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Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

Russia was waiting this oportunity all these years and they got it. The retreat of US army left a big power vacuum that the Russians want to have a part of it(same as Turkey).

France is restrained over it's public image (Political Correctness movement that's growing day by day). Espatially after the retarded announcement of Hafter. And the lack of Manpower that's hurting them.

What i don't understand the most is Italy!! What are they doing? National Security doesn't mean anything to them... Just look how hard Israel is trying to get the Golan hight (and no it's not for some conspiracy theory like "Greater Israel", it's just a big geographique defence asset).

Maybe is just that EU doesn't consider the Russians as a treat...

Turkey need to be careful and not rely on NATO. We'll see how it will turn out for our fragile Economy. The fact that the conflict is growing is the worst that could have happened to us. We need to keep our strength for the EEZ(Political solution with Israel is still the best option).
Russia was waiting this oportunity all these years and they got it. The retreat of US army left a big power vacuum that the Russians want to have a part of it(same as Turkey).

France is restrained over it's public image (Political Correctness movement that's growing day by day). Espatially after the retarded announcement of Hafter. And the lack of Manpower that's hurting them.

What i don't understand the most is Italy!! What are they doing? National Security doesn't mean anything to them... Just look how hard Israel is trying to get the Golan hight (and no it's not for some conspiracy theory like "Greater Israel", it's just a big geographique defence asset).

Maybe is just that EU doesn't consider the Russians as a treat...

Turkey need to be careful and not rely on NATO. We'll see how it will turn out for our fragile Economy. The fact that the conflict is growing is the worst that could have happened to us. We need to keep our strength for the EEZ(Political solution with Israel is still the best option).

Honestly fck Italy. Lets all be honest they were ready to switch sides and support haftar. They are just waiting for the time when to switch sides.

Switching sides is what Italians do best.

Turkey is all alone in Libya in trying to keep a UN recognised government from falling even when the UN is powerless to do anything about it.

Embargo placed in Libya is nothing more than to allow the slaughter of libyans. Embargo is there to strangle the GNA just like what happened to the Bosniaks.
TR should of gone all in a few months back, now it's going to be like Syria, but this time i think TR can make most of the gains and RU can keep the desert areas. The next move by the GNA should be to take Wadi Al Hayaa area ( the oil fields) asap. Deploy 1,000 fighters there with UAV support ASAP. I feel like this won't happen, and when the dust settles Libya will be partitioned and RU/Egypt and friends will control the money maker area of Libya.
Honestly fck Italy. Lets all be honest they were ready to switch sides and support haftar. They are just waiting for the time when to switch sides.

Switching sides is what Italians do best.

Turkey is all alone in Libya in trying to keep a UN recognised government from falling even when the UN is powerless to do anything about it.

Embargo placed in Libya is nothing more than to allow the slaughter of libyans. Embargo is there to strangle the GNA just like what happened to the Bosniaks.

Italy switched to Russia side in WW1 and in WW2 and betrayed Germany.

TR should of gone all in a few months back, now it's going to be like Syria, but this time i think TR can make most of the gains and RU can keep the desert areas. The next move by the GNA should be to take Wadi Al Hayaa area ( the oil fields) asap. Deploy 1,000 fighters there with UAV support ASAP. I feel like this won't happen, and when the dust settles Libya will be partitioned and RU/Egypt and friends will control the money maker area of Libya.

Russia's goal is to let Turkey provide for Tripoli and Misrate. Heavily populated but lacks oil. The same way Turkey does for Bab, Afrin, Idlib. Heavily populated by lacks oil. Russia's strategy is therefore to put more strain on Turkey's economy by providing oil, something Turkey already has shortage of for itself.
Italy switched to Russia side in WW1 and in WW2 and betrayed Germany.

Russia's goal is to let Turkey provide for Tripoli and Misrate. Heavily populated but lacks oil. The same way Turkey does for Bab, Afrin, Idlib. Heavily populated by lacks oil. Russia's strategy is therefore to put more strain on Turkey's economy by providing oil, something Turkey already has shortage of for itself.

You mean the allies of ww1. Italy did not switch due to russia its due to France and the British Empire granting Italy lots of land and a good deal to join their side. Not to mention Italy still had disputes and tensions with Austria-Hungary.

Hence why they stayed neutral when ww1 began then switched sides as the Allies gave them a better deal than the Central Powers.
So LNA did hit a ship:-)...

According to Greek sources the "Hydra" was on its way to participate to Irini..... but will be replaced by the frigate "Spetsai"..... the reason is "damage" on the Hydra with no more details. @Dante80 Any details ?

Η φρεγάτα “ΣΠΕΤΣΑΙ” στην Επιχείρηση IRINI… Γιατί αποχωρεί η “ΥΔΡΑ”;


There was a short article by ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ today regarding this. No mention of "damage" of any sort, but of a mechanical/technical problem. "Hydra" had originally sailed about a fortnight ago.
Italy switched to Russia side in WW1 and in WW2 and betrayed Germany.

