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Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

"All the oil fields are controlled by rebels" Are u sure about that good sir :) ?

Unfortunatly the conflict is just rapidly growing Action/Reaction, it looks like they love Hafter after all.

It sounds like a spy thriller - but it is a UN report: According to a media report, western forces should stop Turkish ships off the coast of Libya - and thus support the breakaway general Haftar. In the civil war-torn country of Libya, a secret mission of private forces was apparently in progress - directed from the United Arab Emirates. This emerges from a report from the United Nations, from which the news agencies dpa and Bloomberg quote. Dubious security companies wanted to support the Libyan warlord Chalifa Haftar - and smuggled helicopters and planned attacks on ships in the Mediterranean.
Bericht zu Projekt "Opus": UN enttarnen Geheimprojekt in Libyen | tagesschau.de

Its a short summary (German).

there is a tread about that on Middle East/Africa
All right then, strap in. The following few days will probably set the stage for the Libyan conflict for good, so we can speculate what the endgame will be after that.

Right now everything is muddy, and after seeing what happened in Syria and how the army was ordered to pull back WHILE WINNING I'm not so clear cut on what will happen.

Unfortunately in Turkey clear and decisive military victories, while plentifull, still won't guarantee a better deal on the table.
soon europeans, russian ,iran,usa ,Arabs(saudi uae egypt,syrian etc) will be united aganist Turkey in Libya same as syria ..they are scared that much from sickman of europe..... fck everything but we need to develope weapons otherwise our country in danger..
Why waste one’s time hating the USA when we have the scum nation of Russia.
Isn't wasting of time . US is doing nothing to stop Russia in Syria, look what they are doing now in Libya, and now if you don't stop them in Libya next time they will find another place to establish a base. US is focusing on china and doesn't care about ME (they thing this is a good strategy and middle east isn't important as before but they are wrong).

What make me angry now, is that Russia now can establish a base in Libya not just aircraft base but also a naval base and this is the dangerous part
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Isn't wasting of time . US is doing nothing to stop Russia in Syria, look what they are doing now in Libya, and now if you don't stop them in Libya next time they will find another place to establish a base. US is focusing on china and doesn't care about ME (they thing this is a good strategy and middle east isn't important as before but they are wrong).

What make me angry now, is that Russia now can establish a base in Libya not just aircraft base but also a naval base and this is the dangerous part

Europeans and Americans would rather support Russia just to own the Turks.

Thats their mentality right now.

Russians have always been scumbags and will always be. They are a cancer upon the Turkic World and the Muslims of the Caucasus.
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Don't be impatient. That's when big mistakes happen. We have to rebuild Tripoli, and it's military power and we have to keep supporting them as long as they want it. I just hope they recapture Sirte with all the oilfields.
Guys have you noticed after Trump-Erdogan call the operations has been very slow. UAE has good influence in Trump administration.

Isn't wasting of time . US is doing nothing to stop Russia in Syria, look what they are doing now in Libya, and now if you don't stop them in Libya next time they will find another place to establish a base. US is focusing on china and doesn't care about ME (they thing this is a good strategy and middle east isn't important as before but they are wrong).

What make me angry now, is that Russia now can establish a base in Libya not just aircraft base but also a naval base and this is the dangerous part
It was kinda a figure of speech - Russia is more hatable then USA imo...

According to Greek sources the "Hydra" was on its way to participate to Irini..... but will be replaced by the frigate "Spetsai"..... the reason is "damage" on the Hydra with no more details. @Dante80 Any details ?

Η φρεγάτα “ΣΠΕΤΣΑΙ” στην Επιχείρηση IRINI… Γιατί αποχωρεί η “ΥΔΡΑ”;

Europeans and Americans would rather support Russia just to own the Turks.

Thats their mentality right now.

Russians have always been scumbags and will always be. They are a cancer upon the Turkic World and the Muslims of the Caucasus.
thats exactly my thoughts :tup: there was a time i thoght china is a good alternative but they also turn out to be A.holes
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