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Developing Countries Fighter Aircraft Challenge Western Military Planes

Pakistan and China are in a fairly strong position when compared to other manufacturers in the market and it is because
Cost of platform
Satisfi-cing performance
Complete spectrum armaments and add-ons
Sanctions free
Multiple suppliers of spare parts
Own assembly line

I would disagree with bold part,whats up with one written in red ?
Excellent news!!! You made my day!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!! :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

It is not a news really, it is a comment from an article.
I hope this comes to be true but will have to move forward a long long way to achieve this.. In today's situation it will be IMPOSSIBLE
JF 17 is third grade plane and china will never gives Pakistan j-31 neither share anything of it.
Russia and other countries will only the option for Pakistan.
Pakistan soon realized this fact is better for future.
Should co-operate with china in every field and develop their knowledge. BUT China, i wont say anything.
JF 17 is third grade plane and china will never gives Pakistan j-31 neither share anything of it.
Russia and other countries will only the option for Pakistan.
Pakistan soon realized this fact is better for future.
Should co-operate with china in every field and develop their knowledge. BUT China, i wont say anything.

you first say something then negate yourself in the next sentence.

but thanks for not saying anything about china
Yes, lets argue about what pakistan should buy even though we are just people sitting on our laptops
JF 17 is third grade plane and china will never gives Pakistan j-31 neither share anything of it.
Russia and other countries will only the option for Pakistan.
Pakistan soon realized this fact is better for future.
Should co-operate with china in every field and develop their knowledge. BUT China, i wont say anything.
Say what?o_Oo_O
on one hand they are building that good for nothing F-35 and on the other hand they are scrapping their A-10 fleet and as far as i have heard,A-10 is a good fighter jet.
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