is under LNA now...
The group switched side...

Welcome to Libya... Welcome to Tribal lands... Where Only the ones who look strong survive...

As far as I know, Korkut SPAAG is ready.
Most of the Oil crescent of Libya was pro-Gaddafi even after the revo.
As his Son... he is with whoever give him something...

Haftar is literary playing the old playbook... at the difference that Gaddafi wasn't a puppet at this extent...
Gaddafi was brave guy..
He was stupid/corrupt and overall a leader to never have for the sake of a country...
If you knew Libya at that time... you would have cursed him.
idont mean that he was good for country but he was brave..
Can someone explain what’s the strategic behind supporting Libya against Haftar? How is it related to the sea disputes with Greece and blocking them from building pipelines with other EU countries?
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