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Developed cancer drug for 'western patients' who could afford, not 'for Indians': Bayer's CEO

IG-Farben Todays Bayen is also inventor of Zyklon-B, the toxic chemical used to kill millions in gas chambers of concentration camps so its not a surprise something like this coming from its CEO .

This comment is full out retarded...why do you think they should share their work for free in India, or any other country, for that matter? And if they don;t, you equal them with nazis..

Basic point is this: fame and fortune drive innovation. This is how the world works. Bayer needs to make as much profit as it can from this product in order to cover their R&D costs (and the R&D costs for the other dozen or so projects who didn't materialize in a consumer product that could bring a profit), and still retain the incentive to start working on other drugs.

And while is true that this companies bring a lot of profit (which could be lowered), the best solution, IMHO, is for national states to subsidy the costs for the population
This comment is full out retarded...why do you think they should share their work for free in India, or any other country, for that matter? And if they don;t, you equal them with nazis..

Basic point is this: fame and fortune drive innovation. This is how the world works. Bayer needs to make as much profit as it can from this product in order to cover their R&D costs (and the R&D costs for the other dozen or so projects who didn't materialize in a consumer product that could bring a profit), and still retain the incentive to start working on other drugs.

And while is true that this companies bring a lot of profit (which could be lowered), the best solution, IMHO, is for national states to subsidy the costs for the population
imao...best solution is to produce generic drugs...people can buy with their own money no need of subsidies...
cry as you like... nothing will stop us...we will work towards making these life saving drugs affordable to all!

Not only for Indians, but for people around the world who cannot afford the drug.

Indian generics played a key role in decrease in AIDS across the world.

On topic...The CEO's comment was racial.
How about you people do some research and help the world....instead of waiting for your betters to do it and stealing.

Indians Pharma companies have increased their share in R&D. Just check R&D statistics in Pharmaceutical industry

Why not think of people who are dying because they cannot afford the price. Anyway, Bayers customers are from western countries, where India cannot export these generics. So what is loss to Bayers unless they are looking India as a market.
This comment is full out retarded...why do you think they should share their work for free in India, or any other country, for that matter? And if they don;t, you equal them with nazis..

Basic point is this: fame and fortune drive innovation. This is how the world works. Bayer needs to make as much profit as it can from this product in order to cover their R&D costs (and the R&D costs for the other dozen or so projects who didn't materialize in a consumer product that could bring a profit), and still retain the incentive to start working on other drugs.

And while is true that this companies bring a lot of profit (which could be lowered), the best solution, IMHO, is for national states to subsidy the costs for the population

WHy are you hurt so bard after learning the history lesson ma ??

FYI i will repost my example which you missed . These Pharma companies are doing ever greening which we will not allow .

And old comment by some author on similar issue ( Regarding Novartis Gleevac in India )

"It will be portrayed in Media as if a valid patent has been trampled upon by Indian court. However, that is not the case. The drug patent HAS expired. The company benefited immensely from drug with worldwide sales of around 8.5 bn usd just last year. Given this is a cash cow for company, it has made a slight modification to the drug by adding another ingredient whose effectiveness has not been demonstrated and is trying to add another 20 years of monopoly. In fact, in western countries it has introduced another drug to replace Gleevac.
Irony is, the new patent will not cover just the new drug but the old compound as well. So the generic company cannot manufacture the old drug which is past the patent period!
Another glimmick is the huge RnD costs involved. Well science is not a bucket case in today's world. In whole wide world, the various universities, most of them public funded ones keep researching on new drug possiblities and line of action mechanisms. These research published in well known publications are used as a ground to develop new drugs. In short, it is the whole world, more so the western world, funding the research and not just a particular company. For a company to claim such strange monopoly by patent laws, they actually need to have people with no prior education and no access to common knowledge pool of humanity and still they will have a prior art manifestation in their hands.
The propoganda of patent is getting more absurd by the day. A tool to protect the poor innovator is now a giant shield for the most powerful and a sword to kill. Literally in this case."

Also @Declein Bayen can make some More Zyklon-B from Assad and other dictators to recover some money . After all It is all fame and profit driven .
In other words, let them loot the Western customers. Screw those western patients - their 'life' doesn't matter.
im a doctor sir, for me or for that matter any doctor wouldn't want the patient( irrespective of nationalities) to die bcos of not being able to afford the drug...
im a doctor sir, for me or for that matter any doctor wouldn't want the patient( irrespective of nationalities) to die bcos of not being able to afford the drug...

Some people's uncontrolled pheromones take them over, especially when it comes to India.

Then it is no longer about the issue itself, whatever the issue may be.
who cares what this a$$hole says,Indian companies will definately make the cheaper generic drug. ;)
im a doctor sir, for me or for that matter any doctor wouldn't want the patient( irrespective of nationalities) to die bcos of not being able to afford the drug...

It's a matter of plain economics.

Drug companies invest billions into R&D and into decades of clinical trials (despite uninformed claims by random people on forums). I know, because I used to work for Bristol-Myers Squibb in the US. These companies need to recoup their costs, amortize them over failed projects, and make a profit. That's how business works, and that's why new medicines come from the evil capitalist West. There is no "committee of comrades" allocating development funds from an international pool and apportioning benefits "to each according to his need".

If drug companies sell X amount to Western customers at price Y, they will generate revenue X*Y.
If they can sell an additional amount A to developing countries at price B, they will generate additional revenue A*B.
So, their total revenue R = X*Y + A*B.

Now, assuming X and R remain constant, I will leave it for you to see how Y depends on A and B.
It's a matter of plain economics.

Drug companies invest billions into R&D and into decades of clinical trials (despite uninformed claims by random people on forums). I know, because I used to work for Bristol-Myers Squibb in the US. These companies need to recoup their costs, amortize them over failed projects, and make a profit. That's how business works, and that's why new medicines come from the evil capitalist West. There is no "committee of comrades" allocating development funds from an international pool and apportioning benefits "to each according to his need".

If drug companies sell X amount to Western customers at price Y, they will generate revenue X*Y.
If they can sell an additional amount A to developing countries at price B, they will generate additional revenue A*B.
So, their total revenue R = X*Y + A*B.

Now, assuming X remains constant, I will leave it for you to see how Y depends on A and B.

Agreed that's why ever Country ( Including India ) gives them 20 years worth of free run . After thats its an open market .
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