Russia's goal is to let Turkey provide for Tripoli and Misrate. Heavily populated but lacks oil. The same way Turkey does for Bab, Afrin, Idlib. Heavily populated by lacks oil. Russia's strategy is therefore to put more strain on Turkey's economy by providing oil, something Turkey already has shortage of for itself.
WTF are you talking about Ivan the Braindead?:cheesy:
First of all Russia was smacked around throughout most of the WW1 with the exception of Brusilov breakthrough and successes against the Ottomans. During WW1 Italy was on Ententes side all along.
Second of all during ww2 Italy fought tooth and nails for Germans from Russia to Tobruk, from Tobruk to Monte Cassino. Mussolini was hanged and new govt had no option but bow to Allies.
Now, if Russia’s goal was to provide Tripoli and Misrata to the Turks, Russia wouldn’t sic HH in April 2019. Didn’t HH visit Moscow few times meeting Putin, Shoygu? Didn’t he land on Russian warship? after US and allies used Hafter against isis and dropped him like a used condom you courted him thinking he’ll push turks and GNA out. Fucking Haftar was defeated by Chad(Chad motherfucker!:lol:) in 80s he is useless as useless get.
And get this- GNA controlled territory has oil fields as well.more than enough for Turks
WTF are you talking about Ivan the Braindead?:cheesy:
First of all Russia was smacked around throughout most of the WW1 with the exception of Brusilov breakthrough and successes against the Ottomans. During WW1 Italy was on Ententes side all along.
Second of all during ww2 Italy fought tooth and nails for Germans from Russia to Tobruk, from Tobruk to Monte Cassino. Mussolini was hanged and new govt had no option but bow to Allies.
Now, if Russia’s goal was to provide Tripoli and Misrata to the Turks, Russia wouldn’t sic HH in April 2019. Didn’t HH visit Moscow few times meeting Putin, Shoygu? Didn’t he land on Russian warship? after US and allies used Hafter against isis and dropped him like a used condom you courted him thinking he’ll push turks and GNA out. Fucking Haftar was defeated by Chad(Chad motherfucker!:lol:) in 80s he is useless as useless get.
And get this- GNA controlled territory has oil fields as well.more than enough for Turks

Russia in ww1 had successes against the Ottomans and the Austro-Hungarians but most of the time they got smacked by Germany.

Mostly the Russian revolution that took them out of the war but yes the defeats it suffered basically meant the soldiers and the civilian population could no longer back the Tsarist government mixed in with food shortages and political upheaval, Russia has all but lost the War what happened next was a revolution and a civil war between the reds and whites.

Pretty much a clusterfck of epic proportions.

British and the French offered Italy lands from the Ottomans and Austro-Hungarian Empire. This included Dalmatia, Istria and parts of Anatolia like Izmir and Antalya. Italy did not join to help Russia as Austin Powers thinks but Italy joining was a welcome move by Russia as it opened up a new front against the Austro-Hungarian Empire that was already crumbling in the Eastern Front and the Balkan Front now they had to face another front in Italy.
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Russia was waiting this oportunity all these years and they got it. The retreat of US army left a big power vacuum that the Russians want to have a part of it(same as Turkey).

France is restrained over it's public image (Political Correctness movement that's growing day by day). Espatially after the retarded announcement of Hafter. And the lack of Manpower that's hurting them.

What i don't understand the most is Italy!! What are they doing? National Security doesn't mean anything to them... Just look how hard Israel is trying to get the Golan hight (and no it's not for some conspiracy theory like "Greater Israel", it's just a big geographique defence asset).

Maybe is just that EU doesn't consider the Russians as a treat...

Turkey need to be careful and not rely on NATO. We'll see how it will turn out for our fragile Economy. The fact that the conflict is growing is the worst that could have happened to us. We need to keep our strength for the EEZ(Political solution with Israel is still the best option).
Same way US military left same way US military will return if we decide to do so. Russia’s presence is not a game changer for US in the region, some of you are so hang up on that notion for some unknown reason.
WTF are you talking about Ivan the Braindead?:cheesy:
First of all Russia was smacked around throughout most of the WW1 with the exception of Brusilov breakthrough and successes against the Ottomans. During WW1 Italy was on Ententes side all along.
Second of all during ww2 Italy fought tooth and nails for Germans from Russia to Tobruk, from Tobruk to Monte Cassino. Mussolini was hanged and new govt had no option but bow to Allies.
Now, if Russia’s goal was to provide Tripoli and Misrata to the Turks, Russia wouldn’t sic HH in April 2019. Didn’t HH visit Moscow few times meeting Putin, Shoygu? Didn’t he land on Russian warship? after US and allies used Hafter against isis and dropped him like a used condom you courted him thinking he’ll push turks and GNA out. Fucking Haftar was defeated by Chad(Chad motherfucker!:lol:) in 80s he is useless as useless get.
And get this- GNA controlled territory has oil fields as well.more than enough for Turks

Can you explain why USA let control our NATO South-East (Syria), East (Ukraine) and South (Libya) flank by Russians?
Can you explain why USA let control our NATO South-East (Syria), East (Ukraine) and South (Libya) flank by Russians?

Russians are European by blood and Christian by faith. EU uses Russia as a counter weight to Erdogan's expansionism, especially in Syria and Libya, which EU considers a threat beyond hostility between Turkey and Cyprus / Greece.
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