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Developed cancer drug for 'western patients' who could afford, not 'for Indians': Bayer's CEO

at best their should be a time bound patent for a max. of 5 years...to recover their r&d money...

In other words, let them loot the Western customers. Screw those western patients - their 'life' doesn't matter.
now u r talking....thats the way forward...
denying some one won't do any good!
I live in El Paso, TX. When I need expensive drugs I go to Mexico. I don't deny that the cost of development is huge...but most who need the meds can't afford it. A way must be found to cover development cost while providing affordable health care to those who need it.
I live in El Paso, TX. When I need expensive drugs I go to Mexico. I don't deny that the cost of development is huge...but most who need the meds can't afford it. A way must be found to cover development cost while providing affordable health care to those who need it.
see their is a drug called ceftriaxone...my medico frnds here would know...
most commonly used atleast in my part of the world as a prophylactic antibiotic...
rocephin is its brand name.... it costs 79$ per 1gm vial....
but in india the generic drug called monocef costs you 58INR i.e approx 95 cents per 1 gm vial...
look at the difference....u may r&d costs included...this drug in present since a decade atleast...and one of the commonly used drugs in hospitals... dont you think they wouldve recoverd their invested money long back???
The monopoly power of these Pharma companies needs to be broken. They have made the Western politicians their poodle with their money power and millions of people across the world are paying for that.

It is immoral and needs to be broken. Even the Westerners are suffering due to the greed of these leeches, the poor are unfortunately paying with their lives.

And the exorbitant drug prices are not due to R&D costs. Anyone who says that doesn't know the facts.

Indian generic companies have saved hundreds of thousands of lives in India and other developing countries, they should continue doing the good work within the legal framework. Many Westerners also realize the immorality of giving these leeches the extended monopoly over people's lives.
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see their is a drug called ceftriaxone...my medico frnds here would know...
most commonly used atleast in my part of the world as a prophylactic antibiotic...
rocephin is its brand name.... it costs 79$ per 1gm vial....
but in india the generic drug called monocef costs you 58INR i.e approx 95 cents per 1 gm vial...
look at the difference....u may r&d costs included...this drug in present since a decade atleast...and one of the commonly used drugs in hospitals... dont you think they wouldve recoverd their invested money long back???

Monocef... For 58 INR.. A big lol to that....
Thats the retail price..
The retailer gets it at abour 20INR....
many of my chinese friends have asked me to buy them one or other anti cancer medicines from here. the medicines are 10 times cheaper than in china.
I agree that the prices need to be brought in line (I am not rich). But what the companies claim....that innovation will wither without the promise of riches is true too. A new system needs to be put in place. A international fund for development....along with price controls...may work. Inject plenty of cash at the top with little concern for immediate return...and low cost availability. In the end....the governments would get returns in savings on medical care and longer-living productive citizens.
I agree that the prices need to be brought in line (I am not rich). But what the companies claim....that innovation will wither without the promise of riches is true too. A new system needs to be put in place. A international fund for development....along with price controls...may work. Inject plenty of cash at the top with little concern for immediate return...and low cost availability. In the end....the governments would get returns in savings on medical care and longer-living productive citizens.
You should read this
Crucially, India broke no rules. Its verdicts are allowable under TRIPS – it's just that no country had previously dared try it.

Patent wars: has India taken on Big Pharma and won? | Guardian Sustainable Business | Guardian Professional
Many times the basic research that generates these fabulous monopoly profits has not been done by these companies but is public funded in universities.

And of course, the marketing spend of these companies is several times the R&D spend.
I agree that the prices need to be brought in line (I am not rich). But what the companies claim....that innovation will wither without the promise of riches is true too. A new system needs to be put in place. A international fund for development....along with price controls...may work. Inject plenty of cash at the top with little concern for immediate return...and low cost availability. In the end....the governments would get returns in savings on medical care and longer-living productive citizens.

Completely agreed . Plus the number of years a company can keep the patent . Imagine how many million lives would have been lost if Edward Jenner would have patented smallpox cure or many much things after him . Their need to be balance in Profit and cost . You cannot drive the cost so much that people should die or be buried in debt to get by .
I agree that the prices need to be brought in line (I am not rich). But what the companies claim....that innovation will wither without the promise of riches is true too. A new system needs to be put in place. A international fund for development....along with price controls...may work. Inject plenty of cash at the top with little concern for immediate return...and low cost availability. In the end....the governments would get returns in savings on medical care and longer-living productive citizens.
What you said is absolutely true for America...
But for India, i dont think we are financially rich to waste lot of money for R&D...
Our main preference is to get cheap drugs with quality and I am sure lot of third world countries will survive because of this...
If India is doing something against global policies, Foreign countries are more than welcome at WTO...
Many times the basic research that generates these fabulous monopoly profits has not been done by these companies but is public funded in universities.

And of course, the marketing spend of these companies is several times the R&D spend.
That is true. Should the companies share those profits with publicly-funded university programs that they benefit from?

What you said is absolutely true for America...
But for India, i dont think we are financially rich to waste lot of money for R&D...
Our main preference is to get cheap drugs with quality and I am sure lot of third world countries will survive because of this...
If India is doing something against global policies, Foreign countries are more than welcome at WTO...
I am a fervent defender of patents and intellectual rights. But when it comes to medicine....surely a life is more important than your Mercedes payment. I have a hard time getting worked up about a nation helping the poor to survive.
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